Re: Please review: changes to asadmin help man page

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 11:51:43 -0700

Hi Paul,

Thanks for updating the help manpage.
One question, is it possible to identify the commands for supported
For example, clustering commands are not available in the developer profile.


Paul Davies wrote:

> Hi,
> While fixing a bug against the asadmin help man page, I discovered
> that a number of asadmin commands were missing from this page.
> I have modified the page to add the missing commands. Please review
> the changes to ensure that I have not erroneously added any commands.
> The man page is attached in PDF and text formats. In the PDF version,
> the additions are marked with change bars.
> Deadline for reviews is 12 midday Pacific Time, Friday June 1. If I
> do not receive a reply by then, I will assume that this man page is OK.
> Thank you.
>User Commands help(1)
> help - displays the asadmin utility commands
> help [command_name]
> command_name [--help | -?]
> The help command displays a list of all the asadmin utility
> commands. Specify the command to display the usage informa-
> tion for that command. To display the manpage of each com-
> mand, use the syntax: asadmin command_name --help | -? or
> asadmin help command_name
> The following is a list of all the asadmin utility commands:
> add-resources
> registers the resource in the specified XML file
> apply-http-lb-changes
> applies load balancer configuration changes to the load
> balancer
> backup-domain
> performs a backup on the domain
> change-admin-password
> changes the administrator password
> change-master-password
> changes the master password
> clear-ha-store
> deletes tables in the HA database
> configure-ha-cluster
> configures an existing cluster to be High Availability
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 1
>User Commands help(1)
> configure-ha-persistence
> enables configuration of parameters related to session
> persistence
> configure-http-lb-config
> creates, configures, and exports a load balancer confi-
> guration
> configure-lb-weight
> sets load balancing weights for clustered instances
> configure-webservice-management
> sets the monitoring or maxhistory or attributes of a
> deployed webservice
> copy-config
> copies an existing configuration to create a new confi-
> guration
> create-admin-object
> adds the administered object with the specified JNDI
> name
> create-application-ref
> creates a reference to an application
> create-audit-module
> creates an audit module for the optional plugin module
> create-auth-realm
> adds the named authorized realm
> create-cluster
> creates a cluster
> create-connector-connection-pool
> adds a connection pool with the specified connection
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 2
>User Commands help(1)
> pool name
> create-connector-resource
> registers the resource with the specified JNDI name
> create-connector-security-map
> creates or modifies a security map for the named connec-
> tor connection pool
> create-custom-resource
> registers the custom resource
> create-domain
> creates a domain with the specified name
> create-file-user
> creates a new file user
> create-ha-store
> creates tables in HA database that are used by HA clus-
> ter
> create-http-health-checker
> creates a health-checker for a specified load balancer
> configuration
> create-http-lb
> creates a load balancer
> create-http-lb-config
> creates a configuration for the load balancer
> create-http-lb-ref
> add an existing cluster or server instance to an exist-
> ing load balancer configuration
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 3
>User Commands help(1)
> create-http-listener
> adds a new HTTP listener socket
> create-iiop-listener
> adds the IIOP listener
> create-instance
> creates an instance with the given name
> create-javamail-resource
> registers the Javamail resource
> create-jdbc-connection-pool
> registers the JDBC connection pool
> create-jdbc-resource
> registers the JDBC resource
> create-jms-host
> creates a JMS host
> create-jms-resource
> registers the JMS resource
> create-jmsdest
> adds the named destination
> create-jndi-resource
> registers the JNDI resource
> create-jvm-options
> creates the JVM options from the Java configuration or
> profiler elements
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 4
>User Commands help(1)
> create-lifecycle-module
> adds a lifecycle module
> create-management-rule
> creates a new management rule
> create-mbean
> creates and registers a custom MBean
> create-message-security-provider
> enables administrators to create the message-security-
> config and provider-config sub-elements for the security
> service in domain.xml
> create-node-agent-config
> adds a new unbound node agent to a domain
> create-node-agent
> creates a node agent and its associated directory struc-
> ture
> create-password-alias
> creates a password alias
> create-persistence-resource
> registers the persistence resource
> create-profiler
> creates the profiler element
> create-resource-adapter-config
> creates the resource adapter Java bean
> create-resource-ref
> creates a reference to a resource
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 5
>User Commands help(1)
> create-service
> configures the starting of a DAS or node agent on an
> unattended boot
> create-ssl
> creates the SSL element in the HTTP listener or IIOP
> listener
> create-system-properties
> adds or updates one or more system properties of the
