Developing Applications with WebLogic Server
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The following sections describe how to share components and classes among applications using shared J2EE libraries and optional packages:
Prior to WebLogic Server 9.0, multiple Enterprise Applications could not easily share a single J2EE module or a collection of modules. Sharing J2EE modules required you to either package a copy of the modules in multiple EARs, or add the paths to the shared modules to the system classpath and add duplicate deployment descriptors for the shared modules into each application that referenced them. Copying modules made subsequent application updates difficult, because an update to a shared module required re-copying and re-packaging all Enterprise Applications that used the module. Adding modules to the system classpath also made updates difficult, because it required rebooting the WebLogic Server instance in order to use an updated module.
The shared J2EE library feature in WebLogic Server 9.0 provides an easy way to share one or more different types of J2EE modules among multiple Enterprise Applications. A shared J2EE library is a single module or collection of modules that is registered with the J2EE application container upon deployment. A shared J2EE library can be any of the following:
BEA recommends that you package a shared J2EE library into its appropriate archive file (EAR, JAR, or WAR). However, for development purposes, you may choose to deploy shared J2EE libraries as exploded archive directories to facilitate repeated updates and redeployments.
After the shared J2EE library has been registered, you can deploy Enterprise Applications that reference the library. Each referencing application receives a reference to the required library on deployment, and can use the modules that make up the library as if they were packaged as part of the referencing application itself. The library classes are added to the classpath of the referencing application, and the referencing application's deployment descriptors are merged (in memory) with those of the modules that make up the shared J2EE library.
In general, this topic discusses shared J2EE libraries that can be referenced only by Enterprise Applications. You can also create libraries that can be referenced only by another Web application. The functionality is very similar to application libraries, although the method of referencing them is slightly different. See Web Application Shared J2EE Library Information for details.
Note: WebLogic Server 9.0 also provides a simple way to add one or more JAR files to the WebLogic Server System classpath, using the lib
subdirectory of the domain directory. See Adding JARs to the System Classpath.
WebLogic Server supports optional packages as described in the J2EE 1.4 Specification, Section 8.2 Optional Package Support, with versioning described in Optional Package Versioning. Optional packages provide similar functionality to J2EE libraries, allowing you to easily share a single JAR file among multiple applications. As with J2EE libraries, optional packages must first be registered with WebLogic Server by deploy the associated JAR file as an optional package. After registering the package, you can deploy J2EE modules that reference the package in their manifest files.
Optional packages differ from J2EE libraries because optional packages can be referenced from any J2EE module (EAR, JAR, WAR, or RAR archive) or exploded archive directory. J2EE libraries can be referenced only from a valid Enterprise Application.
For example, third-party Web Application Framework classes needed by multiple Web Applications can be packaged and deployed in a single JAR file, and referenced by multiple Web Application modules in the domain. Optional packages, rather than J2EE libraries, are used in this case, because the individual Web Application modules must reference the shared JAR file. (With J2EE libraries, only a complete Enterprise Application can reference the library).
Note: BEA documentation and WebLogic Server utilities use the term library to refer to both J2EE libraries and optional packages. Optional packages are called out only when necessary.
WebLogic Server supports versioning of shared J2EE libraries, so that referencing applications can specify a required minimum version of the library to use, or an exact, required version. WebLogic Server supports two levels of versioning for shared J2EE libraries, as described in the Optional Package Versioning document:
As a best practice, BEA recommends that you always include version information (an implementation version, or both an implementation and specification version) when creating shared J2EE libraries. Creating and updating version information as you develop shared components allows you to deploy multiple versions of those components simultaneously for testing. If you include no version information, or fail to increment the version string, then you must undeploy existing libraries before you can deploy the newer one. See Deploying Shared J2EE Libraries and Dependent Applications.
Versioning information in the referencing application determines the library and package version requirements for that application. Different applications can require different versions of a given library or package. For example, a production application may require a specific version of a library, because only that library has been fully approved for production use. An internal application may be configured to always use a minimum version of the same library. Applications that require no specific version can be configured to use the latest version of the library. Referencing Shared J2EE Libraries in an Enterprise Application.
