Oracle Discoverer Administration Edition Administration Guide Release 4.1 for Windows A86730-01 |
This appendix consists of the following sections:
This appendix lists the errors that may be encountered when using Discoverer. For each error, there is a probable cause and a suggested corrective action.
Many errors listed in this appendix are client errors produced by Discoverer Administration Edition. You may also encounter server or database errors produced by the Oracle database itself. These errors will be received from the database when an error condition exists in the database and not in Discoverer Administration Edition. They are identified by the prefix "ORA-num:". For a complete description of all Oracle errors, see the Oracle SQL Server Manual.
Because Discoverer Administration Edition is part of a client/server system, some errors that may be displayed will not pertain to Discoverer Administration Edition (which is the client). The cause of the error in this case is often incidental to the current operation you are attempting. For example, there may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or with the Oracle database. In these instances, use the normal troubleshooting procedures to determine that the network, server, and Oracle database are operating normally before proceeding.
A database role exists which conflicts with this username
Cause: An attempt was made to use a database user that has the same name as an existing database role. Roles and users cannot conflict.
Action: Log onto the database using a user ID that is not the same as a role.
A detail folder must be selected
Cause: You have attempted to create a join that does not have a detail folder selected.
Action: Select a detail folder and item on the right side of the equation and retry.
A join must contain at least one predicate
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to create or edit a join. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
A master folder must be selected
Cause: You have attempted to create a join that does not have a master folder selected.
Action: Select a master folder and item on the left side of the equation and retry.
Alternative Sort Items must come from the same folder as the LOV Item
Cause: When specifying the item to sort by, it must be in the same folder as the item that you used to identify the list of values for this item class. This is so that the folder can be joined into the query at run time in order to correctly sort your data using the alternative sort item.
Action: Choose an item to sort by from the same folder as the item you used to identify the list of values for this item class and retry.
Ambiguous joins detected
Cause: You are creating a condition between two folders that have more than one join between them. Discoverer Administration Edition does not know which join to use for the condition.
Action: Discoverer Administration Edition displays a dialog box which lists all of the joins between the folders. Select one join.
An error occurred. Please refer to the release notes
Cause: An error has occurred which has not been documented in this manual.
Action: See the release notes supplied with Discoverer Administration Edition and take the appropriate action.
Another condition named [condition-name] already exists. Please type in a different name
Cause: You have entered a condition name that already exists in the folder.
Action: Re-enter a unique condition name and retry. Each condition name in the folder must be unique.
Another join named join-name already exists. Please enter a different name.
Cause: You have entered a name for a join which already exists.
Action: Re-enter a unique name and retry. The name for a join must be unique to the End User Layer.
Argument must be named
Cause: You have attempted to specify an argument without a name during the creation or editing of a PL/SQL function.
Action: Enter a valid argument name in the name field and retry. Each argument in a PL/SQL function must be named.
Argument name is too long
Cause: You have entered an argument name which is longer than the maximum allowed length.
Action: Re-enter an argument name which is no longer than the maximum length allowed for an argument name in the database you are connected to. The maximum length of an argument name may vary with Oracle versions. See the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual for package name conventions.
Business area must be named
Cause: You have attempted to create or edit a business area without entering a name.
Action: Enter a unique name in the name field and retry. Each business area must be named.
Changing Identifier
Cause: An attempt was made to click into the Identifier field.
Action: Click Help for further information before attempting to make any changes.
Select the Don't show this warning again during this session to not display this error message again during the current session.
Click Yes to proceed with the change in this Identifier.
Click No to abandon the attempt to alter this Identifier.
Column data type does not match item data type
Cause: An attempt was made to use a database column for an item that has a different data type. This message is sometimes a warning and sometimes prevents the attempted action, where such a mismatch would be invalid. This depends on the operation attempted.
Action: Change the data type of the item, perhaps by modifying the formula with a function such as TO_CHAR, TO_DATE or TO_NUMBER, or by creating a derived item of the appropriate type, or use a different database column.
Column is not large enough
Cause: An attempt was made to use a database column that is not as large as the item.
Action: Increase the size of the database column, or reduce the size of the item (for example, by using a function such as SUBSTR).
Combinations are not fully mapped
Cause: The combination of all the items in a query that use the summary have not been mapped to existing table columns, or you have accidentally deleted combination maps if you have chosen to automatically generate summary tables.
Action: Map each item in the query to existing table columns and retry.
Combinations are not uniquely mapped
Cause: When you are creating or editing an external summary, you have assigned a column to an item that has been previously been assigned to another item.
Action: Re-assign an unused column to the item and retry.
Condition is not complete
Cause: You have entered a condition which is not complete or does not follow the correct syntax.
Action: Re-enter the condition following proper syntax. For example, you may not have entered matching quotes or you may not have entered a value to the right of the operator.
Condition is not valid
Cause: You have entered a condition which does not follow the correct syntax.
Action: Re-enter the condition following proper syntax. For example, you may not have entered matching quotes or you may not have entered a value to the right of the operator.
Condition mixes different levels of aggregation
Cause: You have created a condition which attempts to compare an aggregated measure with a non-aggregated measure. For example, in the condition AVG(SAL) > COMM if SAL is non-aggregated and COMM is aggregated, the condition mixes different levels of aggregation.
Action: You must compare group functions, such as SUM(Salary), with other group functions, or compare non-group functions with other non-group calculations. You cannot mix group functions with non-group functions in a calculation or condition. Modify the condition and retry.
Condition must be named
Cause: You have attempted to create or edit a condition without entering a name.
Action: Enter a unique condition name in the name field and retry. Each condition must be named.
Connected to a database that does not support this functionality
Cause: The database or version of the database that you are connected to does not support the functionality required to complete the operation attempted.