> domain, configuration, cluster, or server instance
> create-threadpool
> creates the thread pool
> create-transformation-rule
> creates transformation rule for a deployed web service
> create-virtual-server
> adds the named virtual server
> delete-admin-object
> removes the administered object with the specified JNDI
> name
> delete-application-ref
> removes a reference to an application
> delete-audit-module
> deletes the audit-module for the optional plugin module
> delete-auth-realm
> removes the named authorized realm
> delete-cluster
> deletes a cluster
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 6
>User Commands help(1)
> delete-config
> deletes an existing configuration
> delete-connector-connection-pool
> removes the specified connection pool
> delete-connector-resource
> removes the named resource connector
> delete-connector-security-map
> deletes the named security map
> delete-custom-resource
> removes the custom resource
> delete-domain
> deletes the given domain
> delete-file-user
> removes the named file user
> delete-http-health-checker
> deletes a health-checker for a specified load balancer
> configuration
> delete-http-lb
> deletes a load balancer
> delete-http-lb-config
> deletes a load balancer configuration
> delete-http-lb-ref
> deletes the cluster or server instance from a load
> balancer configuration
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 7
>User Commands help(1)
> delete-http-listener
> removes the HTTP listener
> delete-iiop-listener
> removes the IIOP listener
> delete-instance
> deletes the instance that is not running
> delete-javamail-resource
> removes the Javamail resource
> delete-jdbc-connection-pool
> removes the JDBC connection pool
> delete-jdbc-resource
> removes the JDBC resource
> delete-jms-host
> removes a JMS host
> delete-jms-resource
> removes the JMS resource
> delete-jmsdest
> destroys the named destination
> delete-jndi-resource
> removes the JNDI resource
> delete-jvm-options
> deletes the JVM options from the Java configuration or
> profiler elements
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 8
>User Commands help(1)
> delete-lifecycle-module
> removes the lifecycle module
> delete-management-rule
> deletes a specified management rule
> delete-mbean
> deletes a custom MBean
> delete-message-security-provider
> enables administrators to delete a provider-config sub-
> element for the given message layer (message-security-
> config element of domain.xml)
> delete-node-agent-config
> removes a node agent from a domain
> delete-node-agent
> deletes the node agent and its associated directory
> structure
> delete-password-alias
> deletes a password alias
> delete-persistence-resource
> removes the persistence resource
> delete-profiler
> deletes the profiler element
> delete-resource-adapter-config
> deletes the resource adapter Java bean
> delete-resource-ref
> removes a reference to a resource
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 9
>User Commands help(1)
> delete-ssl
> deletes the ssl element from the HTTP listener or IIOP
> listener
> delete-system-property
> removes one or more system properties of the domain,
> configuration, cluster, or server instance
> delete-threadpool
> deletes the thread pool
> delete-transformation-rule
> deletes the transformation rule of a given web service
> delete-virtual-server
> deletes the virtual server with the named virtual server
> ID
> deploy-jbi-service-assembly
> deploys a service assembly into the JBI environment
> deploy
> deploys the specified component
> deploydir
> deploys the component that is in the specified direc-
> tory, located in the domain application server
> disable-http-lb-server
> disables a sever or cluster managed by a load balancer
> disable-http-lb-application
> disables an application managed by a load balancer
> disable
> stops the specified, deployed component
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 10
>User Commands help(1)
> display-error-distribution
> displays distribution of errors from instance server.log
> at module level
> display-error-statistics
> displays a summary list of severities and warnings
> display-log-records
> displays all the error messages for a given module at a
> given timestamp
> enable-http-lb-application
> enables a previously-disabled application managed by a
> load balancer
> enable-http-lb-server
> enables a previously disabled sever or cluster managed
> by a load balancer
> enable
> runs the specified, deployed component
> export-http-lb-config
> exports the load balancer configuration to a file that
> can be used by the load balancer
> export
> marks a variable name for automatic export to the
> environment of subsequent commands in multimode
> flush-jmsdest
> purges the messages in a JMS destination
> freeze-transaction-service
> immobilizes the named transaction service
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 11
>User Commands help(1)
> generate-diagnostic-report
> generates reports that can help diagnose application
> server malfunctioning
> generate-jvm-report
> shows the threads, classes and memory for a given target
> instance
> get-client-stubs
> gets the stubs of the client
> get-hadb-info
> gets the HADB database attributes
> get
> gets the values of the monitorable or configurable
> attributes
> get-health
> provides information on the cluster health
> help
> displays a list of all the commands available in the
> command-line interface
> install-jbi-component