Optional packages and shared J2EE libraries have the following features in common:
Optional packages differ from shared J2EE Libraries in the following basic ways:
), whereas only Enterprise Applications and Web applications can reference a shared J2EE library (using weblogic-application.xml
or weblogic.xml
)In general, use shared J2EE libraries when you need to share one or more EJB, Web Application or Enterprise Application modules among different Enterprise Applications. Use optional packages when you need to share one or more classes (packaged in a JAR file) among different J2EE modules.
Plain JAR files can be shared either as libraries or optional packages. Use optional packages if you want to:
Use shared J2EE libraries to share a plain JAR file if you only need to reference the JAR file from one or more Enterprise Applications, and you do not need to maintain strict compliance with the J2EE specification.
Note: BEA documentation and WebLogic Server utilities use the term shared J2EE library to refer to both libraries and optional packages. Optional packages are called out only when necessary.
For information about deploying and managing shared J2EE libraries, optional packages, and referencing applications from the Administrator's perspective, see Deploying Shared J2EE Libraries and Dependent Applications in Deploying Applications to WebLogic Server.
To create a new shared J2EE library that you can share with multiple applications:
The following types of J2EE modules can be deployed as a shared J2EE library:
Shared J2EE libraries have the following restrictions:
BEA recommends packaging shared J2EE libraries as Enterprise Applications, rather than as standalone J2EE modules. This is because the URI of a standalone module is derived from the deployment name, which can change depending on how the module is deployed. By default, WebLogic Server uses the deployment archive filename or exploded archive directory name as the deployment name. If you redeploy a standalone shared J2EE library from a different file or location, the deployment name and URI also change, and referencing applications that use the wrong URI cannot access the deployed library.
If you choose to deploy a shared J2EE library as a standalone J2EE module, always specify a known deployment name during deployment and use that name as the URI in referencing applications.
Any set of classes can be organized into an optional package file. The collection of shared classes will eventually be packaged into a standard JAR archive. However, because you will need to edit the manifest file for the JAR, begin by assembling all class files into a working directory:
mkdir /apps/myOptPkg
mkdir -p /apps/myOptPkg/org/myorg/myProduct
cp /build/classes/myOptPkg/org/myOrg/myProduct/*.class /apps/myOptPkg/org/myOrg/myProduct
cd /apps/myOptPkg
jar xvf /build/libraries/myLib.jar
The name and version information for a shared J2EE library are specified in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
file. Table 8-1describes the valid shared J2EE library manifest attributes.
Table 8-1 Manifest Attributes for J2EE Libraries
An optional string value that identifies the name of the shared J2EE library. Referencing applications must use the exact As a best practice, always specify an |
An optional String value that defines the specification version of the shared J2EE library. Referencing applications can optionally specify a required The
Referencing applications can be configured to require either an exact version of the shared J2EE library, a minimum version, or the latest available version. The specification version for a shared J2EE library can also be set at the command-line when deploying the library, with some restrictions. See Deploying Shared J2EE Libraries and Dependent Applications. |
An optional String value that defines the code implementation version of the shared J2EE library. You can provide an
If you use the major/minor version format, referencing applications can be configured to require either an exact version of the shared J2EE library, a minimum version, or the latest available version. If you use the text format, referencing applications must specify the exact version of the library. The implementation version for a shared J2EE library can also be set at the command-line when deploying the library, with some restrictions. See Deploying Shared J2EE Libraries and Dependent Applications. |
To specify attributes in a manifest file:
cd /apps/myLibrary
mkdir META-INF
Extension-Name: myExtension
Applications that reference the library must specify the exact Extension-Name
in order to use the shared files.
Extension-Name: myExtension
Specification-Version: 2.0
Implementation-Version: 9.0.0
Using the major/minor format for the version identifiers provides the most flexibility when referencing the library from another application (see Table 8-1 on page 8)
Note: Although you can optionally specify the Specification-Version
and Implementation-Version
at the command-line during deployment, BEA recommends that you include these strings in the MANIFEST.MF
file. Including version strings in the manifest ensures that you can deploy new versions of the library alongside older versions. See Deploying Shared J2EE Libraries and Dependent Applications.
