GlassFish V2 Admin Team Meeting Minutes, 09jul07

From: Sreenivas Munnangi <Sreenivas.Munnangi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2007 19:40:53 -0700

        GlassFish V2 Admin Team Meeting Minutes


Present: Sreeni, Jane, Paul, Sankar, Kedar, Yifeng

Discussion Summary:

    * Responding to Judy's question, Kedar mentioned that no new
      features are being done for FCS. Bug# 6505045 related to disk
      space is being fixed which will need QA support.
    * Paul is on track to get the bundled docs reviewed during
      16-20jul07. All the teams (docs, qa and development) will review
      the bundled docs simultaneously and provide comments using
      external wiki instead of filing bugs. Paul will send email with
      specific details. For review of docs by external community, Paul
      will make sure that the GlassFish bundle will include the
      apprpriate version of docs.
    * To appraise the team about N1 SPS plugin and its features, Jane
      will make a presentation at next iTeam meeting on 16jul07. This
      will also help determine the QA/Docs support.
    * Sankar wanted to know the correct behavior and reminded that the
      bug# 6570976 be resolved. Kedar will discuss with George and work
      on resolving the bug.
    * Sreeni informed the team about future topics including CLI
      commands review by Prashanth, CLI framework presentation by Jane,
      SPECJ presentation by Scott, SWAP discussion by Vijay, and
      Engineering discussions.