> installs a service engine or binding component into the
> JBI environment
> install-jbi-shared-library
> installs a shared library into the JBI environment
> is-hadb-installed
> reports on whether the HADB is installed and is accessi-
> ble
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 12
>User Commands help(1)
> jms-ping
> checks to see if the JMS provider is running
> list-admin-objects
> lists all the administered objects
> list-application-refs
> lists all application references in a cluster or
> unclustered server instance
> list-audit-modules
> lists the audit modules
> list-auth-realms
> lists the authorized realms
> list-backups
> lists all backups and restores
> list-clusters
> lists the existing clusters
> list-components
> lists deployed components
> list-configs
> lists all existing configurations
> list-connection-groups
> gets the connection groups
> list-connector-connection-pools
> gets all the connection pools
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 13
>User Commands help(1)
> list-connector-resources
> gets all the connector resources
> list-connector-security-maps
> lists the security maps for the connector connection
> pool
> list-custom-resources
> gets all the custom resources
> list-domains
> lists the domains in the given domains directory
> list-file-groups
> lists the file groups
> list-file-users
> lists the file users
> list-http-lb-configs
> lists load balancer configurations
> list-http-lbs
> lists load balancers
> list-http-listeners
> gets the HTTP listeners
> list-iiop-listeners
> gets the IIOP listeners
> list-instances
> lists all the instances in the server
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 14
>User Commands help(1)
> list-javamail-resources
> gets all the Javamail resources
> list-jdbc-connection-pools
> registers the JDBC connection pool
> list-jdbc-resources
> gets all the JDBC resources
> list-jbi-binding-components
> lists the binding components installed on the specified
> target
> list-jbi-service-assemblies
> lists the service assemblies installed into the JBI
> environment
> list-jbi-service-engines
> lists the service engines installed on the specified
> target
> list-jbi-shared-libraries
> lists the JBI shared libraries that are installed into
> the JBI environment
> list-jms-hosts
> lists the existing JMS hosts
> list-jms-resources
> gets all the JMS resources
> list-jmsdest
> gets all the named destinations
> list-jndi-entries
> gets all the named destinations, browses and queries the
> JNDI tree
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 15
>User Commands help(1)
> list-jndi-resources
> gets all the JNDI resources
> list-lifecycle-modules
> gets the lifecycle modules
> list-management-rules
> lists the management rules created using the create-
> management-rule command
> list-mbeans
> lists the custom mbeans for a given target server
> instance
> list-message-security-providers
> enables administrators to list all security message pro-
> viders (provider-config sub-elements) for the given mes-
> sage layer (message-security-config element of
> domain.xml)
> list-node-agents
> lists the node agents along with their status
> list-password-aliases
> lists all password aliases
> list-persistence-resources
> gets all the persistence resources
> list-registry-locations
> returns list of configured web service registry access
> points
> list-resource-adapter-configs
> lists the resource adapters configured in an instance
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 16
>User Commands help(1)
> list-resource-refs
> lists the existing resource references
> list-shared-libraries
> lists the shared libraries installed into the JBI
> environment
> list-sub-components
> lists EJBs or Servlets in a deployed module or in a
> module of a deployed application
> list-system-properties
> lists the system properties of the domain, configura-
> tion, cluster, or server instance
> list-threadpools
> lists the thread pools
> list-timers
> lists all of the timers owned by server instance(s)
> list-transformation-rules
> lists all the transformation rules of a given webservice
> list-virtual-servers
> gets the virtual servers
> list
> lists the configurable elements and provides the fully
> qualified dotted names of the management components that
> have read-only or modifiable attributes
> login
> lets you log in to a domain
> migrate-timers
> moves a timer when a server instance stops
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 17
>User Commands help(1)
> monitor
> displays monitoring data for commonly-used Application
> Server components
> multimode
> allows you to execute multiple commands while returning
> environment settings and remaining in the asadmin util-
> ity
> ping-connection-pool
> tests if a connection pool is usable
> ping-hadb-agent
> reports whether an HADB Management Agent can be communi-
> cated with
> publish-to-registry
> publishes all the web service artifacts to registries
> recover-transactions
> manually recovers pending transactions
> remove-ha-cluster
> returns an HA cluster to non-HA status
> restart-hadb
> stops and starts the specified HADB database
> restart
> restarts the database
> restore-domain
> restores files from backup
> rollback-transaction
> rolls back the named transaction
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 18
>User Commands help(1)
> set-hadb-info
> sets the HADB database attributes
> set
> sets the values of attributes. Set command can be used
> to modify default properties of a resource.
