[ejb-spec users] [jsr345-experts] Re: The latest version of the spec is uploaded to project

From: Carlo de Wolf <>
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 10:23:42 +0100

Hi Marina,

Shouldn't this link be up on the JSR page as well?
Currently it's not really listed as a public document, which leads to me
filing stupid issues. ;-)


On 10/01/2012 12:53 AM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
> It contains the following changes:
> -Specified that the SessionContext object in a the singleton session
> bean is thread-safe
> -Clarified EJB timers distribution and failover rules apply only to
> persistent timers
> -Clarified that non-persistent timers returned by getTimers and
> getAllTimers methods are from the same JVM as the caller
> -Fixed section numbering (left over after moving it to its own
> chapter) in Ch 17
> -Noted that only 3.0 and 3.1 deployment descriptors are required to be
> supported in EJB 3.2 Lite for prior versions of the applications
> -Fixes for EJB_SPEC-61 (Ambiguity in EJB lite local view support) and
> EJB_SPEC-59 (Improve references to the component-defining annotations)
> -JMS/MDB changes: new standard activation properties and the unique
> identifier.
> -Fix unresolved cross-refs
> -Updated the rule: only local asynchronous session bean invocations
> are supported in EJB 3.2 Lite
> -Synchronized permissions in the Table with the permissions listed for
> the EJB Components in the Java EE Platform Specification Table EE.6-2
> -Specified that during the processing of the close() method, the
> embeddable container cancels all pending asynchronous invocations and
> non-persistent timers
> -Updated to the latest versions most of the related documents
> -marina