Hey Binod,
Thanks to you and Siva for the chat we had few days back.
I tried to configure QCFs/Qs on two different LDAP trees. Got it
working. But I have few questions.
1. Created Inbound QCFs and Qs and bound it to LDAP tree 'A'. Lets call
it inboud tree.
2. Created Outbound QCFs and Qs and bound it to LDAP tree 'B'. Lets call
it outboud tree.
3: Created RA config with only providerintegration mode,
suportsxa,user,password option. Didn't specify the JNDI properties here.
4: Created the resources:
a. Specified the JndiProperties for InPool(Input QCF pool),
OutPool(Output QCF pool), InQueue,OutQueue in their respective sections
in the domain.xml
InPool and InQueue to tree A
OutPool and OutQueue to tree B
b. Also specified the JndiProps and some other properties only for
the inbound queue (Which is bound to tree A in LDAP) in the
sun-ejb-jar.xml descriptor.
5. Fired in a message.
The MDB picked up the messsgae(It resolved the address for the In-Bound
Q from the sun-ejb-jar.xml). But it could not write the message. Seems
it could not resolve the destination object address for the outbound
from the Jndiproperties which I specified only in the resource and not
in RA config. Attached is the log for it (server.log_1,domain.xml_1)
Trying to figure something out, I introduced the JndiProperties in the
RA config. The LDAP tree which I provided to the RA config was of the
outbound queue (LDAP tree B). This meant I have same properties for the
default Ra config and the outbound config.Fired in a message and
...bingo.. It worked fine. Attached logs(server.log_ok,domain.xml_ok)
Made me bit ambitious :-)..Changed the default LDAP tree in the RA
config, which was done "B" in the previous case to that of the Inbound
LDAP tree i.e "A". I thought that the jndiproperties which I specified
in in the OutBound queues (which pointed to LDAP tree B) will override
the once which I provied in the default RA config(i.e A). (Inbound is
anyways/always being picked up from the sun-ejb-jar.xml). It returned me
"Ldap: object not found" as it searchedfor the outbound queue in the
default RA tree, i.e "A" and did not override it the with the value
which I provided in the specific resource jndiproperties(B). Attached
are the logs(server.log_2,domain.xml_2)
The name of connector configured is "ldapra".
Any ideas !!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Binod.Pg_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Binod.Pg_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 5:01 PM
To: Upadhyay,K,Kshitij,JPGA8Y C
Subject: Re: Connecting to multiple resources
kshitij.upadhyay_at_bt.com wrote:
>Thanks for the reply Binod.
>I will rephrase my question.
>I have a QCF with JNDI name "cn=InQCF_1" bound to LDAP tree
>I have another QCF with JNDI name "cn=InQCF_2" bound to different LDAP
>tree i.e ldap://host/ou=inqcf2,dc=cell12,dc=dev,dc=uk
>"create-resource-adapter-config" demands me to specify
>"java.naming.provider.url" which is the LDAP tree. In the case stated
>above I have two completely different LDAP hierarchies compeling me to
>make two RA configs.
It is not necessary to create two RA configs to achieve what you are
trying to do. All you need to do is to specify the
java.naming.provider.url in the connection pool configuration that is
used by second QCF.
asadmin create-connector-connection-pool ...... --property
Does this sound okay?
>Is my understanding correct Binod.
>I hope I am able to convey what I mean to ask :-)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Binod.Pg_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Binod.Pg_at_Sun.COM]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 12:35 PM
>To: users_at_genericjmsra.dev.java.net; Upadhyay,K,Kshitij,JPGA8Y C
>Subject: Re: Connecting to multiple resources
>Hi Kshitij,
>>I have got a set of QCFs and Qs bound to an LDAP. To put it in a
>>manner, I have a set of QCFs and Qs bound to LDAP tree hierarchy 'A'
>>and other set of QCFs and Qs bound to LDAP tree hierarchy 'B'.
>>In order to connect my application server to these trees, I think I
>>need to create the Generic RA configuration twice and deploy it twice
>>as well(With different names).
>>Is there a better way of doing it which I don't know. I wish to avoid
>>repeated creation of genericRA configuration.
>You can specify the JNDI properties in the connection pool
>configuration, activation-config properties or both.
>Would that work?
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