Deploy generis jms ra to Jboss7.1

From: <>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 15:17:02 +0000 (GMT)

Hi guys,

The tool that you have built is awesome and could help alot integrating
Jboss7 with other JMS providers that don't have RAs (it turned out to
be a serious issue in Jboss7)

But deploying latest version of generic jms ra is giving erros. Please
see this post (

In order to fix errors QueueProxy as well as TopicProxy should
implement 2 simple interfaces Referenceable, Serializable.

I did that fix for my needs on a localbox. Could you maybe commit those
changes to trunk so that other people out there could try deploying
generic ra to Jboss 7.1

Sorry for putting my 5 cents to this, I'm only researching the
possibility to use 3rd party JMS providers with Jboss 7 and I possibly
don't understand the whole picture behind RAs cause I spent little time
researching this topic.
