[connector-spec-users] [jsr322-experts] Re: Supporting password aliases in Confidential Properties and the Password Property

From: Wilson Tian <>
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2012 23:05:12 -0800 (PST)

If password alias support will be mandatory for AS, should confidential properties support also be marked as mandatory for AS? IIUC, confidential properties is a optional feature to both adapters and AS in Connector 1.6.

Also, the proposal for section uses 'is responsible for', does it mean 'must'? may be reworded to make it clearer.

A minor suggestion: add 'AdministeredObject' to the 'Impact' section:
With this change, while a value for a configuration property for a
JavaBean such as Resource Adapter, MCF, AdministeredObject or ActivationSpec is specified
by a user


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sivakumar Thyagarajan
> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2012 11:49 PM
> To:
> Cc: Jesper Pedersen
> Subject: [jsr322-experts] Re: Supporting password aliases in Confidential Properties and the Password Property
> Hi Jesper
> On Tuesday 04 December 2012 07:36 PM, Jesper Pedersen wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On 12/03/2012 10:53 PM, Sivakumar Thyagarajan wrote:
> >> Could we require application servers to support the specification
> >> (and
> >> resolution) of Password aliases in all Configuration Properties of a
> >> JavaBean that are marked as confidential, and the standard "Password"
> >> Configuration Property?
> >>
> >> *Impact*
> >> With this change, while a value for a configuration property for a
> >> JavaBean such as Resource Adapter, MCF or ActivationSpec is specified
> >> by a user, the user could use a password alias. The application
> >> server is required to resolve this alias and pass the resolved
> >> plain-text password to the resource adapter.
> >>
> >> *Spec Impact*
> >> Section Add the following lines: "A Password alias may be
> >> used while configuring confidential properties. The application
> >> server is responsible for resolving the alias and passing the clear
> >> text password to the JavaBean. For more details on the Password Alias
> >> feature and its format, see Section EE.3.7 "Password Aliasing and
> >> Management" of the Java EE 7 platform specification."
> >>
> >> Section 20.5.4: Add the following lines: "The application server must
> >> support the specification of password aliases in the Password
> >> standard Property. For more details on the Password Alias feature and
> >> its format, see Section EE.3.7 "Password Aliasing and Management" of
> >> the Java EE 7 platform specification"
> >>
> >
> > I agree with this change.
> >
> > However, you can't make it a mandatory requirement, since existing
> > certified implementations doesn't support this feature.
> A spec usually goes through two types of changes through the MR process:
> - Errata: These are small changes to a spec that don't change the meaning of the spec(typos, fixing obvious
> inconsistencies in the spec, clarifications). In most cases, an errata should not require a change to the
> implementation or the TCK. This does not require a new spec version.
> In this case we can't bring in new features that existing certified implementations cannot support.
> - API Changes: These are changes that change the meaning of the spec, adds features etc. This could be API
> signature changes (adding a class, method), behavior changes, requirement changes. The requirement is that such
> changes are backward compatible with the previous version of the specification. These changes results in new
> assertions, a new spec version (Connectors 1.7 in our case), new TCK version etc. A EE7 implementation must
> support this new Connector spec version (1.7) and hence there is no issue in adding features (as long as the
> added features are not backward compatible with the earlier version of the spec)
> In this MR that we are aiming for EE7, we would add new APIs (to support JMS/EJB changes, for the new resource
> definition annotations), and so we fall in the second category. So, I would like to suggest that this can remain
> as a "must".
> Thanks
> --Siva.
> > So change "must" to "may".
> >
> > File an issue for to make it mandatory and adding a TCK test
> > for the functionality. In the standalone environment
> > definition would need an update to make this feature optional ("may"),
> > since it isn't tied to the EE spec.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Jesper
> >