RE: Connecting to multiple resources

From: <>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 13:28:19 -0000

Thanks for the reply Binod.

I will rephrase my question.

I have a QCF with JNDI name "cn=InQCF_1" bound to LDAP tree
I have another QCF with JNDI name "cn=InQCF_2" bound to different LDAP
tree i.e ldap://host/ou=inqcf2,dc=cell12,dc=dev,dc=uk

"create-resource-adapter-config" demands me to specify
"java.naming.provider.url" which is the LDAP tree. In the case stated
above I have two completely different LDAP hierarchies compeling me to
make two RA configs.

Is my understanding correct Binod.

I hope I am able to convey what I mean to ask :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Binod.Pg_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Binod.Pg_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 12:35 PM
To:; Upadhyay,K,Kshitij,JPGA8Y C
Subject: Re: Connecting to multiple resources

Hi Kshitij,

>I have got a set of QCFs and Qs bound to an LDAP. To put it in a simple

>manner, I have a set of QCFs and Qs bound to LDAP tree hierarchy 'A'
>and other set of QCFs and Qs bound to LDAP tree hierarchy 'B'.
>In order to connect my application server to these trees, I think I
>need to create the Generic RA configuration twice and deploy it twice
>as well(With different names).
>Is there a better way of doing it which I don't know. I wish to avoid
>repeated creation of genericRA configuration.
You can specify the JNDI properties in the connection pool
configuration, activation-config properties or both.

Would that work?


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