Just realized that this mail may not have sent to the expert group
mailing list either.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Feedback
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 21:46:22 +0200
From: Adam Bien <abien_at_adam-bien.com>
To: jsr236-experts-request_at_concurrency-ee-spec.java.net
HI *,
I read the proposal and probably found some problems / inconsistencies (or completely misunderstood that :-)).
I incorporated the comments into the PDF--see attachment.
Summary of my comments:
1. DI of resources into manually created tasks won't work, or has to be performed by the pools. We should clarify that.
2. We should rely more on Convention over Configuration. It means: injection should work without any XML configuration.
3. I would reduce the scope and start with the injection of plain Executor services managed by the container. It would already solve about 80% of challenges from my projects.
4. Often mentioned "Container Context" is not clearly defined. I guess TX are not covered by the definition. Otherwise a in EJB initiated TX could be propagated into an asynchronous task...
5. We should reduce optional things. E.g. jndi names etc. should be mandatory--otherwise the suggestions are worthless. I would reduce the scope of the whole spec to mandatory services, and discuss the optional things later.
Please see my comments in the PDF,