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Class URI

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable , Comparable < URI >

public final class URI
extends Object
implements Comparable<URI>, Serializable

Represents a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) reference or an Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI) reference.

An Aside from some minor deviations noted below, an instance of this class represents a URI reference as defined by RFC 3986: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax RFC 2396: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax , or an IRI reference as defined by RFC 3987: Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) , amended by RFC 2732: Format for Literal IPv6 Addresses in URLs . IRIs are defined similarly to URIs, except that the permitted characters have been extended by adding the characters of the UCS (Universal Character Set, ISO10646) .

RFC 3986 obsoletes RFC 2396:  Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax and RFC 2732:  Format for Literal IPv6 Addresses in URLs . The literal IPv6 address format also supports scope_ids. The Literal IPv6 address format also supports scope_ids. The syntax and usage of scope_ids is described here . This class provides constructors for creating URI instances from their components or by parsing their string forms, methods for accessing the various components of an instance, and methods for normalizing, resolving, and relativizing URI instances. Instances of this class are immutable.

URI syntax and components

At the highest level a URI reference (hereinafter simply "URI") in string form has the syntax
[ scheme : ] scheme-specific-part [ # fragment ]
where square brackets [...] delineate optional components and the characters : and # stand for themselves.

An absolute URI specifies a scheme; a URI that is not absolute is said to be relative . URIs are also classified according to whether they are opaque or hierarchical .

An opaque URI is an absolute URI whose scheme-specific part does not begin with a slash character ( '/' ). Opaque URIs are not subject to further parsing. Some examples of opaque URIs are:

A hierarchical URI is either an absolute URI whose scheme-specific part begins with a slash character, or a relative URI, that is, a URI that does not specify a scheme. Some examples of hierarchical URIs are:

A hierarchical URI is subject to further parsing according to the syntax

[ scheme : ][ // authority ][ path ][ ? query ][ # fragment ]
where the characters : , / , ? , and # stand for themselves. The scheme-specific part of a hierarchical URI consists of the characters between the scheme and fragment components.

The authority component of a hierarchical URI is, if specified, either server-based or registry-based . A server-based authority parses according to the following familiar syntax

[ user-info @ ] host [ : port ]
where the characters @ and : stand for themselves. The host component can be an IP-literal, an IPv4address, or a registry-based name. Nearly all URI schemes currently in use are server-based. An authority component that does not parse in this way is considered to be registry-based.

The path component of a hierarchical URI is itself said to be absolute if it begins with a slash character ( '/' ); otherwise it is relative. The path of a hierarchical URI that is either absolute or specifies an authority is always absolute.

All told, then, a URI instance has the following nine components:

Component Type
scheme String
scheme-specific-part     String
authority String
user-info String
host String
port int
path String
query String
fragment String
In a given instance any particular component is either undefined or defined with a distinct value. Undefined string components are represented by null , while undefined integer components are represented by -1 . A string component may be defined to have the empty string as its value; this is not equivalent to that component being undefined.

Whether a particular component is or is not defined in an instance depends upon the type of the URI being represented. An absolute URI has a scheme component. An opaque URI has a scheme, a scheme-specific part, and possibly a fragment, but has no other components. A hierarchical URI always has a path (though it may be empty) and a scheme-specific-part (which at least contains the path), and may have any of the other components. If the authority component is present and is server-based then the host component will be defined and the user-information and port components may be defined.

Operations on URI instances

The key operations supported by this class are those of normalization , resolution , and relativization .

Normalization is the process of removing unnecessary "." and ".." segments from the path component of a hierarchical URI. Each "." segment is simply removed. A ".." segment is removed only if it is preceded by a non- ".." segment. Normalization has no effect upon opaque URIs.

