Re: a sent message has both the sent and received dates not null (imap)

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 11:35:10 -0700

Whether the sent data is set or not may depend on whether or not your mail
client (Thunderbird in this case) sets the Date header of messages it sends.
Normally I would expect it to do so.

The received data is probably being set to the date on which the copy of
the sent message is appended to the Sent folder.

I don't know of a way to definitively tell whether a message was appended
to a folder because it was "sent" or for some other reason, especially
since you can move messages between the INBOX and Sent folders without
"sending" or "receiving" them. wrote on 05/31/13 06:56:
> Hi,
> I'm reading from the Sent folder of IMAP server an email I wrote and sent with
> Thunderbird - to avoid any possible error that could come from my application.
> Is it correct that both the received date and the sent date are not null in the
> obtained IMAPMessage?
> In particular, I'm seeing that the sent date is some seconds earlier than the
> received date.
> If that's fine, what's the most reliable way to tell if an email is sent or
> received?
> Thanks
> M. R.