Removal of defaults from synopses: after and before examples

From: Paul Davies <Paul-Martin.Davies_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 15:39:19 -0700


As requested in this morning's meeting, attached are two versions of the man
page for create-http-listener for comparison:

* after-create-http-listener.1 - version without defaults in the synopsis
* before-create-http-listener.1 - original version with defaults in the synosis

Paul Davies, Senior Technical Writer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

User Commands create-http-listener(1)

     create-http-listener - adds a new HTTP listener socket

     [--terse={true|false}][ --echo ={true|false}]
     [ --interactive ={true|false}] [ --host host]
     [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
     [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
      --listeneraddress address --listenerport listener_port --defaultvs virtual_server
     [--servername server_name] [--acceptorthreads acceptor-threads] [--xpowered={true| false}]
     [ --redirectport redirect_port] [--securityenabled={true|false}] [ --enabled ={true|false}]
     [ --target server] listener_id

     The create-http-listener command creates an HTTP listener.
     This command is supported in remote mode only.Note -

     If you edit the special HTTP listener named admin-listener,
     you must restart the server for the changes to take effect.
     The Admin Console does not tell you that a restart is
     required in this case.

     -t --terse Indicates that any output data
                                 must be very concise, typically
                                 avoiding human-friendly sen-
                                 tences and favoring well-
                                 formatted data for consumption
                                 by a script. Default is false.

     -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
                                 command line statement on the
                                 standard output. Default is

     -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
                                 the required password options
                                 are prompted.

     -H --host The machine name where the
                                 domain administration server is
                                 running. The default value is

     -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
                                 tion. This is the port to which

Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1

User Commands create-http-listener(1)

                                 you should point your browser in
                                 order to manage the domain. For
                                 example, http://localhost:4848.

                                 The default port number is 4848.

     -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
                                 communicate with the domain
                                 administration server.

     -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
                                 tration server administrative

                                 If you have authenticated to a
                                 domain using the asadmin login
                                 command, then you need not
                                 specify the --user option on
                                 subsequent operations to this
                                 particular domain.

     --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
                                 fies the name of a file contain-
                                 ing the password entries in a
                                 specific format. The entry for
                                 the password must have the
                                 AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
                                 password name in uppercase

                                 For example, to specify the
                                 domain administration server
                                 password, use an entry with the
                                 following format:
                                 where password is the actual
                                 administrator password. Other
                                 passwords that can be specified
                                 include AS_ADMIN_MAPPEDPASSWORD,
                                 AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD, and

                                 All remote commands must specify
                                 the admin password to authenti-
                                 cate to the domain administra-
                                 tion server, either through --
                                 passwordfile or asadmin login,
                                 or interactively on the command
                                 prompt. The asadmin login

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User Commands create-http-listener(1)

                                 command can be used only to
                                 specify the admin password. For
                                 other passwords, that must be
                                 specified for remote commands,
                                 use the --passwordfile or enter
                                 them at the command prompt.

                                 If you have authenticated to a
                                 domain using the asadmin login
                                 command, then you need not
                                 specify the admin password
                                 through the --passwordfile
                                 option on subsequent operations
                                 to this particular domain. How-
                                 ever, this is applicable only to
                                 AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD option. You
                                 will still need to provide the
                                 other passwords, for example,
                                 AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD, as and
                                 when required by individual com-
                                 mands, such as update-file-user.

                                 For security reasons, passwords
                                 specified as an environment
                                 variable will not be read by

                                 The default value for
                                 AS_ADMIN_MASTERPASSWORD is

     --help Displays the help text for the

     --listeneraddress The IP address or the hostname
                                 (resolvable by DNS).

     --listenerport The port number to create the
                                 listen socket on. Legal values
                                 are 1-65535. On UNIX, creating
                                 sockets that listen on ports
                                 1-1024 requires superuser
                                 privileges. Configuring an SSL
                                 listen socket to listen on port
                                 443 is recommended.

     --defaultvs The ID attribute of the default
                                 virtual server for this

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User Commands create-http-listener(1)


     --servername Tells the server what to put in
                                 the host name section of any
                                 URLs it sends to the client.
                                 This affects URLs the server
                                 automatically generates; it
                                 doesn't affect the URLs for
                                 directories and files stored in
                                 the server. This name should be
                                 the alias name if your server
                                 uses an alias. If a colon and
                                 port number are appended, that
                                 port will be used in URLs that
                                 the server sends to the client.

     --acceptorthreads The number of acceptor threads
                                 for the listen socket. The
                                 recommended value is the number
                                 of processors in the machine.
                                 The default value is 1.