Resolution is the process of resolving one URI against another, base URI. The resulting URI is constructed from components of both URIs in the manner specified by RFC 3986, RFC 2396, taking components from the base URI for those not specified in the original. For hierarchical URIs, the path of the original is resolved against the path of the base and then normalized. The result, for example, of resolving

docs/guide/collections/designfaq.html#28           (1)
against the base URI is the result URI
Resolving the relative URI
../../../demo/jfc/SwingSet2/src/     (2)
against this result yields, in turn,
Resolution of both absolute and relative URIs, and of both absolute and relative paths in the case of hierarchical URIs, is supported. Resolving the URI file:///~calendar against any other URI simply yields the original URI, since it is absolute. Resolving the relative URI (2) above against the relative base URI (1) yields the normalized, but still relative, URI

Relativization , finally, is the inverse of resolution: For any two normalized URIs u and  v ,

u .relativize( u .resolve( v )).equals( v )   and
u .resolve( u .relativize( v )).equals( v )   .
This operation is often useful when constructing a document containing URIs that must be made relative to the base URI of the document wherever possible. For example, relativizing the URI
against the base URI
yields the relative URI docs/guide/index.html .

Character categories

RFC 3986, combined with RFC 3987, RFC 2396 specifies precisely which characters are permitted in the various components of a URI reference. The following categories, most of which are taken from that specification, are used below to describe these constraints:
alpha The US-ASCII alphabetic characters, 'A'  through  'Z' and 'a'  through  'z'
digit The US-ASCII decimal digit characters, '0'  through  '9'
alphanum All alpha and digit characters
unreserved      All alphanum characters together with those in the string "_-.~" "_-!.~'()*"
punct The characters in the string ",;:$&+="
reserved All punct characters together with those in the string "?/[]@#!'()*" "?/[]@"
percent-encoded escaped Percent-encoded Escaped octets, that is, triplets consisting of the percent character ( '%' ) followed by two hexadecimal digits ( '0' - '9' , 'A' - 'F' , and 'a' - 'f' )
other The Unicode characters that are not in the US-ASCII character set, are not control characters (according to the Character.isISOControl method), and are not space characters (according to the Character.isSpaceChar method) ( Deviation from RFC 2396 , which is limited to US-ASCII)

The set of all legal URI characters consists of the unreserved , reserved , percent-encoded escaped , and other characters.

Percent-encoded Escaped octets, quotation, encoding, and decoding

RFC 3986 2396 allows percent-encoded escaped octets to appear in the user-info, host, path, query, and fragment components. Percent-encoding Escaping serves two purposes in URIs: These purposes are served in this class by three related operations: These operations are exposed in the constructors and methods of this class as follows:


For any URI u , it is always the case that
new URI( u .toString()).equals( u )  .
For any URI u that does not contain redundant syntax such as two slashes before an empty authority (as in file:///tmp/  ) or a colon following a host name but no port (as in  ), and that does not encode characters except those that must be quoted, the following identities also hold:
new URI( u .getScheme(),
u .getSchemeSpecificPart(),
u .getFragment())
u )
in all cases,
new URI( u .getScheme(),
u .getUserInfo(),  u .getAuthority(),
u .getPath(),  u .getQuery(),
u .getFragment())
u )
if u is hierarchical, and
new URI( u .getScheme(),
u .getUserInfo(),  u .getHost(),  u .getPort(),
u .getPath(),  u .getQuery(),
u .getFragment())
u )
if u is hierarchical and has either no authority or a server-based authority.

Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs)

The instances of this class represent IRIs whenever they contain non ASCII other characters. The following methods perform the operations and conversions as described in RFC 3987:

URIs, URLs, and URNs

A URI is a uniform resource identifier while a URL is a uniform resource locator . Hence every URL is a URI, abstractly speaking, but not every URI is a URL. This is because there is another subcategory of URIs, uniform resource names (URNs), which name resources but do not specify how to locate them. The mailto , news , and isbn URIs shown above are examples of URNs.

The conceptual distinction between URIs and URLs is reflected in the differences between this class and the URL class.

An instance of this class represents a URI reference in the syntactic sense defined by RFC 3986. RFC 2396. A URI may be either absolute or relative. A URI string is parsed according to the generic syntax without regard to the scheme, if any, that it specifies. No lookup of the host, if any, is performed, and no scheme-dependent stream handler is constructed. Equality, hashing, and comparison are defined strictly in terms of the character content of the instance. In other words, a URI instance is little more than a structured string that supports the syntactic, scheme-independent operations of comparison, normalization, resolution, and relativization.

