JAXB Hook for FI

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 09:48:26 -0700


For better integration between FI and JAXB, I prepared a hook for FI in
the JAXB RI.

Internally the unmarshaller implements the XmlVisitor interface [1].
It's mostly like SAX with a few difference noted in javadoc.

In particular, the text method can take a special class 'Base64Data'
which allows FI to pass in byte[] directly without going through base64

If the FI parser can do more of the typed data, not just for binary
data, we can define additional special CharSequence classes.

If someone from the FI team could write a FI parser implementation that
fires these events, I'm happy to commit them into the JAXB RI repository
and maintain the code (with your help.)

Also please take opportunity to request an access to the JAXB project so
that you can see the source code. For this I need to ask you to go
through a click-through [2]. I already added Paul and Santiago, but I
couldn't find the ID for the other people.

(sorry for external people --- I have to find a way to post javadoc to

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems