Re: GenericRA and Connection Pooling

From: J. Seah <>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 12:42:10 +0000

Hi Binod,

The connection pooling is fine, I was able to set it via that page. I was
testing the JMS Pooled connections today and it was doing what it is
supposed to do. It's just that the physical connections doesn't match up to
physical connections.

The tool i'm using is sys internals to view the physical connections which
is essentially netstat I guess(?)

I was reading through the genericra user guide again and saw that the
Connection Exception Handlling is not yet tested successfully? Is this still
the case? Have you got test cases that you would like me to test between
SJSAS and MQSeries, I would be happy to offer my services if you require?

anyway, thanks for your help


>From: Binod <Binod.Pg_at_Sun.COM>
>Subject: Re: GenericRA and Connection Pooling
>Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 21:11:36 +0530
>Hi Jonathan,
>>Got a question regarding Queue Connection Pooling.
>>Here's the situation i've got a ejb which gets queue connections via the
>>genericra. The ejb will send a message to a queue and receive a reply
>>message via another queue so there should be at least 2 connections here
>>right? What i've done is configured the maximum connection pool size to 4
>>on the Connector Connection Pool page via the asadmin web page. Why is
>>that once I spawn 5 threads to send messages to my ejb, I have 9 physical
>>tcp connections to my MQ Manager?
>What is the steady-pool-size?
>>I've spawned 10, 15, 20 and 100 threads and it appears to have 9 tcp
>>connections every time. Clearly it looks like the max pool size is 8 (with
>>an extra connection?? could you explain that bit as well?). Where do I
>>correctly set the max pool size as I am at the point of tweaking the
>>Generic RA so that it suits my organisation?
>Under any condition, the max pool size will not exceed what is configured
>in the connection
>pool configuration. It could be that for 4 connections, MQ might be using 2
>connections each
>to the database. Also, it is possible that there is one house keeping
>connection created always
>between MQ client and server.
>Have you tried increasing the max pool size to say 15 and checked the
>number of tcp connections?
>Also, how are you checking the tcp connections? netstat?
>- Binod.
>>I am using SJSAS8.1 on a WinXP machine running on JDK1.5
>>MQSeries is running on a Solaris 8 server and is version 5.3
>Thats fine :-)
>- Binod.
>>Thanks in advanced
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