
[jsr345-experts] Re: Welcome to EJB 3.2!

From: Pete Muir <pmuir_at_bleepbleep.org.uk>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 19:05:04 +0100


I am representing Red Hat on this JSR, and will likely be joined by a colleague at some stage. I also (co-)represent Red Hat on JSR-107 (JCache), JSR-347 (Data Grids) and am spec lead for JSR-346 (CDI). Previously I was involved with JSF 2.0. At Red Hat, I am work day-to-day on Infinispan (a data grid project) and am heavily involved in JBoss Application Server (focused on usability and CDI), Weld (the RI of CDI), Arquillian (the testing framework for incontainer testing) amongst other projects.

My vision for EJB is that it becomes "a set of enterprise services, applicable to any bean deployed to Java EE". What does this mean in practice? That the distinction between EJBs and managed beans goes away. If you want to add a service that EJB offers such as declarative concurrency, declarative transactions, pooling to a managed bean, there is no need to explicitly add @Stateful, @Singleton etc. You just apply the necessary annotation to add the service to the method or class.

Further, it would also mean deprecating and eventually removing @EJB style injection, and aligning @Resource and @PersistenceContext better with CDI style injection (not sure quite how we do this).

Finally, I think it's important that we do at some point remove the "extinct" functionality such as CMP from the default EJB API, to reduce the confusion a new developer get's when approaching Java EE for the first time.

Looking forward to seeing EJB 3.2 take shape!


On 15 Jun 2011, at 23:52, Marina Vatkina wrote:

> Welcome to the EJB 3.2 java.net project!
> This message is to announce the formal launch of the Expert Group for JSR 345 and to welcome you all as members. Thanks again for offering
> to participate in the JPA 2.1 effort.
> The expert group currently (we expect several more experts to jojn) includes experts from 5 companies and 2 individuals.
> The current members are:
> Florent Benoit (OW2)
> Ravikiran Noothi (Pramati)
> Pete Muir (Red Hat)
> Miju Byon (TmaxSoft)
> Reza Rahman (Caucho)
> Adam Bien
> Stefan Heldt
> The current members of the expert group and their contact information are listed on the expert group home page at jcp.org.
> There are also a few more companies and individuals who are still sorting out their representation, processing JSPAs, etc., who are expected to join us shortly.
> To confirm that the ejb-spec project on java.net and the experts mailing list are working correctly, please reply to this email. If you would like to do a short self-introduction and describe the particular areas of this JSR in which you are most interested in (and interested in being (pro)active), please reply to the alias.
> If you hadn't done so, please also subscribe to the issues mailing list as we should be able to utilize the associated JIRA setup to track down non-trivial changes.
> Please feel free to email me directly if you have any questions or encounter any problems. If the concern can be shared by other members, don't hesitate to send it to the alias.
> Best Regards,
> -marina
> Marina Vatkina
> EJB 3.2 Specification Lead (Oracle)
> 4220 Network Circle
> Santa Clara 95054
> marina.vatkina_at_oracle.com
> 1-408-276-5637