An instance of the URL class, by contrast, represents the syntactic components of a URL together with some of the information required to access the resource that it describes. A URL must be absolute, that is, it must always specify a scheme. A URL string is parsed according to its scheme. A stream handler is always established for a URL, and in fact it is impossible to create a URL instance for a scheme for which no handler is available. Equality and hashing depend upon both the scheme and the Internet address of the host, if any; comparison is not defined. In other words, a URL is a structured string that supports the syntactic operation of resolution as well as the network I/O operations of looking up the host and opening a connection to the specified resource.

See Also:
RFC 3986: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax RFC 2279: UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646 ,
RFC 3987: Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) RFC 2373: IPv6 Addressing Architecture ,
RFC 2279: UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646 RFC 2396: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax ,
RFC 3513: Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Addressing Architecture RFC 2732: Format for Literal IPv6 Addresses in URLs ,
URISyntaxException , Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
URI ( String  str)
          Constructs a URI by parsing the given string.
URI ( String  scheme, String  ssp, String  fragment)
          Constructs a URI from the given components.
URI ( String  scheme, String  userInfo, String  host, int port, String  path, String  query, String  fragment)
          Constructs a hierarchical URI from the given components.
URI ( String  scheme, String  host, String  path, String  fragment)
          Constructs a hierarchical URI from the given components.
URI ( String  scheme, String  authority, String  path, String  query, String  fragment)
          Constructs a hierarchical URI from the given components.
Method Summary
 int compareTo ( URI  that)
          Compares this URI to another object, which must be a URI.
static  URI create ( String  str)
          Creates a URI by parsing the given string.
 boolean equals ( Object  ob)
          Tests this URI for equality with another object.
  String getAuthority ()
          Returns the decoded authority component of this URI.
  String getFragment ()
          Returns the decoded fragment component of this URI.
  String getHost ()
          Returns the decoded host component of this URI.
  String getPath ()
          Returns the decoded path component of this URI.
 int getPort ()
          Returns the port number of this URI.
  String getQuery ()
          Returns the decoded query component of this URI.
  String getRawAuthority ()
          Returns the raw authority component of this URI.
  String getRawFragment ()
          Returns the raw fragment component of this URI.
  String getRawHost ()
          Returns the raw host component of this URI.
  String getRawPath ()
          Returns the raw path component of this URI.
  String getRawQuery ()
          Returns the raw query component of this URI.
  String getRawSchemeSpecificPart ()
          Returns the raw scheme-specific part of this URI.
  String getRawUserInfo ()
          Returns the raw user-information component of this URI.
  String getScheme ()
          Returns the scheme component of this URI.
  String getSchemeSpecificPart ()
          Returns the decoded scheme-specific part of this URI.
  String getUserInfo ()
          Returns the decoded user-information component of this URI.
 int hashCode ()
          Returns a hash-code value for this URI.
 boolean isAbsolute ()
          Tells whether or not this URI is absolute.
 boolean isOpaque ()
          Tells whether or not this URI is opaque.
  URI normalize ()
          Normalizes this URI's path.
  URI parseServerAuthority ()
          Attempts to parse this URI's authority component, if defined, into user-information, host, and port components.
  URI relativize ( URI  uri)
          Relativizes the given URI against this URI.
  URI resolve ( String  str)
          Constructs a new URI by parsing the given string and then resolving it against this URI.
  URI resolve ( URI  uri)
          Resolves the given URI against this URI.
  String toASCIIString ()
          Converts an IRI to a           Returns the content of this URI and returns its content as a US-ASCII string.
  String toIRIString toString ()
          Converts           Returns the content of this URI to an IRI and returns its content as a string.
  String toString ()
          Returns the content of this URI as a string in its original Unicode form.
  URL toURL ()
          Constructs a URL from this URI.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone , finalize , getClass , notify , notifyAll , wait , wait , wait

Constructor Detail


public URI(String str)
    throws URISyntaxException
Constructs a URI by parsing the given string.

This constructor parses the given string exactly as specified by the grammar in RFC 3986 RFC 2396 , Appendix A. , Appendix A, except for the following deviations:

str - The string to be parsed into a URI
NullPointerException - If str is null
URISyntaxException - If the given string violates RFC 3986 RFC 2396, as augmented by the above deviations


public URI(String scheme,
           String userInfo,
           String host,
           int port,
           String path,
           String query,
           String fragment)
    throws URISyntaxException
Constructs a hierarchical URI from the given components.

If a scheme is given then the path, if also given, must either be empty or begin with a slash character ( '/' ). Otherwise a component of the new URI may be left undefined by passing null for the corresponding parameter or, in the case of the port parameter, by passing -1 .

This constructor first builds a URI string from the given components according to the rules specified in RFC 3986 RFC 2396 , section 5.3: , section 5.2, step 7:

  1. Initially, the result string is empty.

  2. If a scheme is given then it is appended to the result, followed by a colon character ( ':' ).

  3. If user information, a host, or a port are given then the string "//" is appended.

  4. If user information is given then it is appended, followed by a commercial-at character ( '@' ). Any character not in the unreserved , punct , percent-encoded escaped , or other categories is quoted

  5. If a host is given then it is appended. If the host is a literal IPv6 address but is not enclosed in square brackets ( '[' and ']' ) then the square brackets are added.

  6. If a port number is given then a colon character ( ':' ) is appended, followed by the port number in decimal.

  7. If a path is given then it is appended. Any character not in the unreserved , punct , percent-encoded escaped , or other categories, and not equal to the slash character ( '/' ) or the commercial-at character ( '@' ), is quoted.

  8. If a query is given then a question-mark character ( '?' ) is appended, followed by the query. Any character that is not a legal URI character is quoted.

  9. Finally, if a fragment is given then a hash character ( '#' ) is appended, followed by the fragment. Any character that is not a legal URI character is quoted.

The resulting URI string is then parsed as if by invoking the URI(String) constructor and then invoking the parseServerAuthority() method upon the result; this may cause a URISyntaxException to be thrown.

scheme - Scheme name
userInfo - User name and authorization information
host - Host name
port - Port number
path - Path
query - Query
fragment - Fragment
URISyntaxException - If both a scheme and a path are given but the path is relative, if the URI string constructed from the given components violates RFC 3986, RFC 2396, or if the authority component of the string is present but cannot be parsed as a server-based authority


public URI(String scheme,
           String authority,
           String path,
           String query,
           String fragment)
    throws URISyntaxException
Constructs a hierarchical URI from the given components.

If a scheme is given then the path, if also given, must either be empty or begin with a slash character ( '/' ). Otherwise a component of the new URI may be left undefined by passing null for the corresponding parameter.

This constructor first builds a URI string from the given components according to the rules specified in RFC 3986 RFC 2396 , section 5.3: , section 5.2, step 7:

  1. Initially, the result string is empty.

  2. If a scheme is given then it is appended to the result, followed by a colon character ( ':' ).

  3. If an authority is given then the string "//" is appended, followed by the authority. If the authority contains a literal IPv6 address then the address must be enclosed in square brackets ( '[' and ']' ). Any character not in the unreserved , punct , percent-encoded escaped , or other categories, and not equal to the commercial-at character ( '@' ), is quoted

  4. If a path is given then it is appended. Any character not in the unreserved , punct , percent-encoded escaped , or other categories, and not equal to the slash character ( '/' ) or the commercial-at character ( '@' ), is quoted.

  5. If a query is given then a question-mark character ( '?' ) is appended, followed by the query. Any character that is not a legal URI character is quoted.

  6. Finally, if a fragment is given then a hash character ( '#' ) is appended, followed by the fragment. Any character that is not a legal URI character is quoted.

The resulting URI string is then parsed as if by invoking the URI(String) constructor and then invoking the parseServerAuthority() method upon the result; this may cause a URISyntaxException to be thrown.

scheme - Scheme name
authority - Authority
path - Path
query - Query
fragment - Fragment
URISyntaxException - If both a scheme and a path are given but the path is relative, if the URI string constructed from the given components violates RFC 3986, RFC 2396, or if the authority component of the string is present but cannot be parsed as a server-based authority


public URI(String scheme,
           String host,
           String path,
           String fragment)
    throws URISyntaxException
Constructs a hierarchical URI from the given components.

A component may be left undefined by passing null .

This convenience constructor works as if by invoking the seven-argument constructor as follows:

new  URI (scheme, null, host, -1, path, null, fragment);

scheme - Scheme name
host - Host name
path - Path
fragment - Fragment
URISyntaxException - If the URI string constructed from the given components violates RFC 3986 RFC 2396


public URI(String scheme,
           String ssp,
           String fragment)
    throws URISyntaxException
Constructs a URI from the given components.

A component may be left undefined by passing null .

This constructor first builds a URI in string form using the given components as follows:

  1. Initially, the result string is empty.

  2. If a scheme is given then it is appended to the result, followed by a colon character ( ':' ).

  3. If a scheme-specific part is given then it is appended. Any character that is not a legal URI character is quoted .

  4. Finally, if a fragment is given then a hash character ( '#' ) is appended to the string, followed by the fragment. Any character that is not a legal URI character is quoted.

The resulting URI string is then parsed in order to create the new URI instance as if by invoking the URI(String) constructor; this may cause a URISyntaxException to be thrown.

scheme - Scheme name
ssp - Scheme-specific part
fragment - Fragment
URISyntaxException - If the URI string constructed from the given components violates RFC 3986 RFC 2396
Method Detail


public static URI create(String str)
Creates a URI by parsing the given string.

This convenience factory method works as if by invoking the URI(String) constructor; any URISyntaxException thrown by the constructor is caught and wrapped in a new IllegalArgumentException object, which is then thrown.

This method is provided for use in situations where it is known that the given string is a legal URI, for example for URI constants declared within in a program, and so it would be considered a programming error for the string not to parse as such. The constructors, which throw URISyntaxException directly, should be used situations where a URI is being constructed from user input or from some other source that may be prone to errors.

str - The string to be parsed into a URI
The new URI
NullPointerException - If str is null
IllegalArgumentException - If the given string violates RFC 3986 RFC 2396


public URI parseServerAuthority()
                         throws URISyntaxException
Attempts to parse this URI's authority component, if defined, into user-information, host, and port components.

If this URI's authority component has already been recognized as being server-based then it will already have been parsed into user-information, host, and port components. In this case, or if this URI has no authority component, this method simply returns this URI.

Otherwise this method attempts once more to parse the authority component into user-information, host, and port components, and throws an exception describing why the authority component could not be parsed in that way.

This method is provided because the generic URI syntax specified in RFC 3986 RFC 2396 cannot always distinguish a malformed server-based authority from a legitimate registry-based authority. It must therefore treat some instances of the former as instances of the latter. The authority component in the URI string "//foo:bar" , for example, is not a legal server-based authority but it is legal as a registry-based authority.

In many common situations, for example when working URIs that are known to be either URNs or URLs, the hierarchical URIs being used will always be server-based. They therefore must either be parsed as such or treated as an error. In these cases a statement such as

URI u = new URI(str).parseServerAuthority();

can be used to ensure that u always refers to a URI that, if it has an authority component, has a server-based authority with proper user-information, host, and port components. Invoking this method also ensures that if the authority could not be parsed in that way then an appropriate diagnostic message can be issued based upon the exception that is thrown.

A URI whose authority field has been parsed as a server-based authority
URISyntaxException - If the authority component of this URI is defined but cannot be parsed as a server-based authority according to RFC 3986 RFC 2396


public URI normalize()
Normalizes this URI's path.

If this URI is opaque, or if its path is already in normal form, then this URI is returned. Otherwise a new URI is constructed that is identical to this URI except that its path is computed by normalizing this URI's path in a manner consistent with RFC 3986 RFC 2396 , section 5.2.4; section 5.2, step 6, sub-steps c through f; that is:

  1. All "." segments are removed.

  2. If a ".." segment is preceded by a non- ".." segment then both of these segments are removed. This step is repeated until it is no longer applicable.

  3. If the path is relative, and if its first segment contains a colon character ( ':' ), then a "." segment is prepended. This prevents a relative URI with a path such as "a:b/c/d" from later being re-parsed as an opaque URI with a scheme of "a" and a scheme-specific part of "b/c/d" . (Deviation from RFC 3986) RFC 2396)

A normalized path will begin with one or more ".." segments if there were insufficient non- ".." segments preceding them to allow their removal. A normalized path will begin with a "." segment if one was inserted by step 3 above. Otherwise, a normalized path will not contain any "." or ".." segments.

A URI equivalent to this URI, but whose path is in normal form


public URI resolve(URI uri)
Resolves the given URI against this URI.

If the given URI is already absolute, or if this URI is opaque, then the given URI is returned.

If the given URI's scheme fragment component is defined, its path component is empty, and its scheme, authority, and query components are undefined, then a URI with the normalized given path and fragment but with all other components equal to those of given this URI is returned. This allows a URI representing a standalone fragment reference, such as "#foo" , to be usefully resolved against a base URI.

Otherwise this method constructs a new hierarchical URI in a manner consistent with RFC 3986 RFC 2396 , section 5.2; that is:

  1. A new URI is constructed with this URI's scheme and the given URI's query and fragment components.

  2. If the given URI has an authority component then the new URI's authority, path, authority and query path are taken from the given URI.

  3. Otherwise the new URI's authority component is copied from this URI, and its path is computed as follows:

    1. If the given URI's path is empty then the new URI's path is copied from the base URI.

    2. If the given URI's path is absolute then the new URI's path is taken from the given URI and is normalized as if by invoking the method. URI.

    3. Otherwise the given URI's path is relative, and so the new URI's path is computed by resolving the path of the given URI against the path of this URI. This is done by concatenating all but the last segment of this URI's path, if any, with the given URI's path and then normalizing the result as if by invoking the normalize method.

    and its query is computed as:

    1. If the given URI's path is not empty then the new URI's query component is always taken from the given URI's query.

    2. If the given URI's path is empty and query is defined, the new URI's query component is taken from the given URI's query. Otherwise, it is taken from the base URI's query.

The result of this method is absolute if, and only if, either this URI is absolute or the given URI is absolute.

uri - The URI to be resolved against this URI
The resulting URI
NullPointerException - If uri is null


public URI resolve(String str)
Constructs a new URI by parsing the given string and then resolving it against this URI.

This convenience method works as if invoking it were equivalent to evaluating the expression resolve (URI. create (str)) .

str - The string to be parsed into a URI
The resulting URI
NullPointerException - If str is null
IllegalArgumentException - If the given string violates RFC 3986 RFC 2396


public URI relativize(URI uri)
Relativizes the given URI against this URI.

The relativization of the given URI against this URI is computed as follows:

  1. If either this URI or the given URI are opaque, or if the scheme and authority components of the two URIs are not identical, or if the path of this URI is not a prefix of the path of the given URI, then the given URI is returned.

  2. Otherwise a new relative hierarchical URI is constructed with query and fragment components taken from the given URI and with a path component computed by removing this URI's path from the beginning of the given URI's path.

uri - The URI to be relativized against this URI
The resulting URI
NullPointerException - If uri is null


public URL toURL()
          throws MalformedURLException
Constructs a URL from this URI.

This convenience method works as if invoking it were equivalent to evaluating the expression new URL(this.toString()) after first checking that this URI is absolute.

A URL constructed from this URI
IllegalArgumentException - If this URL is not absolute
MalformedURLException - If a protocol handler for the URL could not be found, or if some other error occurred while constructing the URL


public String getScheme()
Returns the scheme component of this URI.

The scheme component of a URI, if defined, only contains characters in the alphanum category and in the string "-.+" . A scheme always starts with an alpha character.

The scheme component of a URI cannot contain any percent-encoded escaped octets, hence this method does not perform any decoding.

The scheme component of this URI, or null if the scheme is undefined


public boolean isAbsolute()
Tells whether or not this URI is absolute.

A URI is absolute if, and only if, it has a scheme component.

true if, and only if, this URI is absolute


public boolean isOpaque()
Tells whether or not this URI is opaque.

A URI is opaque if, and only if, it is absolute and its scheme-specific part does not begin with a slash character ('/'). An opaque URI has a scheme, a scheme-specific part, and possibly a query and a fragment; all other components are undefined. ( Deviation from RFC 3986 , which says the path component is never undefined, though it may be empty.)

The concept of opaque URI is defined in RFC 2396. In RFC 3986, the definition of such URI has been replaced with a better description of how the path component may be opaque to hierarchy, i.e. path-rootless rule of RFC 3986.

true if, and only if, this URI is opaque


public String getRawSchemeSpecificPart()
Returns the raw scheme-specific part of this URI. The scheme-specific part is never undefined, though it may be empty.

The scheme-specific part of a URI only contains legal URI characters.

The raw scheme-specific part of this URI (never null )


public String getSchemeSpecificPart()
Returns the decoded scheme-specific part of this URI.

The string returned by this method is equal to that returned by the getRawSchemeSpecificPart method except that all sequences of percent-encoded escaped octets are decoded .

The decoded scheme-specific part of this URI (never null )


public String getRawAuthority()
Returns the raw authority component of this URI.

The authority component of a URI, if defined, only contains the commercial-at character ( '@' ) and characters in the unreserved , punct , percent-encoded escaped , and other categories. If the authority is server-based then it is further constrained to have valid user-information, host, and port components.

The raw authority component of this URI, or null if the authority is undefined


public String getAuthority()
Returns the decoded authority component of this URI.

The string returned by this method is equal to that returned by the getRawAuthority method except that all sequences of percent-encoded escaped octets are decoded .

The decoded authority component of this URI, or null if the authority is undefined


public String getRawUserInfo()
Returns the raw user-information component of this URI.

The user-information component of a URI, if defined, only contains characters in the unreserved , punct , percent-encoded escaped , and other categories.

The raw user-information component of this URI, or null if the user information is undefined


public String getUserInfo()
Returns the decoded user-information component of this URI.

The string returned by this method is equal to that returned by the getRawUserInfo method except that all sequences of percent-encoded escaped octets are decoded .

The decoded user-information component of this URI, or null if the user information is undefined

getRawHost getHost

public String getRawHost getHost ()
Returns the raw host component of this URI.

The host component of a URI, if defined, will have one of the following forms:

The host component of a URI cannot contain escaped octets, hence this method does not perform any decoding.

The raw host component of this URI, or null if the host is undefined


public StringgetHost () 
Returns the decoded host component of this URI.

The string returned by this method is equal to that returned by the getRawHost method except that all sequences of percent-encoded octets are decoded .

The decoded host component of this URI, or null if the host is undefined


public int getPort()
Returns the port number of this URI.

The port component of a URI, if defined, is a non-negative integer.

The port component of this URI, or -1 if the port is undefined


public String getRawPath()
Returns the raw path component of this URI.

The path component of a URI, if defined, only contains the slash character ( '/' ), the commercial-at character ( '@' ), and characters in the unreserved , punct , percent-encoded escaped , and other categories.

The path component of this URI, or null if the path is undefined


public String getPath()
Returns the decoded path component of this URI.

The string returned by this method is equal to that returned by the getRawPath method except that all sequences of percent-encoded escaped octets are decoded .

The decoded path component of this URI, or null if the path is undefined


public String getRawQuery()
Returns the raw query component of this URI.

The query component of a URI, if defined, only contains legal URI characters.

The raw query component of this URI, or null if the query is undefined


public String getQuery()
Returns the decoded query component of this URI.

The string returned by this method is equal to that returned by the getRawQuery method except that all sequences of percent-encoded escaped octets are decoded .

