Re: Appointment: 14apr08, 10 AM Pacific -- Admin Iteam Meeting ...

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 10:51:27 -0700

Is it possible to also add that multimode command is not available for
this release (TP2)?

Byron Nevins wrote:

> Output when DAS is reachable:
> C:\gf\v3\admin\cli>asadmin
> *****************************************************************
> **** ****
> **** Welcome to GlassFish v3 - Technology Preview 2 ****
> **** ****
> *****************************************************************
> To start the server, do one of the following:
> * From the <as-install>/bin directory, run the startserv command.
> * Type this command:
> asadmin start-domain
> To get help for the asadmin utility, type this command:
> asadmin help
> To get help for a specific asadmin command, type this command:
> asadmin <command> --help
> The following commands are available:
> ********** Local Commands **********
> backup-domain
> create-domain
> delete-domain
> introduction
> list-commands
> list-domains
> restore-domain
> start-database
> start-domain
> stop-database
> stop-domain
> ********** Remote Commands **********
> add-resources deploydir
> create-auth-realm disable
> create-file-user enable
> create-http-listener list-applications
> create-jdbc-connection-pool list-auth-realms
> create-jdbc-resource list-commands
> create-jvm-options list-components
> create-profiler list-containers
> create-resource-ref list-file-users
> create-ssl list-http-listeners
> create-system-properties list-jdbc-connection-pools
> create-virtual-server list-jdbc-resources
> delete-auth-realm list-jvm-options
> delete-file-user list-modules
> delete-http-listener list-resource-refs
> delete-jdbc-connection-pool list-system-properties
> delete-jdbc-resource list-virtual-servers
> delete-jvm-options ping-connection-pool
> delete-profiler redeploy
> delete-resource-ref stop-domain
> delete-ssl undeploy
> delete-system-property update-file-user
> delete-virtual-server version
> deploy
> Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
>> We'll have our regular i-team meeting this
>> morning at 10.00 AM.
>> Agenda:
>> - Few announcements (Kedar - 10 minutes)
>> - Doc update (Paul - 10 minutes)
>> - QA update (Sankar - 10 minutes)
>> - Bug discussion (All - 10 minutes)
>> -- We should finalize the bugs that we have to,
>> have to, fix. We should not fix any bugs that
>> may result in instability. Fixing bugs for
>> TP-2 after tonight is extremely hard, anyway.
>> - Open MIC.
>> Dial-in:
>> 866)545-5227 (US Toll-Free)
>> (865)673-6950 (International-Caller Paid)
>> Access Code: 3535518#
>> Regards,
>> Kedar
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