Action: Upgrade your database to a later version to use this functionality. Ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Could not create new condition
Cause: The condition has been entered correctly; however, an error was detected when attempting to save the new condition in the End User Layer. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Could not create new join
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to save the join you have just created, but the join has been validated. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Could not modify condition
Cause: The condition has been edited correctly; however, an error was detected when attempting to save the modified condition in the End User Layer. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Could not modify join
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to save a modified join in the End User Layer. The join is valid; however, it cannot be saved. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Cyclic Hierarchy - This hierarchy node, or its items are already used in the hierarchy
Cause: You attempted to add an item into a hierarchy twice.
Action: Do not add an item to a hierarchy twice.
Data type not valid for summaries
Cause: You cannot use an item of this data type in a summary.
Action: Use a different item or change the data type of the item.
Database Error
Cause: A database error has occurred.
Action: Note the database error number and the message and ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Database timed_statistics parameter is set to FALSE
Cause: Timed_statistics is a parameter in the database init.ora configuration file that affects the ability of Discoverer to perform Query Performance Prediction.
Action: Determine if the database server has timed statistics turned on. To turn on timed statistics, execute the following query in SQL*Plus:
select value
from v$parameter
where name = "timed_statistics";
The query should return the value TRUE. If it returns FALSE, change the init.ora parameter timed_statistics to TRUE, shutdown, and restart the server.
Date hierarchy must be named
Cause: You have attempted to create or edit a date hierarchy without entering a name. Each date hierarchy must be named.
Action: Enter a unique name in the name field and retry.
Description is too long. Max length is num bytes
Cause: You have entered a description which is longer than the maximum allowed length. The maximum length of a description is 240 bytes.
Action: Re-enter a description which is 240 bytes long or less.
Oracle Designer not available
Cause: There are no accessible Oracle Designer database repository tables.
Action: Check that Oracle Designer is installed on the database you are using. Set up the user ID you are using as an Oracle Designer user and retry. If you are still unable to access the Oracle Designer database repository tables, check that the user ID you are logged in as has SELECT access to the Oracle Designer tables, and that they have valid synonyms that point to the Oracle Designer tables and retry.
Duplicate business area name
Cause: You have attempted to create a business area with the same name as one that already exists. Choose a different name, or rename the existing one.
Action: Business areas in an End User Layer must be named uniquely.
Duplicate Server database link, owner and object name
Cause: You have attempted to use a duplicate database link, owner, and object name. Database links, owner, and object names must be unique.
Action: Choose a different name.
Duplicate summary table name and owner
Cause: You have attempted to use a duplicate summary table name and owner. Summary table and owner names must be unique.
Action: Choose a different name.
End User Layer tables version n requires End User Layer DLL of at least version n
Cause: You are attempting to connect to a database that has a set of End User Layer database tables that are incompatible with the version of Discoverer Administration Edition that you are using.
Action: Upgrade the End User Layer tables, install the latest release of Discoverer or connect to a different database.
End User Layer transaction found object changed in the database
Cause: Another Discoverer Administration Edition user has changed the End User Layer element you are modifying.
Action: Exit from Discoverer Administration Edition, reconnect, and retry.
Error adding combination
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to add a new combination when you are creating or editing a summary. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error adding summary table
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to create a summary table used by a managed summary. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error applying date template to this item
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to use the date template with this item. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error checking combination
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to set combinations when you are creating or editing a summary. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error creating business area
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to create a business area. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error creating new business area
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to create a new business area. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error creating new condition
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to create a condition. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error creating new folder
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to create a new folder. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error creating new function
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to create a new PL/SQL function. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error creating new function argument
Cause: An error occurred when specifying an argument during the creation or editing of a PL/SQL function. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error creating new item
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to create an item. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error creating new join
Cause: Discoverer Administration Edition was unable to save the join you have just created. However, the join has been validated. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error creating summary
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to create a summary. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error creating summary refresh set
Cause: An error was detected when creating the summary refresh set. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error creating summary set
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to create a new summary. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error exporting End User Layer objects
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to export the End User Layer. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error deleting function argument
Cause: An error occurred when deleting an argument during the creation or editing of a PL/SQL function. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error deleting registered function
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to delete a PL/SQL function. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error found parsing SQL statement
Cause: An unspecified error was detected when parsing an SQL statement. There may be an error in the SQL statement, or the SQL is of a type of query which is not currently supported by the Discoverer import parser. See the Release Notes for more information.
Action: Check the SQL statement for errors. Correct the error and retry. See the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual for SQL syntax conventions.
Error granting admin option
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to make security modifications in the Security dialog with the Admin option checked. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error granting privileges
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to grant or revoke a user's privilege. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error granting/revoking business area
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to grant or revoke business area privileges to a user or role. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error importing End User Layer objects
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to import an End User Layer. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of the Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error in condition description
Cause: You may have entered an invalid character.
Action: You may have entered a character that is not acceptable. Re-enter and retry.
Error in condition name
Cause: You may have entered an invalid character.
Action: You may have entered a character that is not acceptable. Re-enter and retry.
Error in database
Cause: Discoverer Administration Edition has detected an error associated with the Oracle database; however, the specific error cannot be determined. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error in End User Layer import file - InvalidClass
Cause: The End User Layer import file is corrupted or is not a valid import file.
Action: Export the business area into an new file and import it again. Retry the operation that failed.
Error in End User Layer import file - NoTypeFound
Cause: The End User Layer import file is corrupted or is not a valid import file.
Action: Export the business area into an new file and import it again. Retry the operation that failed.
Error in End User Layer import file - ParseError
Cause: The End User Layer import file is corrupted or is not a valid import file.
Action: Export the business area into an new file and import it again. Retry the operation that failed.
Error in formula
Cause: The formula you have entered does not follow the SQL expression syntax.
Action: Re-enter the formula following SQL syntax conventions. See the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual for a description.