> show-component-status
> displays the status of the deployed component
> show-jbi-binding-component
> shows detailed information about the specified binding
> component
> show-jbi-service-assembly
> shows detailed information about a specified service
> assembly
> show-jbi-service-engine
> shows detailed information about the specified service
> engine
> show-jbi-shared-library
> shows detailed information about a specified shared
> library
> shut-down-jbi-component
> shuts down a service engine or a binding component on
> the specified target
> shut-down-jbi-service-assembly
> shuts down a JBI service assembly on the specified tar-
> get
> start-appserv
> starts the domains in the specified domains directory
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 19
>User Commands help(1)
> start-callflow-monitoring
> provides the complete callflow/path of a request
> start-cluster
> starts a cluster
> start-database
> starts the bundled Java DB database
> start-domain
> starts the given domain
> start-hadb
> starts the specified HADB database
> start-instance
> starts a server instance
> start-jbi-component
> starts a service engine or a binding component on the
> specified target
> start-jbi-service-assembly
> starts a service assembly on the specified target
> start-node-agent
> starts a node agent
> stop-appserv
> stops the domains in the specified domains directory
> stop-callflow-monitoring
> disables collection of callflow information of a request
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 20
>User Commands help(1)
> stop-cluster
> stops a cluster
> stop-database
> stops the bundled Java DB database
> stop-domain
> stops the given domain
> stop-hadb
> stops the specified HADB database
> stop-instance
> stops a server instance
> stop-jbi-component
> stops a service engine or a binding component on the
> specified target
> stop-jbi-service-assembly
> stops a service assembly on the specified target
> stop-node-agent
> stops a node agent
> undeploy-jbi-service-assembly
> undeploys a service assembly on the specified target
> undeploy
> removes a component in the domain application server
> unfreeze-transaction-service
> mobilizes the named transaction service
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 21
>User Commands help(1)
> uninstall-jbi-component
> uninstalls a service engine or binding component on the
> specified target
> uninstall-jbi-shared-library
> uninstalls a shared library on the specified target
> unpublish-from-registry
> unpublishes the web service artifacts from the regis-
> tries
> unset
> removes one or more variables from the multimode
> environment
> update-connector-security-map
> creates or modifies a security map for the specified
> connector connection pool
> update-file-user
> updates a current file user as specified
> update-password-alias
> updates a password alias
> upgrade-jbi-component
> upgrades a service engine or binding component
> verify-domain-xml
> verifies the content of the domain.xml
> version
> displays the version information
> The following commands are deprecated:
> o display-license
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 22
>User Commands help(1)
> o install-license
> o restart-instance
> o shutdown
> o create-acl
> o delete-acl
> o list-acls
> o start-appserv
> o stop-appserv
> Example 1 Using help
> asadmin> help
> asadmin> create-domain --help
> Where: create-domain is the command you wish to view the
> usage for.
> asadmin(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 23
>To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>For additional commands, e-mail: