Re: GenericJMSRA problems configuration for AQ conecction.

From: Ramesh <Ramesh.Parthasarathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 09:06:57 +0530

Hi Fredy,
    ASFAIK the best way (could be the only way :-() to create the Oracle
managed objects CFs and Destinations is through the AQJmsFactory which
is a non-standard way of creating these objects.
Almost all MQ providers ( except AQ) allows the managed objects to be
instantiated through reflection ,and since generic ra is supposed to
behave in a provider agnostic fashion we support 2 most common methods
of creating jms managed objects - through jndi and javabean..,

I guess you are using the javabean mode of integration in generic ra ,
where gra relies on instantiating the administered objects through
reflection and this of course is not working because of the first point.
Could you try using the jndi integration mode....,
you could also post a question in the Oracle AQ forum to find out if
there is any other way (other Queue class names...) of instantiating
these objects


Fredy Yamid Sierra Umaņa wrote:
> Hi Ramesh
> Thanks for response.
> The "oracle.jms.AQjmsDestination" class is located on aqapi.jar, that
> Advanced Queue class implement the javax.jms.Queue interface and i set
> up that class on QueueClassName
> <http://localhost:9060/ibm/console/>
> GenericJMSRA <> parameter.
> This jar (aqapi.jar) is included in the "Generic JMS Resource
> Adapter" classpath. I am using gra 2.0.
> I hope that with those points you can help me.
> <>