Error in formula - ambiguous or duplicate item names
Cause: The formula contains unqualified item names which appear in multiple folders.
Action: Qualify item names with the folder name (for example, Employee.Name).
Error in formula - circular recursive expression detected
Cause: The formula contains a reference to an item whose formula references this formula.
Action: Modify the formula to remove the circular reference and retry.
Error in formula - invalid item name or unrecognized item
Cause: The formula contains some text that is not recognized as an item name.
Action: Change the item name to a valid item name and retry.
Error in formula - item is not in scope of the folders available for this formula
Cause: The formula contains an item that is not in the folders that this formula can reference. In Discoverer Administration Edition you can create derived items in complex folders that reference items in either the component folders or the complex folder itself. In simple folders you can only reference items in the folder itself.
Action: Correct the item name and retry.
Error in formula - mismatched ( ) (parentheses)
Cause: There are mismatched parentheses in the formula.
Action: Edit the formula for matching parentheses and retry.
Error in formula - Nested aggregate functions are not allowed
Cause: Discoverer does not directly support the use of nested aggregates, such as AVG(SUM(SAL)).
Action: Remove the nested aggregate. You can achieve the same result shown in the example by using the first aggregate SUM(SAL) called, for example, SumOfSalary, and then creating a new folder. Drag over the items you need (excluding the aggregate), and create a new item with the formula
Error in formula - uncategorized error
Cause: An unspecified error was found in the formula.
Action: Check the formula and correct the error. See the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual for formula syntax conventions.
Error in formula - unexpected end of formula
Cause: The formula is unfinished, possibly ending in an operator or function name.
Action: Check the end of the formula and correct the error. See the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual for formula syntax conventions.
Error in Formula - unknown function name
Cause: The formula contains a function that is not registered in the End User Layer.
Action: Check the formula to determine if the function name is wrong and correct it. If the function named in the formula is the correct function, then choose Register PL/SQL Function in the Tools menu to register the function in the End User Layer. Retry the formula with the registered function name.
Error in join description
Cause: You may have entered an invalid character.
Action: You may have entered a character that is not acceptable. Re-enter and retry.
Error in join name
Cause: You may have entered an invalid character.
Action: You may have entered a character that is not acceptable. Re-enter and retry.
Error loading database link
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to retrieve all of the database links to obtain a list of users for that database. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error loading Oracle Designer application
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to import information from Oracle Designer. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error loading users for database link
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to obtain a list of users for database link you have selected. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error mapping column
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to map an item in the summary table to an existing column in the database. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error modifying function argument
Cause: An error occurred when changing an argument during the editing of a PL/SQL function. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error modifying item class
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to modify an item class. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error modifying join
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to save a join that you have modified. However, the join itself has been validated. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error modifying PL/SQL functions
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to modify a PL/SQL function. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error refreshing the definition of End User Layer
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to refresh the End User Layer. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error registering PL/SQL functions
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to register a PL/SQL function. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error setting business area property
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to set a business area property. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error setting case storage of item
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to set the case storage attribute for this item. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error setting condition property
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to set a condition property. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error setting content type of item
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to set the content type attribute for this item.The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error setting default placement of item
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to set the default placement (top, left, right, page) attribute for this item. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error setting default width of item
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to set the default width attribute for this item. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error setting display case of item
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to set the display case attribute for this item. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error setting folder property
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to set a folder property. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error setting heading style of item
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to set the heading style attribute for this item.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error setting item property
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to set an item property.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error setting join property
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to set a join property. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error setting maximum characters fetched for item
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to set the maximum character fetch value for this item.The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error setting name
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to set a name property. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error setting show null as character of item
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to set the show null as attribute for this item. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error setting show/hidden of item
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to set the Visible to User attribute for this item. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Error setting style of item
Cause: An error was detected when attempting to set the style attribute for this item. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
EUL File Invalid, DQ4Admin.dll needs updating, please check in the README file for further information.
Cause: You attempted to import an End User Layer export file produced by an older version of Data Query where the file format is not compatible with Discoverer.
Action: Check the release notes to see how to upgrade your release of Data Query. This normally requires replacing a DLL. Produce the export file again.
EUL_PLAN_TABLE not accessible
Cause: You do not have write access to one of the End User Layer database tables.
Action: Check the log files created when the End User Layer database tables were installed, rebuild the End User Layer tables, or grant explicit access on the table EUL_PLAN_TABLE.
EUL_PLAN_TABLE not modifiable
Cause: You do not have access to one of the End User Layer database tables.
Action: Check the log files created when the End User Layer database tables were installed, rebuild the End User Layer tables, or grant explicit access on the table EUL_PLAN_TABLE.
EUL_QPP_STATISTICS not accessible
Cause: You do not have write access to one of the End User Layer database tables.
Action: Check the log files created when the End User Layer database tables were installed, rebuild the End User Layer tables, or grant explicit access on the table EUL_QPP_STATISTICS.
EUL_QPP_STATISTICS not modifiable
Cause: You do not have access to one of the End User Layer database tables.
Action: Check the log files created when the End User Layer database tables were installed, rebuild the End User Layer tables, or grant explicit access on the table EUL_QPP_STATISTICS.
Failed to add filter to folder
Cause: An error occurred creating a condition on a folder.
Action: Check the expression used in the condition, correct any errors and retry. If the error occurs again, save your work and exit from Discoverer Administration Edition. Launch Discoverer Administration Edition again and retry.
Failed to connect to database
Cause: You did not supply a valid user name, password or database in the login dialog.
Action: Correct the user name, password and database and retry connecting to the database. Ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Failed to open file
Cause: Unable to open a specified file. The file may be unreachable on the network or have the wrong properties.
Action: Verify that you have access to the file from your computer independent of Discoverer Administration Edition. Check network connections and file access permissions or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Failed to write to output file
Cause: Unable to write to a specified file. You may not be able to access the file on the network, or file access properties may be set incorrectly.