If you are delivering the shared J2EE Library or optional package for deployment by an Administrator, package the deployment files into an archive file (an .EAR
file or standalone module archive file for shared J2EE libraries, or a simple .JAR
file for optional packages) for distribution. See Deploying and Packaging from a Split Development Directory.
Because a shared J2EE library is packaged as a standard J2EE application or standalone module, you may also choose to export a library's deployment configuration to a deployment plan, as described in Deploying Applications to WebLogic Server. Optional package .JAR
files contain no deployment descriptors and cannot be exported.
For development purposes, you may choose to deploy libraries as exploded archive directories to facilitate repeated updates and redeployments.
A J2EE application can reference a registered shared J2EE library using entries in the application's weblogic-application.xml
deployment descriptor. Table 8-2 describes the XML elements that define a library reference.
Table 8-2 weblogic-application.xml Elements for Referencing a Shared J2EE Library
A required string value that specifies the name of the shared J2EE library to use. |
An optional String value that defines the required specification version of the shared J2EE library. If this element is not set, the application uses a matching library with the highest specification version. If you specify a string value using major/minor version format, the application uses a matching library with the highest specification version that is not below the configured value. If all available libraries are below the configured If you specify a String value that does not use major/minor versioning conventions (for example, 9.0BETA) the application requires a shared J2EE library having the exact same string value in the |
An optional String value that specifies the required implementation version of the shared J2EE library. If this element is not set, the application uses a matching library with the highest implementation version. If you specify a string value using major/minor version format, the application uses a matching library with the highest implementation version that is not below the configured value. If all available libraries are below the configured If you specify a String value that does not use major/minor versioning conventions (for example, 9.0BETA) the application requires a shared J2EE library having the exact same string value in the |
An optional boolean value that determines whether the application should use a shared J2EE library with a higher specification or implementation version than the configured value, if one is available. By default this element is false, which means that WebLogic Server uses higher-versioned libraries if they are available. Set this element to true to require the exact matching version as specified in the |
An optional String value that provides an alternate context root to use for a Web application shared J2EE library. Use this element if the context root of a library conflicts with the context root of a Web Application in the referencing J2EE application. Web application shared J2EE library refers to special kind of library: a Web application that is referenced by another Web application. See Web Application Shared J2EE Library Information. |
For example, this simple entry in the weblogic-application.xml
descriptor references a shared J2EE library, myLibrary
In the above example, WebLogic Server attempts to find a library name myLibrary
when deploying the dependent application. If more than one copy of myLibrary
is registered, WebLogic Server selects the library with the highest specification version. If multiple copies of the library use the selected specification version, WebLogic Server selects the copy having the highest implementation version.
This example references a shared J2EE library with a requirement for the specification version:
In the above example, WebLogic Server looks for matching libraries having a specification version of 2.0 or higher. If multiple libraries are at or above version 2.0, WebLogic Server examines the selected libraries that use Float values for their implementation version and selects the one with the highest version. Note that WebLogic Server ignores any selected libraries that have a non-Float value for the implementation version.
This example references a shared J2EE library with both a specification version and a non-Float value implementation version:
In the above example, WebLogic Server searches for a library having a specification version of 2.0 or higher, and having an exact match of 81Beta
for the implementation version.
The following example requires an exact match for both the specification and implementation versions:
When referencing the URI of a shared J2EE library that was deployed as a standalone module (EJB or Web Application), note that the module URI corresponds to the deployment name of the shared J2EE library. This can be a name that was manually assigned during deployment, the name of the archive file that was deployed, or the name of the exploded archive directory that was deployed. If you redeploy the same module using a different file name or from a different location, the default deployment name also changes and referencing applications must be updated to use the correct URI.
To avoid this problem, deploy all shared J2EE libraries as Enterprise Applications, rather than as standalone modules. If you choose to deploy a library as a standalone J2EE module, always specify a known deployment name and use that name as the URI in referencing applications.
Any J2EE archive (JAR, WAR, RAR, EAR) can reference one or more registered optional packages using attributes in the archive's manifest file.
