
From: James Barbone <>
Date: Tue, 06 May 2014 14:51:58 -0400

  Attn: Bill Shannon

  Attn: HELP Wanted


  We want to acquire the capability to send up to 5 million newsletters daily via a Google App Engine cloud server.

   Need JavaMail with a SMTP app and the capacity to open 500 simultaneous threads, connections per second ?

   We have an approved account with Google, to send newsletters - but they do not support 3rd party apps.

   PLEASE indicate your fixed fee & time required to install & configure a JavaMail app on the Google server.

    You may choose to forward this request. Thanks. +


  Sincerely, + + 302 762 2828 VMail ?


Quota Increase Request + Approved + Billing Enabled

App Engine's quota system allows for efficient applications with billing enabled to scale to around 500 queries per second (qps) or more than 40 million queries per day. This is a substantial amount of traffic and should easily suffice for even the heaviest of Slashdottings. But if you expect your application will need to handle even higher qps, please complete this form so we can assist you.

First name * James

Last name * Barbone

Admin Email: *

Your application ID ( *

Application description * Newsletter

Traffic estimate (qps) * 5 Million Daily

Cause of traffic spike (e.g. new launch, Dugg, etc.) * New Launch

----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Shannon
Cc: James Barbone
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: Help

I don't know, have you tried it?

What hardware? What server(s)? SSL or no SSL? What authentication?

Can the JDK open 500 connections per second?

I suspect one of the other things above will be the limiting factor before JavaMail.

James Barbone wrote on 05/05/14 17:42:

         Does JavaMail 1.5.2 have the capacity to open 500 concurrent connections per second ?

        What does ? + Thanks