Action: Verify that you have write access to the file from your computer independent of Discoverer Administration Edition. Check network connections and file access permission or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Floating point numbers not allowed here
Cause: You attempted to use a floating-point number where an integer is required.
Action: Change the number to an integer and retry.
Folder [name] not imported - already exists in business area
Cause: The End User Layer import failed because a folder in the import file already exists in the End User Layer.
Action: Rename the folder or choose one of the import options to have the renaming performed automatically when you import the business area.
Folder [name] referenced in the export was not found in this End User Layer
Cause: A folder was referenced in the End User Layer import file that does not exist in the End User Layer.
Action: Include this folder when you export the business area or import the folder separately.
Folder [name] was not loaded because it's related folders have not been created during this import
Cause: A folder was referenced in the End User Layer import file that does not exist in the End User Layer.
Action: Include this folder when you export the business area, or import the folder separately.
Folder [name] was not loaded because of a missing dependency
Cause: A folder was referenced in the End User Layer import file that has dependencies on other elements that are not in the End User Layer.
Action: Include the dependencies required when you export the business area.
Folder [name] was not loaded due to name clash
Cause: The End User Layer import failed because a folder in the import file already exists in the End User Layer.
Action: Rename the folder or choose one of the import options to have the renaming performed automatically when you import the business area.
Folder must be named
Cause: You have attempted to create or edit a folder without entering a name.
Action: Enter a unique name in the name field and retry. Each folder must be uniquely named.
Format mask is too long. Max length is num bytes
Cause: You have entered a format mask which is longer than the maximum (100 bytes).
Action: Re-enter a format mask which is 100 bytes or less. See the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual for a description of the format mask definition.
Formula is too long. Max length is num bytes
Cause: You have entered a formula which is longer than the maximum (2,000 bytes).
Action: Re-enter a formula which is 2,000 bytes or less.
Function display name is too long
Cause: You have entered a name for the PL/SQL function which is longer than the maximum (100 bytes).
Action: Re-enter a name which is 100 bytes or less.
Function is invalid
Cause: You are attempting to register a PL/SQL function in a condition which is invalid.
Action: Enter a valid function and retry.
Function is used in one or more items or filters. Deletion not allowed.
Cause: This function is referenced in the formula of other items or conditions.
Action: Delete the items and conditions that use this function or edit them to remove the reference to the function and retry.
Function must have a display name
Cause: You have attempted to create or edit a PL/SQL function without a name.
Action: Enter a name in the name field and retry. Each PL/SQL function must be uniquely named.
Function name is too long
Cause: You have entered a function name which is longer than the maximum allowed length.
Action: Re-enter a function name which is no longer than the maximum length allowed for function name in the Oracle database you are connected to. The maximum length of function name may vary with Oracle versions. See the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual for package name conventions.
Function name must be specified
Cause: You have attempted to create or edit a PL/SQL function without a function name.
Action: Enter a valid function name in the name field and retry. Each PL/SQL function must have a valid name. See the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual for function name conventions.
Heading is too long. Max length is num bytes
Cause: You have entered a heading which is longer than the maximum (240 bytes).
Action: Re-enter a heading which is 240 bytes or less.
Identifier must be unique
Cause: Changes made to an Identifier mean that it is no longer unique in the current EUL.
Action: Re-enter the Identifier details ensuring that it is unique in the current EUL.
Inconsistent or invalid data types used in arithmetic operation
Cause: The data types of items used in this formula or condition are mismatched.
Action: Check the formula to correct the error or change the data type of the items by using TO_CHAR, TO_DATE or TO_NUMBER functions.
Insufficient End User Layer privilege to change summaries
Cause: You do not have the privilege required to edit summaries in the End User Layer.
Action: Ask your system administrator to grant you the Create Summaries privilege using Privileges in the Tools menu in Discoverer Administration Edition.
Insufficient privilege for attempted operation
Cause: You do not have the End User Layer privilege required to perform the requested operation. You also get this message if you have insufficient database privileges.
Action: Ask your system administrator to grant you the relevant privileges using Privileges in the Tools menu in Discoverer Administration Edition or to grant you the relevant database privileges.
Insufficient privilege to run Discoverer
Cause: You do not have the privilege required to use the Discoverer.
Action: Ask your system administrator to grant you the Administration privilege using Privileges in the Tools menu in Discoverer Administration Edition.
Insufficient server privilege to change summaries
Cause: You do not have the database privileges required to create or edit summaries in the server.
Action: Ask your system administrator to grant you the server 'Create Table' privilege using SQL*Plus and to ensure that you have quota and privileges to be able to create tables in a tablespace. See the Oracle Database Administration documentation for more details.
Internal EUL Error: DataError = Invalid function type
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: ExportIdAlreadyExists - Object has already reserved this id
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: ExportInvalidCType
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: ExprInvNumArgs - Invalid number of arguments for expression node
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: ExprParseBracketErr - No bracket found in canonical formula
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: ExprParseNodeType - Invalid type in canonical formula
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: Failed to get summary status from the server
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: HierarchyNodeNotConnected - the nodes in hierarchy are not the same as those in the segments
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: HierarchyNodeNotConnected - this hierarchy node is not connected
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: HierarchySegNotConnected - the segments in hierarchy are not the same as those in the nodes
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: InvalidConstructOpt - Invalid handle constructor option
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: InvalidDQ4Query - error importing DQ4 query
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: InvalidDrillOption - Invalid drill option requested
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: InvalidId - Failed to find EUL element by id
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: InvalidItem - Item is not valid in this context
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: InvalidNode - Invalid Hierarchy Node
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: InvalidRefreshSetType - Invalid summary refresh set type
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have succeeded correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: InvalidRollupOnQR - Rollup item is not in the Query Request
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: InvalidSegInHierarchy - Invalid segment found in hierarchy
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: InvalidString - String or string length is not valid
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: InvalidStringLength - String length is not valid
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: InvalidSummaryTableDef - The specified server table is invalid
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: ItemNotInNode - The item to be removed is not in this hierarchy node
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: ItemNotInServerObject - Column specified does not exist
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: LXInitializationFailure- lxlinit failed to allocate memory
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: MapInsertFailed - insert failed in PrivateAddObjectToMap
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: NoTransaction - there is no current transaction
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: NotSimpleFilter - complex element found in simple filter
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: ObjectNotFound - Can't find EUL element
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: PrivilegeNotFound - No privilege record found for this user
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: RollupValueMismatch - filter does not contain rollup value
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: TokenStreamError - Error tokenizing input stream
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: TransError - Unexpected transaction error
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: UniqueKeyViolation - internal id is used by another EUL element
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Internal EUL Error: ValidateFailure - data integrity error during transaction
Cause: An internal error has occurred in Discoverer. You might be able to continue working, but the current operation may not have been performed correctly.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Invalid argument name
Cause: You have attempted to enter an argument without a valid name.
Action: Enter a name for the argument which conforms to the argument naming convention. See the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual for argument name conventions.
Invalid character used in identifier
Cause: You have attempted to use one or more invalid characters in an identifier.
Action: Either remove the invalid character or replace with any of the following valid characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -_!~*'()
Invalid Combination of Joins involving Outer Joins
Cause: An attempt was made to join folders using a combination of outer joins that is not supported in the database you are connected to. You cannot outer join the same folder to more than one other folder at the same time.
Action: Create a complex folder that joins two of the folders with one outer join, then join this to the third folder.
Invalid data type
Cause: An error occurred when specifying the data type of an argument during the creation or editing of a PL/SQL function. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Invalid database link
Cause: You have entered an invalid database link.
Action: Enter a valid database link and retry.
Invalid date display format
Cause: The date format used is invalid.
Action: Edit the date format to conform to the proper format. See the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual for information on valid date formats.
Invalid date format
Cause: You have entered a date which does not comply with Oracle's date format.
Action: Re-enter a date. See the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual for a description of the date format.
Invalid date/time entered
Cause: You have entered an invalid date or time to use when refreshing the summary.
Action: Re-enter a date or time which complies with the date format MM/DD/YY and the time format HH:MM.
Invalid description
Cause: You may have entered an invalid character in the description.
Action: Remove the invalid character(s) and retry. For information, see the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual.
Invalid display name
Cause: You may have entered an invalid character as the display name.
Action: Remove the invalid character(s) and retry. For information, see the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual.
Invalid End User Layer import file
Cause: The End User Layer export file that you are trying to import is corrupt or is not valid.
Action: Recreate the export file and try importing it again.
Invalid Format Mask
Cause: The date, number, or character format used is invalid.
Action: Edit the format to comply with the proper format. See the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual for information on valid formats.
Invalid formula
Cause: You may have entered a formula which violates the syntax.
Action: Follow the syntax found in the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual. Re-enter and retry.
Invalid formula or filter
Cause: An unspecified error was found in the formula or filter.
Action: Correct the error in the formula or filter and retry.
Invalid Function
Cause: The formula contains a function that is not registered in the End User Layer.
Action: Check the formula to determine if the function name is wrong and correct it. If the function named in the formula is the correct function, then choose Register PL/SQL Function in the Tools menu to register the function in the End User Layer. Retry the formula with the registered function name.
Invalid function name
Cause: You have attempted to enter a PL/SQL function without a valid name.
Action: Enter a name for the function which conforms to the function naming convention. See the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual for function name conventions.
Invalid function owner
Cause: You have entered a user ID as the PL/SQL function owner which does not exist in the database. Each PL/SQL function must be owned by a valid user.
Action: Enter a valid user ID in the owner field and retry.
Invalid heading
Cause: You may have entered an invalid character.
Action: Remove the invalid character(s) and retry. For information, see the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual.
Invalid join configuration - includes a master with two separately joined detail folders
Cause: You have attempted to join a master folder with two detail folders at the same time. This would result in a Cartesian product being generated which would give potentially confusing or incorrect results from the database. This combination of joins is not allowed within Discoverer.
Action: Construct the join so that the folder specified as the master actually contains the master key and the folders specified as detail actually contain the detail keys. If the join you are creating is necessary, create a complex folder to hide one of the joins. This is normally only the case where the relationship between the folders is one-to-one, and there is no actual master folder.
Invalid name
Cause: You may have entered an invalid character.
Action: Remove the invalid character(s) and retry. For information, see the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual.
Invalid number
Cause: The number you have entered is invalid.
Action: Enter a valid number and retry.
Invalid number format
Cause: You have entered a format mask which does not comply with the format mask syntax.
Action: Select a valid format mask from the drop-down list in the Item Properties sheet.
Invalid operator in formula
Cause: A symbol was found in the formula that is the position of an operator, but is not a valid operator. Valid operators are +, -, * / and ||.
Action: Change the operator to one of the valid operators and retry.
Invalid return type
Cause: An error occurred when specifying a return type in a PL/SQL function. The error is probably incidental to the current operation and beyond the scope of Discoverer Administration Edition. There may be a problem with the network, the server, SQL*Net, or the Oracle database itself.
Action: Retry or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Item class must be named
Cause: You have attempted to create or edit an item class without entering a name.
Action: Enter a name in the name field and retry. Each item class must be uniquely named.
Item hierarchy must be named
Cause: You have attempted to create or edit an item hierarchy without entering a name.
Action: Enter a name in the name field and retry. Each item hierarchy must be uniquely named.
Item is used in one or more summaries. Deletion not allowed.
Cause: An attempt was made to delete an item or folder which contains items that are used in one or more summaries.
Action: Delete the summary folder using the item and retry.
Item must be named
Cause: You have attempted to create or edit an item without entering a name.
Action: Enter a name in the name field and retry. Each item must be uniquely named.
Item [old name] referenced in the export was not found in this End User Layer
Cause: An item in the End User Layer export file was not found in the End User Layer during import.
Action: Include the item in the export file and import the EUL again or define the item in the End User Layer.
Item [old name] was not loaded because of a missing dependency
Cause: An item was referenced in the End User Layer import file that does not exist in the End User Layer.
Action: Include this item when you export the business area or import the item separately.
Item [old name] was not loaded due to name clash
Cause: The End User Layer import failed because an item in the import file already exists in the End User Layer.
Action: Rename the item or choose the import option to rename items and folders automatically.
Join fan trap detected
Cause: You are creating a complex folder and attempting to place an item in the folder which would create a master-detail join that will produce an invalid result set.
Action: Select another item to place in the complex folder and retry.
Join is used in one or more summaries. Deletion not allowed.
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a join that is used in one or more summaries.
Action: Delete the summary folder using the join and retry.
Join must be named
Cause: You have attempted to create or edit a join without entering a name.
Action: Enter a name in the name field and retry. Each join must be uniquely named.
Join [old name] referenced in the export was not found in this End User Layer
Cause: A join in the End User Layer export file was not found in the End User Layer during import.
Action: Include the joined folders in the export file and import the file again or define the join in the End User Layer.
Join [old name] was not loaded because of a missing dependency
Cause: A join was referenced in the End User Layer import file that does not exist in the End User Layer.
Action: Include this join when you export the business area and retry.
Join [old name] was not loaded due to name clash
Cause: The End User Layer import failed because a join in the import file already exists in the End User Layer.
Action: Rename the join or choose the import option to rename items and folders automatically.
Message text not found for this error
Cause: An error occurred for which there is no message.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Missing parameter value
Cause: A parameter was found that has no associated value.
Action: Make sure that all referenced parameters have values entered and retry.
Name is too long. Max length is num bytes
Cause: You have entered a name which is longer than the maximum (100 bytes).
Action: Re-enter a name which is 100 bytes or less.
Name must be unique
Cause: You have entered a name for a business area, folder, or item that already exists.
Action: Re-enter a unique name and retry. The name for a business area or folder must be unique to the End User Layer. The name for a calculation or item must be unique to the folder it is located in.
New item is in a different folder to other items in the hierarchy
Cause: Attempt was made to add an item into a hierarchy node which already contains an item from another folder.
Action: Use an item in the same folder as the existing item and retry.
No joins detected. Join relationships must exist
Cause: You are creating an item hierarchy and linking items from different folders which do not have joins between them. Alternatively, you are placing items into a complex folder from different simple folders that do not have joins between them.
Action: Create joins between the folders that contain items you want to link in an item hierarchy or place in the same complex folder and retry.
No joins detected between these objects: foldera, folderb.
Cause: You are creating an item hierarchy and linking items from different folders which do not have joins between them. Alternatively, you are placing items into a complex folder from different simple folders that do not have joins between them.
Action: Create joins between the folders that contain items you want to link in an item hierarchy or place in the same complex folder and retry.
No joins found where required
Cause: An operation was attempted where a join is required to another folder, and no join was found.
Action: Determining which joins are required to support the operation you are performing and enter the joins first.
No table specified for this summary combination
Cause: An attempt was made to create a summary combination with no database table specified.
Action: Enter a table name in the Summary Combination dialog and retry.
Null can only be used with Is Null or Is Not Null Comparisons
Cause: An attempt was made to use a null value in a condition with an operator other than IS NULL or IS NOT NULL.
Action: Use IS NULL or IS NOT NULL to refer to null values in conditions.
Number cannot be greater than n
Cause: A number was entered that is greater than the maximum allowed.
Action: Enter a smaller number and retry.
Number cannot be less than n
Cause: A number was entered that is less than the minimum allowed.
Action: Enter a larger number and retry.
Number outside maximum range
Cause: A number was entered that is greater than the maximum allowed.
Action: Enter a smaller number and retry.
One or more items are mapped to the same column
Cause: When mapping columns in the Summary Wizard, you can only use one column to map to one item.
Action: Map the item to another column or change the summary definition.
One or more items is not mapped to a column
Cause: When mapping columns in the Summary Wizard, you must map all the items.
Action: Map all items in the summary or change the summary definition and retry.
Only folders with an OWNER attribute may be summarized
Cause: You cannot use folder items in a summary (pre 8.1.6 databases only) that do not have an Owner attribute set.
Action: Click on the Data tab, select the appropriate Folder, view the Properties for the Folder and update the Owner value (see Chapter, "Entering a value into the Owner field" for more information).
Only the Owner of an Internal Summary may refresh the data.
Cause: You cannot refresh a summary created by a different user.
Action: Log on as the owner of the summary in order to refresh the data.
Cause: Discoverer Administration Edition is displaying an error that has been found by the Oracle database.
Action: Take appropriate action for Oracle error number. See Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual.
Owner name is too long
Cause: You have entered a name which is longer than the maximum allowed length.
Action: Re-enter a name which is no longer than the maximum length allowed for in the Oracle database you are connected to. The maximum length may vary with Oracle versions. See the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual for owner name conventions.
Owner of function must be specified
Cause: You have attempted to create or edit a PL/SQL function without a valid user ID.
Action: Enter a valid user ID in the owner field and retry. Each PL/SQL function must be owned by a valid user.
Package name is invalid
Cause: You have attempted to create or edit a PL/SQL function without a valid package name.
Action: Enter a package name which conforms to the package naming convention. See the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual for package name conventions.
