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Oracle9i Developer Suite Release Notes
Release 2 (9.0.2) for Windows and UNIX

Part Number A96128-01
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Oracle9i Developer Suite

Release Notes

Release 2 (9.0.2) for Windows and UNIX

April 2002

Part No. A96128-01

This document summarizes differences between Oracle9i Developer Suite Release 2 (9.0.2) and its documented functionality.

See Also:

Release Notes for individual Oracle9i Developer Suite components

For recent updates to the release notes and other documentation, please visit Oracle Technology Network at

This document is divided into the following parts:

1 Product Naming

Oracle9i Developer Suite (Oracle9iDS) is formerly Oracle Internet Developer Suite.

For Windows, the components in Oracle9i Developer Suite Release 2 are:

Note that Oracle9i Developer Suite Release 2 is not supported on Windows 95/98/ME.

For UNIX, the components in Oracle9i Developer Suite Release 2 are:

Note that Oracle9i Developer Suite Release 2 is supported on the Sun Solaris, HP-UX, and Linux Intel operating environments.

2 Certification Information

You can access the most recent certification information at

3 Known Issues

This section is divided into the following parts:

3.1 Installation Issues

3.1.1 Running Windows System Files Installation

If you encounter a Windows System Files error while installing Oracle9iDS on Windows NT, click OK to close the error dialog, then use the following instructions to run the Windows System Files installation. You cannot proceed with the Oracle9iDS installation on Windows NT if you do not run the Windows System Files installation first.

To run the Windows System Files installation:

  1. Click Exit to quit the Oracle9iDS installation.

  2. Change to the root directory on the Oracle9i Developer Suite Disk 1 CD-ROM.

  3. Run wsf.exe.

    The Windows System Files installation proceeds, followed by a system reboot.

  4. Restart the Oracle9iDS installation.

Additional information about the Windows System Files installation is provided in the Oracle9i Developer Suite Installation Guide.

3.1.2 Warning Message While Running

On UNIX platforms, a warning message appears while running the script You may ignore the message.

3.1.3 Oracle Net Configuration Assistant Fails to Run

This problem occurs on Windows platforms only. When installing the Business Intelligence, Rapid Application Development, or Complete option, the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant (NetCA) fails to run. Installation proceeds successfully even though NetCA fails to run. NetCA may be manually run from the Start Menu after the installation completes.

Follow these instructions to run NetCA manually:

  1. At the end of the installation, click Exit to quit the installer.

  2. Run NetCA from the Start Menu as follows:

    Start -> Programs-> Oracle - ORACLE_HOME -> Configuration and Migration Tools -> Net Configuration Assistant

3.1.4 (Optional) Performance During Installation

Some configurations of virus protection programs may cause slow performance during installation. As an option for a faster install, turn off your virus protection program before installing Oracle9iDS.

3.1.5 Installing the Oracle9i Developer Suite Documentation Library

For Windows and Solaris users, you can either copy the files from the documentation library CD-ROM to your system, or use the Oracle Universal Installer on the Oracle9i Developer Suite Disk 1 CD-ROM to install the files.

For HP-UX and Linux users, copy the files from the documentation library CD-ROM to your system.

The instructions for installing the Oracle9i Developer Suite Documentation Library are provided in the Oracle9i Developer Suite Installation Guide.

3.2 Deinstallation Issues

3.2.1 Oracle Universal Installer Does Not Deinstall All Files

Oracle Universal Installer does not deinstall all the files and directories during deinstallation. You must manually remove any remaining files and directories in ORACLE_HOME. For more information about deinstallation, see the Oracle9i Developer Suite Installation Guide.

3.3 Oracle9i JDeveloper Issues

3.3.1 ClassCastException Errors Appear in Debug Console

When running JDeveloper from jdev.exe (instead of jdevw.exe), you will see some ClassCastException errors in the debug console. These errors do not affect the functionalities of the Reports addins.

3.4 Oracle9i Forms Developer Issues

3.4.1 Online Help System Fails to Start on Japanese Installations

The online help system fails to start and generates an error (FRM-18105) for Japanese installations of Forms Developer on all operating systems. The reason is because one online help file is installed to the wrong directory.

To fix this error:

  1. Go to ORACLE_HOME/forms90/doc/JA and locate the fmhelp.jar file.

  2. Move this file to the ORACLE_HOME/forms90/doc/JA/fmdevhelp directory.

3.4.2 Problems When ORACLE_HOME Exceeds 39 Characters

If the ORACLE_HOME has a long name (that is, the total directory name that makes up ORACLE_HOME is greater than or equal to 40 characters), there will be some problems in running Forms Builder. Help will not come up, the debugger won't work, and the builder will crash if you try to bring up the code editor to modify or create a trigger or a program unit. You can avoid this problem by making sure your ORACLE_HOME is shorter than 40 characters. Alternatively, the workaround is to edit the file $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ by adding the following two lines after the line where FORMS90_BUILDER_CLASSPATH is set:

3.4.3 JVM Dump When Forms Classpath Exceeds 511 Characters

When the FORMS90_BUILDER_CLASSPATH exceeds 511 characters, Forms Developer has a JVM dump when trying to create a trigger or a program unit. The workaround is to set CLASSPATH=$FORMS90_BUILDER_CLASSPATH, either in the script or at the command line.

3.4.4 Availability of Migration Tool

Forms Developer currently provides a command line migration tool for migrating your Forms6i applications to Forms9i. A migration wizard and the accompanying documentation will be made available on OTN at a later date.

3.5 Oracle9i Reports Developer Issues

3.5.1 Find/Replace in Web Source View for Asian Languages Causes Crash

When performing a Find/Replace operation in the Web Source view of the Report Editor and running in an Asian language (for example, Japanese) on Windows, the Reports Builder crashes. This problem does not occur on UNIX platforms.

3.6 Oracle9iAS Report Services Issues

3.6.1 Graph Not Generating For Oracle6i Graphics

When you run a report which has Oracle6i Graphics embedded in it, you may get the following error:

REP-1811: Error while generating graph. SSL fatal error: Cannot execute 

If this happens, you need to create a link from g90runm to in your $ORACLE_HOME/bin.

ln -s g90runm

Note that you also need to specify the path of your Oracle6i home in the ORACLE_GRAPHICS6I_HOME variable in and ensure that your Oracle6i home is in that path.

3.6.2 Configuration of Reports Server with Oracle Enterprise Manager

After installation, the Reports Server instance is not accessible from Oracle Enterprise Manager. The reason for this problem is that the password set for the reports target is not the Oracle9iAS admin password.

To fix this problem, do the following:

  1. Open the file $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/targets.xml.

  2. Search for the reports target. The target type for reports is oracle_repserv. The target definition will contain a property for Password, for example:

    <Property NAME="Password" VALUE="3f769c1e7cfd7411"  ENCRYPTED="TRUE"/>
  3. Change the VALUE to be the Oracle9iAS admin password and set ENCRYPTED = "FALSE" for example:

    <Property NAME="Password" VALUE="adminpasswd"  ENCRYPTED="FALSE"/>
  4. Restart Oracle Enterprise Manager:

       #   $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop
       #   $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start

Oracle Enterprise Manager will automatically encrypt the password and set the ENCRYPTED flag to TRUE.

3.6.3 Shutting Down the Reports Server from Enterprise Manager

When it is being run in secure mode, the Reports Server cannot be shut down from Oracle Enterprise Manager. In this case, you need to shut down the Reports Server from the Reports Server dialog box or kill the process.

3.7 Oracle9i XML Developer's Kits

3.7.1 Certification and System Requirements

The following is additional support provided by Oracle9i XML Developer's Kits (XDKs) Release 1 (9.0.1):

3.7.2 General Issues and Workarounds

This following lists additional support and options provided by Oracle9i XML Developer's Kits (XDKs) Release 1 (9.0.1):

3.7.3 Documentation Errata

Updated versions of Chapters 5 and 6 of Oracle9i Application Developer's Guide - XML Release 1 (9.0.1) are available from OTN at

3.8 Accessibility Issues (Windows only)

This section contains information for users who require Windows assistive technologies such as screen readers to work with Java-based applications and applets.

