- [jsr345-experts] ConcurrencyManagement options for SFSB?
- [jsr345-experts] EJB_SPEC-71 - Clarify rules on Timer.cancel
- [jsr345-experts] enabling bean-level retainIfException?
- [jsr345-experts] Fwd: (EJB_SPEC-72) Clarify rules on use of Timer and TimerHandle
- [jsr345-experts] Public Draft doc candidates uploaded to the project area for review
- [jsr345-experts] Relaxing rules on asynchronous method exposure
- ConcurrencyManagement options for SFSB?
- EJB_SPEC-71 - Clarify rules on Timer.cancel
- enabling bean-level retainIfException?
- Fwd: (EJB_SPEC-72) Clarify rules on use of Timer and TimerHandle
- Interrupting async invocation on Future.cancel request?
- Lookup strings in activationConfig?