Package name is too long
Cause: You have entered a package name which is longer than the maximum allowed length.
Action: Re-enter a package name which is no longer than the maximum length allowed for package name in the Oracle database you are connected to. The maximum length of package name may vary with Oracle versions. See the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual for package name conventions.
Performing EUL Upgrade...
Cause: Your EUL tables use an older version of Discoverer. The tables and metadata definitions are now being automatically upgraded in order to use this latest version of the software.
Action: Do not interrupt this process. Wait until the message has been dismissed before continuing with Discoverer. If you have a large EUL with many folders, this can take a few minutes.
Server package DBMS_JOB has not been installed or is not available
Cause: You cannot use the Summary Management feature of Discoverer because the DBMS_JOB package is not installed on the server.
Action: See the Release Notes for information on installing the DBMS_JOB package.
Space estimate unavailable
Cause: The system was unable to estimate the space required for this summary.
Action: Set up an item class for each item in a summary in order to be able calculate a space estimate and retry.
Summary must be named
Cause: You have attempted to create or edit a summary without entering a name.
Action: Enter a unique name in the name field and retry. Each summary must be named.
Summary refresh 'job_queue_interval' parameter is n seconds
Cause: The init.ora parameter job_queue_interval is set to the specified value. This period determines how often DBMS_JOB processes summary refresh operations. You cannot refresh summaries at an interval less than that specified by job_queue_interval.
Action: This message is informational only. You may want to make job_queue_interval smaller to accommodate more frequent summary refresh operations.
SYS.V$SESSION not accessible
Cause: Query performance prediction feature requires that you have access to this SYS owned object.
Action: See Section 2.3, "Query Prediction" to determine how to get access to this object.
SYS.V$SESSTAT not accessible
Cause: Query performance prediction feature requires that you have access to this SYS owned object.
Action: See Section 2.3, "Query Prediction" to determine how to get access to this object.
The detail folder must be different than the master folder
Cause: You have selected the same folder on both sides of the join.
Action: You must select items from different folders. A Join condition which tests for Items in the same Folder is not allowed.
The End User Layer table EUL_VERSIONS is invalid
Cause: The End User Layer tables have been modified in an unsupported way.
Action: Contact your system administrator for assistance.
The folder for this item class is either not accessible or is Invalid
Cause: An attempt was made to use an item class where the folder required is not currently accessible to the logged on user.
Action: Check database permissions on the tables used by folders in the item class and that the folders are in accessible business areas.
The join attributes are not valid
Cause: During the creation or editing of a join, one of the attributes of the join is null and has not been set.
Action: Enter an attribute on each side of the join and retry.
There are multiple join paths between these folders
Cause: More than one join exists between the folders, creating multiple ways of joining them. This ambiguous situation must be resolved before the query can be executed.
Action: Delete the joins which you do not want to use and retry.
There are no items in this hierarchy node
Cause: An attempt was made to remove the last item from a hierarchy node.
Action: If you want to remove the hierarchy node, delete it.
There is no accessible Oracle Designer repository
Cause: You do not have access to an Oracle Designer repository in the database.
Action: Determine that Oracle Designer is installed on this database, and verify in Oracle Designer that this user has been granted access to, or owns one or more applications. Finally, determine that the user has a set of synonyms which point to the Oracle Designer repository tables.
This folder is used in summaries. An owner value must be specified.
Cause: You cannot delete the details in the Folder Properties Owner field (pre 8.1.6 databases only) where a summary uses that Folder.
Action: Either alter or remove the summary that uses the Folder so that the summary no longer uses the Folder.
This foreign key defines a self-join
Cause: The current version of Discoverer does not support self joins.
Action: Load the database table twice, creating two Folders and join the Folders together. The folders should be renamed to reflect their status in the join (for example, Manager and Employee).
This item hierarchy node has multiple parents
Cause: The current release of Discoverer does not support multi-parent
Action: Define a separate hierarchy that connects to the same items to define the alternative parent and retry.
This item is already included in the summary
Cause: An attempt was made to include an item in a summary twice.
Action: Use items only once in each summary.
This item is already used in this hierarchy
Cause: An attempt was made to include an item in a hierarchy twice.
Action: Use items only once in each hierarchy.
This item is contained in a hierarchy and cannot be hidden
Cause: You cannot hide items used in item hierarchies.
Action: Remove the item from the hierarchy.
This item is not a date data type
Cause: An attempt was made to use an item where only an item with the data type of DATE is expected.
Action: Use the item's Properties sheet to determine its data type and either change the item being used, or convert the item to a DATE data type by using the TO_DATE function in a calculation.
This item is used in a hierarchy and cannot be hidden
Cause: You cannot hide items used in item hierarchies.
Action: Remove the item from the hierarchy.
This operation requires DBMS_JOB package to be configured. Please notify your DBA.
Cause: You cannot use the Summary Management feature of Discoverer because the DBMS_JOB package is not installed on the server.
Action: See the release notes for information on installing the DBMS_JOB package.
This operation will cause some summaries to be disabled
Cause: An attempt was made to edit a join, a formula, or a folder that will cause the result set of the owning folder to change. As a result, all summaries that use items in this folder will be set to invalid.
Action: If the summaries are managed summaries, display the Refresh dialog and refresh the summaries. This will cause new summary data to be generated and the summaries will be made valid again. If the summaries are external registered summaries, display the Edit Summary dialog and set the summary to be valid, once you have ensured that your summary data still matches the definition of the folder.
This user does not have access to user profiles
Cause: An attempt was made to set the user profile by a user who does not have the ALTER USER database privilege.
Action: Use SQL*Plus to grant the ALTER USER privilege to the user.
This user does not have sufficient privileges to create a procedure
Cause: In order to use the Summary Management feature of Discoverer you must have the CREATE PROCEDURE database privilege.