3.8.1 Disabling Autorun

When Oracle9i Developer Suite Disk 1 is inserted into the CD-ROM drive, the autorun window displays if your system supports the autorun feature. To disable the autorun window, hold down the Shift key after inserting the CD-ROM. Alternatively, if the autorun window appears, press ALT-F4 to close the window. Then do one of the following:

  1. To install Oracle9iDS, locate the executable setup.exe in the root directory of the CD-ROM. Start the installer by launching the setup.exe program.

  2. To browse the CD-ROM contents, use your Windows Explorer.

  3. To learn about Oracle9iDS, point your browser to the file \doc\ids902welcome\index.htm on the CD-ROM.

3.8.2 Running access_setup.bat

Run access_setup.bat before starting your screen reader.

The file access_setup.bat is located in the directory \install\win32 of the Oracle9i Developer Suite CD-ROM labelled Disk 1.

3.8.3 Oracle Net Configuration Assistant Is Not Accessible

For Oracle Net Configuration Assistant (NetCA) to be accessible, you must install the production version of Java Access bridge 1.0.2 into the JRE 1.1.8 location on your system.

If NetCA is automatically invoked during installation, cancel the dialog by pressing ALT-F4. Then exit the installer. This does not affect the Oracle9iDS installation; it only stops the NetCA tool.

Follow these instructions before starting NetCA:

  1. Install Java Access Bridge 1.0.2 into the JRE 1.1.8 location on your system. Refer to the Oracle9i Developer Suite Installation Guide for more details on how to do this.

  2. Set the environment variable (the following is one long line):

    ORACLE_OEM_CLASSPATH=D:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\lib\access-bridge.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\lib\jaccess.jar

    (assuming "D:\Program Files" is the location of your Program Files directory).

  3. Restart your screen reader.

  4. Start NetCA from the Start Menu, as follows:

    Start -> Programs-> Oracle - ORACLE_HOME -> Configuration and Migration Tools -> Net Configuration Assistant

3.8.4 Oracle9i Warehouse Builder Programs Are Not Accessible

After installing Oracle9iDS, follow these steps to ensure that Warehouse Builder programs are accessible:

  1. Install Java Access Bridge 1.0.2 into the JRE 1.3 location in %ORACLE_HOME%\owb\lib\ext\jre.

    For instructions on how to install Java Access Bridge, see the Oracle9i Developer Suite Installation Guide.

  2. Restart the screen reader.

If the Java Access Bridge installer does not automatically detect the JRE 1.3 location in %ORACLE_HOME%\owb\lib\ext\jre, follow these steps to perform the installation manually:

  1. Copy JRE1.3.1\lib\ to %ORACLE_HOME%\owb\lib\ext\jre\lib.

  2. Copy JRE1.3.1\lib\ext\access-bridge.jar to %ORACLE_HOME%\owb\lib\ext\jre\lib\ext.

  3. Copy JRE1.3.1\lib\ext\jaccess.jar to %ORACLE_HOME%\owb\lib\ext\jre\lib\ext.

  4. Restart the screen reader.

4 Product Accessibility

For information on product accessibility, please visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at

Accessibility scripts are available for applications built using Oracle Forms Developer and Oracle Reports Developer. To download the scripts, please visit the Oracle Technology Network at

5 Documentation Accessibility

Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle Corporation is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers. For additional information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at

Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation

JAWS, a Windows screen reader, may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise empty line; however, JAWS may not always read a line of text that consists solely of a bracket or brace.

Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation

This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations that Oracle Corporation does not own or control. Oracle Corporation neither evaluates nor makes any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.

Oracle is a registered trademark, and Oracle9i, OracleMetaLink, Oracle Store, Oracle8i, Oracle9iAS Discoverer, PL/SQL, and SQL*Plus are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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