Hi Ken, thanks for the reply.
I suspect that issue is related to "
java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name
LocalStrings, locale en_US " I was having yesterday.
I have testes the workaround, but it didn't work. Look at what I have done:
$ pwd
$ ./asadmin undeploy admingui
$ kill PID (glassfish process)
$ rm -f ../modules/console-certmanager-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
$ ./startserv
I have moved 2 JSF and 2 classes to admingui/core structure,
including src/main/resources/META-INF/admingui/console-config.xml
$ mvn clean
$ mvn -U install
$ ./asadmin deploy path/to/v3/admingui/war/target/admingui.war
Looking at server.log, looks like the certmanager-plugin is not
being loaded. It doesn't show up at admin console.
For the MissingResourceException I will write messages directly at
Strings.properties from admingui/core, this will solve this issue.
But the other one, I have no clue. I will keep trying, but if you
have another tip, please help me.
Claudio Miranda
On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 5:10 PM, Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_sun.com> wrote:
> Hi Claudio!
> Just saw your email, sorry I missed it until now.
> You are doing the right thing... and this should work. :) However, you've
> caught up to where we are in our plugin support. The problem is that we
> have some classloader issues with finding / invoking Java code in plugin
> modules. I got as far as correctly registering and instantiating the
> handler classes, however, the handler is unable to resolve dependencies
> correctly inside our web application (i.e. HandlerContext). So I have not
> yet committed my changes. We're going to make more of the admin gui into
> HK2 modules so they can be resolved by other modules (i.e. plugin modules).
> I am waiting on support for Jerome for this, which I think will come very
> soon... I will keep you posted.
> In the meantime so that you can continue your development / testing, you
> can move your files into the admingui/core/src/main/java/... area. The
> @Handler files in this directory will work.
> I hope this helps!
> Ken
> P.S. Anything relating to Handlers / .jsf files / etc, feel free to copy
> the dev_at_jsftemplating email alias... it gets my attention faster. ;)
Claudio Miranda