Dear experts,
Welcome to the restarted JSR 236!
We will try to use this expert group mailing list as the main
communication channel. I am planning to hold conference calls only on as
needed basis such as when there are issues that cannot be resolved in
emails. You are welcome to use theJIRA
<> system to log new issues.
Current Status:
We have heard back from most of the experts from before the JSR went
idle to continue participation. Thanks! We also have some new experts
that have joined us. As you might have already noticed in previous
emails, we have David Lloyd and Marius Bogoevici from Red Hat. Adam Bien
is also expected to formally join the group soon. We are still open to
others to join the expert group.
Next step:
According to the JCP process, our first goal is to "define requirements
and then write a draft Specification suitable for review by the
community and the public." As far as I understand, it would get the JSR
out of the "inactive" status once we have posted the Early Draft for
public review.
I propose that we should use the Early Draft Preview
and APIs <> that previous
spec leads Chris Johnson and Naresh Revanuru has created as our starting
point, and work on making the appropriate modifications to make them
suitable for the Early Draft Review. The draft was the same as the one
hosted on Doug Lea's site for the past few years. The APIs are almost
the same except for 2 changes:
- the change in package name from javax.util.concurrent to
javax.enterprise.concurrent, per suggestion from the Java EE 7 spec
lead, and
- changes to use ExecutionException as the parent class of the exception
I would like to find out what your opinions are on this draft and APIs.
Do you think it is heading in the right direction? Are there any issues
that you would like to be included in the spec that are not currently
present in the draft, or any features currently in the draft that should
no longer be there? Are there any major issues or concerns that you
think need to be addressed before it is ready to be formally published
as an Early Draft for public to review? Any inputs are appreciated.
Please feel free to let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.
About me:
I have been working on various areas of Java EE containers since 2001. I
am currently responsible for the maintenance of the thread pooling
feature in WebLogic including the support for commonJ interface. I will
be helping with the reference implementation and TCK efforts of this
spec. I have previously involved in the Connector Architecture 1.5
expert group. This is the first time I take on the role of spec lead. So
please bear with me as I am learning the JCP process.