Re: bug status

From: Lloyd L Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 21:25:44 -0700


Yes, not the same, but very similar API. I've chosen a method
convenient for use in a programmatic client or a command line CLI or

There is support for add/remove/replace via, and this will work
with *any* anonymous non-singleton elements like JVMOptions (jvm-
options) and any future ones of that kind.

(anonymous non-singleton elements look like this: <option-name>blah
blah blah</option-name>)

You can (optionally) make the first element of the array be the command.

NOTE: ConfigBean layer is broken right now for removing items, but
it's coded at the AMX level. I think Jerome will fix this soon.

(these apply to any anonymous non-singleton elements that are
List<String> at the ConfigBeanProxy layer, not just JVMOptions (jvm-

import static com.sun.appserv.managment.CollectionOp.*;

// To REMOVE the two options "-Dfoo-bar" and "-client":
     setJVMOptions( new String[] { COLLECTION_OP_REMOVE, "-Dfoo=bar",
"-client"} );

// To ADD option "-Dfoo-bar" (without affecting any others):
     setJVMOptions( new String[] { COLLECTION_OP_ADD, "-
Dfoo=bar" } ); // explicit add via command
     setJVMOptions( new String[] { C"-Dfoo=bar" } ); // implicit "add
if not already present", nothing removed

// To REPLACE all existing options with these new ones:
     setJVMOptions( new String[] { COLLECTION_OP_REPLACE, "-Dfoo=bar",
"-client"} );

To replicate the existing V2 behavior exactly you must insert
'COLLECTION_OP_REPLACE' as the first element of the array:

final String[] allTheOptionsIWant = new String[]
config.setJVMOptions( allTheOptionsIWant );


On Apr 21, 2008, at 5:22 PM, Anissa Lam wrote:

> Lloyd L Chambers wrote:
>> Anissa,
>> Regarding bugs #4492 and #4819—
>> The problem is not easy; it requires special handling, and it's
>> very awkward to deal with in light of being both generic and
>> transactional. It's going to take several days to work out the
>> right way to handle it, even for the specific case of JVMOptions.
>> Anissa are you open to converting to this API instead?
> This is fine with me. I assume that the same API will be used to
> get the JVM Options of the profiler.
> thanks
> Anissa.
>> Ex:
>> javaConfig.createSingleValueElement( "jvm-options", "" );
>> javaConfig.createSingleValueElement( "jvm-options", "" );
>> final String[] allJVMOptions =
>> javaConfig.getSingleValueElements( "jvm-options" );
>> public interface SingleValueElementSupport {
>> /** Create a single-value element (eg <jvm-options>) of the
>> specified element type with the specified value. */
>> void createSingleValueElement( final String elementType, final
>> String value );
>> /** Remove a single-value element (eg <jvm-options>) of the
>> specified element type with the specified value.*/
>> String removeSingleValueElement( final String elementType,
>> final String value);
>> /** Get the values of all single-valued elements of the specified
>> element type.*/
>> String[] getSingleValueElements( final String elementType );
>> /** Return the element types for all single-valued elements */
>> String[] getSingleValueElementTypes();
>> }
>> Lloyd
>> On Apr 21, 2008, at 11:37 AM, Lloyd L Chambers wrote:
>>> I am working on them today.
>>> I am hoping for TP2, but the two bugs involve design issues, not
>>> just simple bug fixes.
>>> Lloyd
>> ---
>> Lloyd L Chambers
>> Sun Microsystems, Inc

Lloyd L Chambers
Sun Microsystems, Inc