The decoded query component of this URI, or null if the query is undefined


public String getRawFragment()
Returns the raw fragment component of this URI.

The fragment component of a URI, if defined, only contains legal URI characters.

The raw fragment component of this URI, or null if the fragment is undefined


public String getFragment()
Returns the decoded fragment component of this URI.

The string returned by this method is equal to that returned by the getRawFragment method except that all sequences of percent-encoded escaped octets are decoded .

The decoded fragment component of this URI, or null if the fragment is undefined


public boolean equals(Object ob)
Tests this URI for equality with another object.

If the given object is not a URI then this method immediately returns false .

For two URIs to be considered equal requires that either both are opaque or both are hierarchical. Their schemes must either both be undefined or else be equal without regard to case. Their fragments must either both be undefined or else be equal.

For two opaque URIs to be considered equal, their scheme-specific parts must be equal.

For two hierarchical URIs to be considered equal, their paths must be equal and their queries must either both be undefined or else be equal. Their authorities must either both be undefined, or both be registry-based, or both be server-based. If their authorities are defined and are registry-based, then they must be equal. If their authorities are defined and are server-based, then their hosts must be equal without regard to case, their port numbers must be equal, and their user-information components must be equal.

When testing the user-information, path, query, fragment, authority, or scheme-specific parts of two URIs for equality, the decoded raw forms rather than the raw encoded forms of these components are compared. compared and the hexadecimal digits of escaped octets are compared without regard to case.

This method satisfies the general contract of the Object.equals method.

equals in class Object
ob - The object to which this object is to be compared
true if, and only if, the given object is a URI that is identical to this URI
See Also:
Object.hashCode() , Hashtable


public int hashCode()
Returns a hash-code value for this URI. The hash code is based upon all of the URI's components, and satisfies the general contract of the Object.hashCode method.

hashCode in class Object
A hash-code value for this URI
See Also:
Object.equals(java.lang.Object) , Hashtable


public int compareTo(URI that)
Compares this URI to another object, which must be a URI.

When comparing corresponding components of two URIs, if one component is undefined but the other is defined then the first is considered to be less than the second. Unless otherwise noted, string components are ordered according to their natural, case-sensitive ordering as defined by the String.compareTo method. String components that are subject to encoding are compared by comparing their raw forms rather than their encoded forms.

The ordering of URIs is defined as follows:

This method satisfies the general contract of the Comparable.compareTo method.

Specified by:
compareTo in interface Comparable < URI >
ob - The object to which this URI is to be compared
A negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this URI is less than, equal to, or greater than the given URI
ClassCastException - If the given object is not a URI


public String toString()
Returns the content of this URI as a string in its original Unicode form. string.

If this URI was created by invoking one of the constructors in this class then a string equivalent to the original input string, or to the string computed from the originally-given components, as appropriate, is returned. Otherwise this URI was created by normalization, resolution, or relativization, and so a string is constructed from this URI's components according to the rules specified in RFC 3986 RFC 2396 , section 5.3. , section 5.2, step 7.

toString in class Object
The string form of this URI


public String toASCIIString()
Converts an IRI to a URI and returns its content as a US-ASCII string. Returns the content of this URI as a US-ASCII string.

If this URI does not contain any characters in the other category then an invocation of this method will return the same value as an invocation of the toString method. Otherwise this method works as if by invoking that method and then encoding the result.

The string form of this URI, encoded as needed so that it only contains characters in the US-ASCII charset


public StringtoIRIString () 
Converts this URI to an IRI and returns its content as a string.

If this URI does not contain any percent-encoded octets for all components, then an invocation of this method will return the same value as an invocation of the toString method. Otherwise percent-encoded other characters are converted to Unicode. Any percent-encoded octets which do not represent valid UTF-8 characters or which represent reserved characters or which are not allowed in IRIs, e.g. bidirectional formatting characters (LRM, RLM, LRE, RLE, LRO, RLO, and PDF), are not converted.

The content of this URI as an IRI string, i.e. may contain non-ASCII characters.