Re: JAXB modification of Name

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 13:03:23 +0200

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> If you are busy (who isn't!!) send me pointers to the relevant areas
>> and i can do it with a little bit of guidance :-)
> Sorry about the delay in the response. I'm traveling this week, and I
> plan to do this next week when I come back to the bay area.

No worries, i think i have got the swing of things now, although it is
probably taking me about 5 times as long as for you to do it :-)

However, i think this is good excercise to understand JAXB code as the
process has me looking at the JAXBContextImpl and the MarshallerImpl

I further modified the NameBuilder implementation to use the QNameMap
class i stumbled across so that NameBuilder uses less memory than before.

I have also modified the NameList class to hold the number of Names
created for EIIs and AIIs respectively.

I am currently modifing the MarhsallerImpl to create some cached arrays
that can be reused for the fast index look up of Names and local names.
A similar pattern to the JAXBContextImpl.getUTF8NameTable method, except
that these arrays are required per marhsaller.

Since for JAX-RPC one JAXB context will be used it should be possible to
reuse these arrays for fragments. However i am not sure yet how to
ensure smooth interoperation between JAX-RPC and JAXB. I might need a
special separate encoder or may need to turn XMLOutput into an
interface. Too early to tell yet.


| ? + ? = To question
    Paul Sandoz