Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>>> Hi Joe,
>>> Is the attached zip only meant to contain well-formed XML 1.0
>>> documents?
>> I will answer my own question! Yes :-)
>> The contents look good. You can probably clean up non-needed
>> directories by hand.
> I notice that the IBM tests seem to duplicate the XML files? i.e. on
> the out sub-directory, is that the case? if so we can probably remove
> any out directories.
there's readme under xmlconf/readme.html, from there click on This
version -> xmlconf-20010315.htm -> item 2. Test Matrix ->2. Output
Tests. Here's the description:
2.2 Output Tests
The XML 1.0 (Second Edition) Recommendation places a number of
requirements on XML processors, to ensure that they report information
to applications as needed. Such requirements are testable. Validating
processors are required to report slightly more information than
nonvalidating ones, so some tests will require separate output files.
Some of the information that must be reported will not be reportable
without reading all the external entities in a particular test. Many of
the tests for valid documents are paired with an output file to ensure
that the XML processor provides the correct information.
The output of these tests is provided in one of two forms, as described
in SUN Microsystems XML Canonical Forms
<>. At present, the /James Clark/
collection provides corresponding output in /First XML Canonical Form/,
and the /SUN Microsystems/ collection provides corresponding output in
/Second XML Canonical Form/. When the W3C XML Group
<> finalizes its work on Canonical XML, these
output files will be updated.
> Paul.