GenericRA and Connection Pooling

From: J. Seah <>
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 11:17:35 +0000


Got a question regarding Queue Connection Pooling.

Here's the situation i've got a ejb which gets queue connections via the
genericra. The ejb will send a message to a queue and receive a reply
message via another queue so there should be at least 2 connections here
right? What i've done is configured the maximum connection pool size to 4 on
the Connector Connection Pool page via the asadmin web page. Why is that
once I spawn 5 threads to send messages to my ejb, I have 9 physical tcp
connections to my MQ Manager?

I've spawned 10, 15, 20 and 100 threads and it appears to have 9 tcp
connections every time. Clearly it looks like the max pool size is 8 (with
an extra connection?? could you explain that bit as well?). Where do I
correctly set the max pool size as I am at the point of tweaking the Generic
RA so that it suits my organisation?

I am using SJSAS8.1 on a WinXP machine running on JDK1.5
MQSeries is running on a Solaris 8 server and is version 5.3

Thanks in advanced