Re: Integrating Oracle AQ with Glassfish

From: Nigel Deakin <>
Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2012 18:05:04 +0000

On 01/02/2012 13:02, sandeep bonkra wrote:
> Hi,
> I am working on Oracle Glassfish and for some POC, I need to integrate with Oracle AQ.
> I am planning to use JNDI lookup.
> I tried to configure Resource adaptor.
> Not able to get much help from link:
> Error:
> Ping Connection Pool for aqConnectionFactory is Failed. Ping failed Exception - The configuration of the
> AQjmsInitialContext is not complete. The configuration must contain datasource or
> (db_url,, or both Please check the server.log for more
> details. Ping failed Exception - The configuration of the AQjmsInitialContext is not complete. The configuration must
> contain datasource or (db_url,, or both Please check the
> server.log for more details.

That's all the documentation there is. Page 12 describes how to configure the resource adapter. This needs to contain
enough information to allow it to connect to the JNDI or LDAP provider that contains the connection factory. What did
you set it to, and exactly what message was in the server log?
