I am advised to contact you, can you help?
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Re: Portal Feedback - A Question [T2008042800GA]
Date: Thursday 01 May 2008
From: MySun-customer-support_at_sun.com
To: david.goodenough_at_btconnect.com
Hello David,
You may wish to contact the Glassfish Team and report issues to
Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with.
Silvia Hdez
Sun Customer Support
> Sender : david.goodenough_at_btconnect.com
> Tracking Number : T2008042800GAZ405324
> Pool : Sun PA - AMER - MySun
> Sent to : MySun-customer-support_at_sun.com
> Date : 5/1/2008 11:13 AM
> ---
> What I am referring to is a note that appeared on one of your RSS
> feeds, which read:-
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> New to GlassFish? Sun's Web-based introductory course GlassFish Application
> Server: Introduction (WMT-SAS-1536), is a great way to get your feet wet
> GlassFish. This one-hour course is available at no cost until June 30,
> 2008 -- regular price $70 USD. Learn more about free and discounted training
> offers from Sun.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> I followed a link to this, and it was while following that link that I got
> id registered but the system then complained of an internal error presumably
> while trying to register me for the course.
> The system has not have attached it to my account, and other than buying
> it (which does rather seem to be at odds with the idea of it being free)
> I can not see how to access it.
> David
> On Wednesday 30 April 2008, you wrote:
>> Hello David,
>> I visited the web site and try to find something regarding courses.
>> Please visit the following links:
>> http://www.sun.com/training/catalog/courses/WMTB-SAS-1600.xml
>> http://www.sun.com/training/catalog/courses/WMT-SAS-1536.xml
>> http://java.sun.com/javaee/community/glassfish/index.jsp
>> Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with. ySun!
>> Regards,
>> Silvia Hdez
>> Sun Customer Support
>>> Sender : david.goodenough_at_btconnect.com
>>> Tracking Number : T2008042800GAZ403752
>>> Pool : Sun PA - AMER - MySun
>>> Sent to : mysun-customer-support_at_sun.com
>>> Date : 4/30/2008 12:59 PM
>>> ---
>>> Silvia,
>>> I know my password, it logs me on but gets me to a page that does not
>>> then offer me the GlassFish course. Maybe I just need a URL to use to
>>> access the course to which I will give my userid and password?
>>> David
>>> On Wednesday 30 April 2008, you wrote:
>>>> Hello David,
>>>> Please visit the following to request for password for the GlassFish
>>>> site:
>>>> https://www.dev.java.net/servlets/PasswordRequest
>>>> Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with.
>>>> Thank you for your interest in MySun!
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Silvia Hdez
>>>> Sun Customer Support
>>>>> Sender : david.goodenough_at_btconnect.com
>>>>> Tracking Number : T2008042800GAZ402682
>>>>> Pool : Sun PA - AMER - MySun
>>>>> Sent to : mysunconnection_at_sun.com
>>>>> Date : 4/28/2008 1:58 PM
>>>>> ---
>>>>> First Name: david
>>>>> Last Name: goodenough
>>>>> Email Address: david.goodenough_at_btconnect.com
>>>>> Feedback Type: A Question
>>>>> Message: I tried to register for the GlassFish free education, but the
>>>>> system failed. It seems to have created my ID, but not linked it to
>>>>> the course. How do I proceed?