     --xpowered If set to true, adds the X-
                                 Powered-By: Servlet/2.4 and X-
                                 Powered-By: JSP/2.0 headers to
                                 the appropriate responses. The
                                 Servlet 2.4 specification
                                 defines the X-Powered-By:
                                 Servlet/2.4 header, which con-
                                 tainers may add to servlet-
                                 generated responses. Similarly,
                                 the JSP 2.0 specification
                                 defines the X-Powered-By:
                                 JSP/2.0 header, which containers
                                 may add to responses that use
                                 JSP technology. The goal of
                                 these headers is to aid in gath-
                                 ering statistical data about
                                 the use of Servlet and JSP tech-

     --redirectport Port number for redirects. If
                                 the HTTP listener is supporting
                                 non-SSL requests, and a request
                                 is received for which a matching
                                 security-constraint requires SSL
                                 transport, the Application
                                 Server will automatically

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User Commands create-http-listener(1)

                                 redirect the request to this
                                 port number. This option is
                                 valid for Enterprise Edition

     --securityenabled If set to true, the HTTP
                                 listener runs SSL. You can turn
                                 SSL2 or SSL3 ON or OFF and set
                                 ciphers using an SSL element.
                                 The security setting globally
                                 enables or disables SSL by mak-
                                 ing certificates available to
                                 the server instance. The default
                                 value is false.

     --enabled If set to true, the listener is
                                 enabled at runtime.

     --target This option is available only in
                                 the Sun Java System Application
                                 Server Standard and Enterprise
                                 Editions. Specifies the target
                                 for which you are creating the
                                 HTTP listener. Valid values are

                                     o server, which creates
                                          the listener for the
                                          default server instance
                                          server and is the
                                          default value

                                     o configuration_name,
                                          which creates the
                                          listener for the named

                                     o cluster_name, which
                                          creates the listener
                                          for every server
                                          instance in the cluster

                                     o stand-
                                          which creates the
                                          listener for a particu-
                                          lar stand-alone server

Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 5

User Commands create-http-listener(1)

     listener_id The listener ID of the HTTP

     Example 1 Using the create-http-listener command

     The following command creates an HTTP listener named sam-
     pleListener that uses a nondefault number of acceptor
     threads and is not enabled at runtime:

       asadmin> create-http-listener --user admin1
       --passwordfile passwords.txt --host host1 --port 4848
       --listeneraddress --listenerport 7272
       --defaultvs server --servername
       --acceptorthreads 100 --securityenabled=false
       --enabled=false sampleListener
       Command create-http-listener executed successfully.

     0 command executed successfully

     1 error in executing the command

     delete-http-listener(1), list-http-listeners(1), create-
     virtual-server(1), create-ssl(1)

Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 6

User Commands create-http-listener(1)

     create-http-listener - adds a new HTTP listener socket

     [--echo=false] [--interactive=true] [--host localhost]
     [--port 4848] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
     [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
      --listeneraddress address --listenerport listener_port --defaultvs virtual_server
     [--servername server_name] [--acceptorthreads 1] [--xpowered=true]
     [--redirectport redirect_port] [--securityenabled=false] [--enabled=true]
     [--target server] listener_id

     The create-http-listener command creates an HTTP listener.
     This command is supported in remote mode only.Note -

     If you edit the special HTTP listener named admin-listener,
     you must restart the server for the changes to take effect.
     The Admin Console does not tell you that a restart is
     required in this case.

     -t --terse Indicates that any output data
                                 must be very concise, typically
                                 avoiding human-friendly sen-
                                 tences and favoring well-
                                 formatted data for consumption
                                 by a script. Default is false.

     -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
                                 command line statement on the
                                 standard output. Default is

     -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
                                 the required password options
                                 are prompted.

     -H --host The machine name where the
                                 domain administration server is
                                 running. The default value is

     -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
                                 tion. This is the port to which

Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1

User Commands create-http-listener(1)

                                 you should point your browser in
                                 order to manage the domain. For
                                 example, http://localhost:4848.

                                 The default port number is 4848.

     -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
                                 communicate with the domain
                                 administration server.

     -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
                                 tration server administrative

                                 If you have authenticated to a
                                 domain using the asadmin login
                                 command, then you need not
                                 specify the --user option on
                                 subsequent operations to this
                                 particular domain.

     --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
                                 fies the name of a file contain-
                                 ing the password entries in a
                                 specific format. The entry for
                                 the password must have the
                                 AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
                                 password name in uppercase

                                 For example, to specify the
                                 domain administration server
                                 password, use an entry with the
                                 following format:
                                 where password is the actual
                                 administrator password. Other
                                 passwords that can be specified
                                 include AS_ADMIN_MAPPEDPASSWORD,
                                 AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD, and

                                 All remote commands must specify
                                 the admin password to authenti-
                                 cate to the domain administra-
                                 tion server, either through --
                                 passwordfile or asadmin login,
                                 or interactively on the command
                                 prompt. The asadmin login

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User Commands create-http-listener(1)

                                 command can be used only to
                                 specify the admin password. For
                                 other passwords, that must be
                                 specified for remote commands,
                                 use the --passwordfile or enter
                                 them at the command prompt.

