
[jsr345-experts] Re: XXX Unclear what “common bean state” means.

From: Carlo de Wolf <cdewolf_at_redhat.com>
Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2011 13:47:28 +0200

4.7 Stateless Session Beans

A common misconception with beginning EJB users is that Stateless
Session Beans are not considered stateful POJOs, while in actuality
state is retained. Maybe we should call it 'retained bean state' instead
of 'common bean state'.


On 07/06/2011 01:02 AM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
> Dear Experts,
> Before we go any further on the discussions of the spec improvements,
> we need to close on several issues with the current version:
> 1. Vote on the optionality of the Entity Beans and JAX-RPC based Web
> Service Endpoints (and the split of the spec into 2 parts, but the
> split is the secondary issue). I have only 3 votes (positive) so far.
> 2. Close on the items marked by Linda as XXX in the drafts.
> 3. Define *deterministic* rules in the EJB spec about EJB Lite vs. EJB
> Full list of features in regards to the EJB support in a Web Profile
> container. In addition to be very flexible (contrary to the regular
> Java EE approach, and the expectations of the EJB TCK), the current
> wording in the spec does not make it clear a) what is expected and
> what is not in the Web Profile, and b) if we keep it flexible, how a
> user (at deployment and/or runtime) can determine if a specific
> feature outside EJB Lite is available/supported.
> The same applies to the Embeddable EJB Container.
> Thank you,
> -marina