Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

Class PageFormat

  extended by java.awt.print.PageFormat
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PageFormat
extends Object
implements Cloneable

The PageFormat class describes the size and orientation of a page to be printed.

Field Summary
static int LANDSCAPE
          The origin is at the bottom left of the paper with x running bottom to top and y running left to right.
static int PORTRAIT
          The origin is at the top left of the paper with x running to the right and y running down the paper.
          The origin is at the top right of the paper with x running top to bottom and y running right to left.
Constructor Summary
          Creates a default, portrait-oriented PageFormat.
Method Summary
 Object clone()
          Makes a copy of this PageFormat with the same contents as this PageFormat.
 double getHeight()
          Returns the height, in 1/72nds of an inch, of the page.
 double getImageableHeight()
          Return the height, in 1/72nds of an inch, of the imageable area of the page.
 double getImageableWidth()
          Returns the width, in 1/72nds of an inch, of the imageable area of the page.
 double getImageableX()
          Returns the x coordinate of the upper left point of the imageable area of the Paper object associated with this PageFormat.
 double getImageableY()
          Returns the y coordinate of the upper left point of the imageable area of the Paper object associated with this PageFormat.
 double[] getMatrix()
          Returns a transformation matrix that translates user space rendering to the requested orientation of the page.
 int getOrientation()
          Returns the orientation of this PageFormat.
 Paper getPaper()
          Returns a copy of the Paper object associated with this PageFormat.
 double getWidth()
          Returns the width, in 1/72nds of an inch, of the page.
 void setOrientation(int orientation)
          Sets the page orientation.
 void setPaper(Paper paper)
          Sets the Paper object for this PageFormat.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int LANDSCAPE
The origin is at the bottom left of the paper with x running bottom to top and y running left to right. Note that this is not the Macintosh landscape but is the Window's and PostScript landscape.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PORTRAIT
The origin is at the top left of the paper with x running to the right and y running down the paper.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int REVERSE_LANDSCAPE
The origin is at the top right of the paper with x running top to bottom and y running right to left. Note that this is the Macintosh landscape.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public PageFormat()
Creates a default, portrait-oriented PageFormat.

Method Detail


public Object clone()
Makes a copy of this PageFormat with the same contents as this PageFormat.

clone in class Object
a copy of this PageFormat.
See Also:


public double getWidth()
Returns the width, in 1/72nds of an inch, of the page. This method takes into account the orientation of the page when determining the width.

the width of the page.


public double getHeight()
Returns the height, in 1/72nds of an inch, of the page. This method takes into account the orientation of the page when determining the height.

the height of the page.


public double getImageableX()
Returns the x coordinate of the upper left point of the imageable area of the Paper object associated with this PageFormat. This method takes into account the orientation of the page.

the x coordinate of the upper left point of the imageable area of the Paper object associated with this PageFormat.


public double getImageableY()
Returns the y coordinate of the upper left point of the imageable area of the Paper object associated with this PageFormat. This method takes into account the orientation of the page.

the y coordinate of the upper left point of the imageable area of the Paper object associated with this PageFormat.


public double getImageableWidth()
Returns the width, in 1/72nds of an inch, of the imageable area of the page. This method takes into account the orientation of the page.

the width of the page.


public double getImageableHeight()
Return the height, in 1/72nds of an inch, of the imageable area of the page. This method takes into account the orientation of the page.

the height of the page.


public Paper getPaper()
Returns a copy of the Paper object associated with this PageFormat. Changes made to the Paper object returned from this method do not affect the Paper object of this PageFormat. To update the Paper object of this PageFormat, create a new Paper object and set it into this PageFormat by using the setPaper(Paper) method.

a copy of the Paper object associated with this PageFormat.
See Also:


public void setPaper(Paper paper)
Sets the Paper object for this PageFormat.

paper - the Paper object to which to set the Paper object for this PageFormat.
NullPointerException - a null paper instance was passed as a parameter.
See Also:


public void setOrientation(int orientation)
                    throws IllegalArgumentException
Sets the page orientation. orientation must be one of the constants: PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE, or REVERSE_LANDSCAPE.

orientation - the new orientation for the page
IllegalArgumentException - if an unknown orientation was requested
See Also:


public int getOrientation()
Returns the orientation of this PageFormat.

this PageFormat object's orientation.
See Also:


public double[] getMatrix()
Returns a transformation matrix that translates user space rendering to the requested orientation of the page. The values are placed into the array as { m00, m10, m01, m11, m02, m12} in the form required by the AffineTransform constructor.

the matrix used to translate user space rendering to the orientation of the page.
See Also:

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

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