Action: Use SQL*Plus to grant the CREATE PROCEDURE privilege to the user.
This user does not have sufficient privileges to create a table
Cause: You do not have the database privileges required to create or edit summaries in the server.
Action: Ask your system administrator to grant you the CREATE TABLE privilege using SQL*Plus and to ensure that you have quota and privileges to be able to create tables in a tablespace. See the Oracle Database Administration documentation for more details.
This user does not have sufficient privileges to create a view
Cause: You do not have the database privileges required to create or edit summaries in the server.
Action: Ask your system administrator to grant you the CREATE VIEW privilege using SQL*Plus and to ensure that you have quota and privileges to be able to create tables in a tablespace. See the Oracle Database Administration documentation for more details.
This user does not have sufficient privileges to delete from specified table
Cause: You do not have the database privileges required to create or refresh summaries in the server.
Action: You must have SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privileges on the server summary table.
This user does not have sufficient privileges to insert into specified table
Cause: You do not have the database privileges required to create or refresh summaries in the server.
Action: You must have SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privileges on the server summary table.
This user does not have sufficient privileges to select from specified table
Cause: You do not have the database privileges required to create or refresh summaries in the server.
Action: You must have SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privileges on the server summary table.
This user does not have sufficient privileges to update specified table
Cause: You do not have the database privileges required to create or refresh summaries in the server.
Action: You must have SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privileges on the server summary table.
This user is unable to create a procedure in current schema
Cause: You do not have the database privileges required to create or edit summaries in the server.
Action: Ask your system administrator to grant you the privileges and quotas necessary to create a procedure in the schema you are using.
This user is unable to create a table in current schema
Cause: You do not have the database privileges required to create or edit summaries in the server.
Action: Ask your system administrator to grant you the privileges and quotas necessary to create a table in the schema you are using.
This user is unable to create a view in current schema
Cause: You do not have the database privileges required to create or edit summaries in the server.
Action: Ask your system administrator to grant you the privileges and quotas necessary to create a table in the schema you are using.
Unable to find error text for this exception
Cause: An error occurred for which there is no message.
Action: Note the information and error numbers displayed, and the actions immediately preceding this error, then contact your customer support representative.
Unable to load invalid database view
Cause: An attempt was made to load a view in the server which is marked as invalid. This may be because tables used in the view no longer exist, or synonyms used are invalid.
Action: Check the view definition in the server and make sure it is valid and retry.
Unable to obtain lock in End User Layer transaction - element is already locked
Cause: Someone else is changing the End User Layer element you are modifying.
Action: Wait for a while, then try the transaction again. If the error is still reported, exit from Discoverer, reconnect, and repeat the transaction.
Unable to resolve synonym which spans multiple database links
Cause: At attempt was made to translate a synonym when loading a table across a database link, where the synonym points to a further database link.
Action: Load the object directly from the database link in which the object is physically stored.
Unknown error (in summary creation)
Cause: An unspecified error occurred when creating a summary.
Action: Record the steps and actions taken immediately before this error was reported and contact your customer support representative with the details.
Unknown Version
Cause: When you have displayed the About Discoverer dialog, no valid version number is found. The application has either been installed incorrectly or may be corrupted.
Action: Reinstall the Discoverer software, or ask your systems administrator or Oracle representative for assistance.
Unrecognized token found in import file - name =
Cause: The End User Layer import file is corrupted or is not a valid import file.
Action: Export the business area into a new file and import it again.
Unsupported date arithmetic requested
Cause: An attempt was made to use DATE type items in a formula in an invalid combination. Typically this is caused by trying by add, subtract, multiply, or divide two dates.
Action: See the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual for information on date arithmetic syntax.
User-defined PL/SQL function import not available - requires Oracle 7.3 and access to ALL_ARGUMENTS database view
Cause: Although you can define PL/SQL functions and arguments in
Discoverer using any version of Oracle 7, only version 7.3 and above supports the facility that enables Discoverer to automatically find the function name and arguments.
Action: Type in the function name and arguments directly, checking that they are the correct ones and retry.
User specified summary tables can only contain a single summary
Cause: An attempt was made to map the same external summary table to multiple summary combinations.
Action: Use a different summary table for each summary combination.
Version number of DCE.DLL is not compatible with version number of the EUL tables
Cause: You are attempting to connect to a database that has an incompatible set of End User Layer database tables.
Action: Upgrade the End User Layer tables, install the latest release of Discoverer or connect to a different database.
You do not have access to any business areas
Cause: This user has access to an End User Layer, but has not been granted access to any business areas.
Action: Use the Security dialog in Discoverer Administration Edition to grant access to business areas. The user will also require Oracle SELECT access to any database tables used in the business areas.
You do not have access to any End User Layer tables
Cause: There are no End User Layer tables set up or this user does not have access to them.
Action: See the release notes for information on setting up the End User Layer tables.
You do not have access to this business area
Cause: This user has access to an End User Layer, but has not been granted access to this business area.
Action: Use the Security dialog in Discoverer Administration Edition to grant access to business areas. The user will also require Oracle SELECT access to any database tables used in the business areas.
You have connected to an Applications EUL but the required Applications tables cannot be found. Check your value of FNDNAM
Cause: The value of the FNDNAM variable may not have been set.
Action: The value can be set via the Tools | Options | Connection tab or on the command line or the registry.
Cause: An unsupported version of Oracle Applications is being used.
Action: The Applications security features will only work with Oracle Applications releases 10.7 and 11.0 and 11i.
Cause: The EUL owner has insufficient privileges.
Action: The EUL owner needs to have SELECT privileges on the following Applications tables. Connect to the database using the account specified in the FNDNAM variable and execute the following statements.
grant select on FND_USER to &EULOWNER
grant select on FND_APPLICATION to &EULOWNER
grant select on FND_ORACLE_USERID to &EULOWNER
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