Re: Encoding algorithm support complete

From: Joe Wang <>
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 08:54:48 -0800

On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 04:58, Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Joe Wang wrote:
> > Using NetBeans 4.0 RC2 (junit: ide4/modules/ext/junit-3.8.1.jar) on
> > j2sdk1.4.2_06, I get this error:
> >
> > C:\Projects\FWS\src\\fi\FastInfoset\test\algorithm\
> > cannot resolve symbol
> > symbol : method assertEquals (float,float)
> > location: class algorithm.AlgorithmTest
> > assertEquals(_floatArray[is], f[is]);
> >
> > On the platform I mentioned above, only |*assertEquals
> > <../../junit/framework/Assert.html#assertEquals%28float,%20float,%20float%29>*(float expected,
> > float actual, float delta) is supported. Adding a 0 to each of these
> > calls, i.e. |assertEquals(_floatArray[is], f[is],0), the unit test runs
> > fine.
> Thanks for finding this.
> Grrr... the auto-boxing in JDK 5.0 is resulting in the use of the
> following method:
> assertEquals(Object expected, Object actual)

I realized that you were using JDK 5.0.

> I have fixed it. It is not possible in NetBeans 4.0 to specify command
> line compile options for compiling the tests :-(

That is interesting. They were not consistent in designing "compiling
source" and "compiling test". What's on their mind, "tests" were less
important than "sources" :-)


> Paul.
> --
> | ? + ? = To question
> ----------------\
> Paul Sandoz
> x38109
> +33-4-76188109
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