ejb-jar xsd and the javadoc for the ConcurrencyManagement annotation say
that the concurrency management type can be specified on a SFSB, but if
specified, only Container is allowed ([1] and [2]).
Is it intentional? What's the purpose of it if it is? There is nothing
in the spec itself that describes this option.
I think it should be removed until we add concurrency management options
to the SFSBs.
[1]<xsd:complexType name="concurrency-management-typeType">
The concurrency-management-typeType specifies the way concurrency
is managed for a singleton or stateful session bean.
The concurrency management type must be one of the following:
Bean managed concurrency can only be specified for a singleton
[2] " This annotation may be applied to stateful session beans, but
doing so has no impact on the semantics of concurrency management for
such beans. The concurrency management type for bean-managed concurrency
(|BEAN|) does not apply to stateful session beans."