Re: Xj3D Early Results

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 11:27:51 +0100

Alan Hudson wrote:
> I've gotten an early prototype of the Xj3D / FastInfoset integration going.
> Using a 20 meg CAD file
> Size(bytes) Parsing Time(ms) Speed
> XML 20396657 10406 1 :1
> FI, Strings 20340458 5672 1:83 :1
> FI, builtins 11889015 1546 6.73 :1 !!!
> Only near 700% speed improvement on parsing. Nice work!


Are you also binding the string data after parsing?

I am wondering why 'FI, Strings' increase is not greater then 'XML' and
only smaller by 50K. If the 20 meg file contains mostly very large
attribute values and element content then i can see why this would be
the case.

A little tool caculating the percentage of markup to content would be
very useful.

> I'm going to start adding our X3D specific encoders now. I expect they
> will help filesize but likely harm parsing speed.

We should also compare with GZIP XML and GZIP FI.

> I'm also going to
> prototype a BYTE encoder for possible native inclusion into FI.

OK. We need to standardize the URI for this algorithm. Will this be
included in the X3D algorithms?

> I expect I can release a public version of this in a few days. Feel
> free to share these results, I expect to make more results available
> once I finish the implementation.

Great. We will be presenting a paper to XTech 2005 at the end of May and
some X3D numbers would be good to show off the use of encoding
algorithms (built-in and application).


| ? + ? = To question
    Paul Sandoz