-- Paul Davies, Senior Technical Writer, Sun Microsystems, Inc. http://blogs.sun.com/techscribe/
Upgrading a JBI component replaces a service engine or a binding component with a different version of the component. Upgrading a JBI component enables you to replace the component without the need to redeploy any service assemblies that are already deployed. You may upgrade to a later version or an earlier version of the component.
If the component that you are upgrading implements the upgrade method, the component obtains the paths to the directories of the previously installed version and the replacement version. This information enables the component to perform additional processing, for example, creating and deleting database tables.
Note - An upgrade to a JBI component applies to all targets. In domains that are configured to support clusters, you cannot upgrade a component on only a subset of available targets.
You can upgrade a component only if the component name remains unchanged after the upgrade. The component name is defined in the JBI metadata of the component archive.
Ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
The component that you are upgrading is shut down.
You have the location of the archive file that contains the replacement version of the component.
In domains that are configured to support clusters, all targets where the component is installed are started.
The Components page opens.
The Upgrade Component page opens.
After a successful upgrade, the directories of the previously installed version are deleted.
The replacement version of a component might not work with previously deployed Service Assemblies when the component is started after an upgrade. In this situation, perform the following sequence of operations to upgrade the component:
If the archive file of the replacement version is inconsistent with the archive file of the original version, the upgrade fails. If an upgrade fails, the directories of the replacement version are deleted.
This page provides information about the installed Shared Libraries that this component requires. The information Includes the name of the Shared Library and a brief description.
The Components tab provides information about the components that require the selected Shared Library. The information includes the name of the component, the component type and a brief description.
The Service Unit General Information page opens. This page provides the following information about the selected service unit:
The name of the Service Unit
A brief description of the Service Unit
The name of the Service Assembly to which the Service Unit belongs
The Target Component of the Service Assembly
The Descriptor tab displays the contents of the descriptor file (jbi.xml) for Service Assemblies, Service Units, JBI components, and Shared Libraries. This file provides the following information:
Service Assemblies: Lists the Service Units contained in the Service Assembly and the target for each Service Unit. Some Service Units may also show information on connection endpoints.
Service Units: Indicates whether the Target Component of the containing Service Assembly is a binding component.
JBI components: Lists the type of the JBI component (Binding Component or Service Engine), a description of the component, information about relevant classpaths for the component, and the name of any Shared Libraries upon which it depends.
Shared Libraries: Lists the name of the Shared Library, and the names of the archive files (.jar files) or class file subdirectories it contains.