Hi Tony,
Thanks, i blogged about it here:
Tony Seebregts wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> The product is still under development/wraps so I can't say all that
> much about it :-(.
> But basically, I'm using FI to stream documents accompanied by
> structured metadata that describes the content/routing/disposition of
> the document. Not rocket science stuff and the initial requirements were
> simple enough to just use HTTP headers and binary content. But
> (inevitably) the requirements changed and grew and eventually I switched
> to XML (with the document content encoded using base 64) to streamline
> the code a bit and build in some future-proofing.
> The performance was pretty horrible though and I was *just* about to
> write a binary encoded XML mechanism when I came across your Fast
> Infoset stuff - which did *exactly* what I needed and saved a whole
> bunch of development and testing. It worked first time too <smile>!
> Performance-wise its pretty acceptable too - in fact the real
> application testing I've done says any drop in performance is pretty
> much lost in the noise of the rest of the processing. So ... lots of
> happiness this side :-) !
> regards
> Tony
> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>>Hi Tony,
>>If you can talk publically can you describe a bit about what you are
>>using FI for and how it solved your problem.
>>We are always interested in how FI is being used, and i am very keen
>>to blog about it here [1], if you have no objections :-)
>>[1] http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/sandoz
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| ? + ? = To question
Paul Sandoz