Do you know who the right contact is ?
I see that you posted a relevant blog on aquarium.
David Goodenough wrote:
> I am advised to contact you, can you help?
> David
> ---------- Forwarded Message ----------
> Subject: Re: Portal Feedback - A Question [T2008042800GA]
> Date: Thursday 01 May 2008
> From:
> To:
> Hello David,
> You may wish to contact the Glassfish Team and report issues to
> <>
> Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with.
> Regards,
> Silvia Hdez
> Sun Customer Support
>> Sender :
>> Tracking Number : T2008042800GAZ405324
>> Pool : Sun PA - AMER - MySun
>> Sent to :
>> Date : 5/1/2008 11:13 AM
>> ---
>> What I am referring to is a note that appeared on one of your RSS
>> feeds, which read:-
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> New to GlassFish? Sun's Web-based introductory course GlassFish Application
>> Server: Introduction (WMT-SAS-1536), is a great way to get your feet wet
> with
>> GlassFish. This one-hour course is available at no cost until June 30,
>> 2008 -- regular price $70 USD. Learn more about free and discounted training
>> offers from Sun.
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> I followed a link to this, and it was while following that link that I got
> my
>> id registered but the system then complained of an internal error presumably
>> while trying to register me for the course.
>> The system has not have attached it to my account, and other than buying
>> it (which does rather seem to be at odds with the idea of it being free)
>> I can not see how to access it.
>> David
>> On Wednesday 30 April 2008, you wrote:
>>> Hello David,
>>> I visited the web site and try to find something regarding courses.
>>> Please visit the following links:
>>> Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with. ySun!
>>> Regards,
>>> Silvia Hdez
>>> Sun Customer Support
>>>> Sender :
>>>> Tracking Number : T2008042800GAZ403752
>>>> Pool : Sun PA - AMER - MySun
>>>> Sent to :
>>>> Date : 4/30/2008 12:59 PM
>>>> ---
>>>> Silvia,
>>>> I know my password, it logs me on but gets me to a page that does not
>>>> then offer me the GlassFish course. Maybe I just need a URL to use to
>>>> access the course to which I will give my userid and password?
>>>> David
>>>> On Wednesday 30 April 2008, you wrote:
>>>>> Hello David,
>>>>> Please visit the following to request for password for the GlassFish
>>>>> site:
>>>>> Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with.
>>>>> Thank you for your interest in MySun!
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Silvia Hdez
>>>>> Sun Customer Support
>>>>>> Sender :
>>>>>> Tracking Number : T2008042800GAZ402682
>>>>>> Pool : Sun PA - AMER - MySun
>>>>>> Sent to :
>>>>>> Date : 4/28/2008 1:58 PM
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> First Name: david
>>>>>> Last Name: goodenough
>>>>>> Email Address:
>>>>>> Feedback Type: A Question
>>>>>> Message: I tried to register for the GlassFish free education, but the
>>>>>> system failed. It seems to have created my ID, but not linked it to
>>>>>> the course. How do I proceed?
> -------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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