A related comment is made in EJB_SPEC-24.
On 09/30/2011 04:36 PM, Carlo de Wolf wrote:
> I'm using chapter numbers from EJB 3.2 Draft May 11 2011.
> Stuart Douglas pointed out some discrepancies to me w.r.t figure 5 (4.6).
> 4.3.13 specifies that SFSB access must be serialized, leading to a
> ConcurrentAccessTimeoutException should a client do a concurrent
> invocation that times out.
> #1: I don't think it is clearly documented that the SFSB instance is
> *not* to be discarded at this point (9.3).
> #2: 4.6.4 bullet 2 does not document how the container should act
> taking AccessTimeout or serializing access into account.
> Figure 5 shows the SFSB going to ERROR state. The client receives an
> EJBException (/ConcurrentAccess(Timeout)Exception), but the instance
> is actually in IN-TX / METHOD-READY-IN-TX state and should remain so.
> Carlo