                                 If you have authenticated to a
                                 domain using the asadmin login
                                 command, then you need not
                                 specify the admin password
                                 through the --passwordfile
                                 option on subsequent operations
                                 to this particular domain. How-
                                 ever, this is applicable only to
                                 AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD option. You
                                 will still need to provide the
                                 other passwords, for example,
                                 AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD, as and
                                 when required by individual com-
                                 mands, such as update-file-user.

                                 For security reasons, passwords
                                 specified as an environment
                                 variable will not be read by

                                 The default value for
                                 AS_ADMIN_MASTERPASSWORD is

     --help Displays the help text for the

     --listeneraddress The IP address or the hostname
                                 (resolvable by DNS).

     --listenerport The port number to create the
                                 listen socket on. Legal values
                                 are 1-65535. On UNIX, creating
                                 sockets that listen on ports
                                 1-1024 requires superuser
                                 privileges. Configuring an SSL
                                 listen socket to listen on port
                                 443 is recommended.

     --defaultvs The ID attribute of the default
                                 virtual server for this

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User Commands create-http-listener(1)


     --servername Tells the server what to put in
                                 the host name section of any
                                 URLs it sends to the client.
                                 This affects URLs the server
                                 automatically generates; it
                                 doesn't affect the URLs for
                                 directories and files stored in
                                 the server. This name should be
                                 the alias name if your server
                                 uses an alias. If a colon and
                                 port number are appended, that
                                 port will be used in URLs that
                                 the server sends to the client.

     --acceptorthreads The number of acceptor threads
                                 for the listen socket. The
                                 recommended value is the number
                                 of processors in the machine.
                                 The default value is 1.

     --xpowered If set to true, adds the X-
                                 Powered-By: Servlet/2.4 and X-
                                 Powered-By: JSP/2.0 headers to
                                 the appropriate responses. The
                                 Servlet 2.4 specification
                                 defines the X-Powered-By:
                                 Servlet/2.4 header, which con-
                                 tainers may add to servlet-
                                 generated responses. Similarly,
                                 the JSP 2.0 specification
                                 defines the X-Powered-By:
                                 JSP/2.0 header, which containers
                                 may add to responses that use
                                 JSP technology. The goal of
                                 these headers is to aid in gath-
                                 ering statistical data about
                                 the use of Servlet and JSP tech-

     --redirectport Port number for redirects. If
                                 the HTTP listener is supporting
                                 non-SSL requests, and a request
                                 is received for which a matching
                                 security-constraint requires SSL
                                 transport, the Application
                                 Server will automatically

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User Commands create-http-listener(1)

                                 redirect the request to this
                                 port number. This option is
                                 valid for Enterprise Edition

     --securityenabled If set to true, the HTTP
                                 listener runs SSL. You can turn
                                 SSL2 or SSL3 ON or OFF and set
                                 ciphers using an SSL element.
                                 The security setting globally
                                 enables or disables SSL by mak-
                                 ing certificates available to
                                 the server instance. The default
                                 value is false.

     --enabled If set to true, the listener is
                                 enabled at runtime.

     --target This option is available only in
                                 the Sun Java System Application
                                 Server Standard and Enterprise
                                 Editions. Specifies the target
                                 for which you are creating the
                                 HTTP listener. Valid values are

                                     o server, which creates
                                          the listener for the
                                          default server instance
                                          server and is the
                                          default value

                                     o configuration_name,
                                          which creates the
                                          listener for the named

                                     o cluster_name, which
                                          creates the listener
                                          for every server
                                          instance in the cluster

                                     o stand-
                                          which creates the
                                          listener for a particu-
                                          lar stand-alone server

Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 5

User Commands create-http-listener(1)

     listener_id The listener ID of the HTTP

     Example 1 Using the create-http-listener command

     The following command creates an HTTP listener named sam-
     pleListener that uses a nondefault number of acceptor
     threads and is not enabled at runtime:

       asadmin> create-http-listener --user admin1
       --passwordfile passwords.txt --host host1 --port 4848
       --listeneraddress --listenerport 7272
       --defaultvs server --servername
       --acceptorthreads 100 --securityenabled=false
       --enabled=false sampleListener
       Command create-http-listener executed successfully.

     0 command executed successfully

     1 error in executing the command

     delete-http-listener(1), list-http-listeners(1), create-
     virtual-server(1), create-ssl(1)

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