Table 8-3 Manifest Attributes for Referencing Optional Packages
A required String value that defines a logical name for an optional package dependency. You can use multiple values in the |
A required string value that identifies the name of an optional package dependency. This value must match the If you are referencing multiple optional packages from a single archive, prepend the appropriate logical name to the |
An optional String value that defines the required specification version of an optional package. If this element is not set, the archive uses a matching package with the highest specification version. If you include a If you specify a String value that does not use major/minor versioning conventions (for example, 9.0BETA) the archive requires a matching optional package having the exact same string value in the If you are referencing multiple optional packages from a single archive, prepend the appropriate logical name to the |
An optional String value that specifies the required implementation version of an optional package. If this element is not set, the archive uses a matching package with the highest implementation version. If you specify a string value using the major/minor version format, the archive uses a matching package with the highest implementation version that is not below the configured value. If all available libraries are below the configured If you specify a String value that does not use major/minor versioning conventions (for example, 9.0BETA) the archive requires a matching optional package having the exact same string value in the If you are referencing multiple optional packages from a single archive, prepend the appropriate logical name to the |
For example, this simple entry in the manifest file for a dependent archive references two optional packages, myAppPkg
and my3rdPartyPkg
Extension-List: internal 3rdparty
internal-Extension-Name: myAppPkg
3rdparty-Extension-Name: my3rdPartyPkg
This example requires a specification version of 2.0 or higher for myAppPkg
Extension-List: internal 3rdparty
internal-Extension-Name: myAppPkg
3rdparty-Extension-Name: my3rdPartyPkg
internal-Specification-Version: 2.0
This example requires a specification version of 2.0 or higher for myAppPkg
, and an exact match for the implementation version of my3rdPartyPkg
Extension-List: internal 3rdparty
internal-Extension-Name: myAppPkg
3rdparty-Extension-Name: my3rdPartyPkg
internal-Specification-Version: 2.0
3rdparty-Implementation-Version: 8.1GA
By default, when WebLogic Server deploys an application or module and it cannot resolve a reference in the application's manifest file to an optional package, WebLogic Server prints a warning, but continues with the deployment anyway. You can change this behavior by setting the system property weblogic.application.RequireOptionalPackages
to true
when you start WebLogic Server, either at the command line or in the command script file from which you start the server. Setting this system property to true
means that WebLogic Server does not attempt to deploy an application or module if it cannot resolve an optional package reference in its manifest file.
is a tool that is used to merge libraries into an application, with merged contents and merged descriptors. It also has the ability to write a merged application to disk. You can then use weblogic.appmerge
to understand a library merge by examining the merged application you have written to disk.
Invoke weblogic.appmerge using the following syntax:
java weblogic.appmerge [options] <ear, jar, war file, or directory>
where valid options are shown in Table 8-4:
Table 8-4 weblogic.appmerge Options
$ java weblogic.appmerge -output CompleteSportsApp.ear -library Weather.war,Calendar.ear SportsApp.ear
The ant task provides similar functionality as the command line utility. It supports source
, output
, libraryDir
, plan
and verbose
attributes as well as multiple <library>
sub-elements. Here is an example:
<taskdef name="appmerge" classname="weblogic.ant.taskdefs.j2ee.AppMergeTask"/>
<appmerge source="SportsApp.ear" output="CompleteSportsApp.ear">
<library file="Weather.war"/>
<library file="Calendar.ear"/>
The BuildXMLGen
includes a -librarydir
option to generate build targets that include one or more shared J2EE library directories. See Generating a Basic build.xml File Using weblogic.BuildXMLGen.
The wlcompile
and wlappc
Ant tasks include a librarydir
attribute and library
element to specify one or more shared J2EE library directories to include in the classpath for application builds. See Building Applications in a Split Development Directory.
Shared J2EE libraries are registered with one or more WebLogic Server instances by deploying them to the target servers and indicating that the deployments are to be shared. Shared J2EE libraries must be targeted to the same WebLogic Server instances you want to deploy applications that reference the libraries. If you try to deploy a referencing application to a server instance that has not registered a required library, deployment of the referencing application fails. See Registering Libraries with WebLogic Server in Deploying Applications to WebLogic Server for more information.
See Install a Shared J2EE Library for detailed instructions on installing (deploying) a shared J2EE library using the Administration Console. See Target a Shared J2EE Library to a Server or Cluster for instructions on using the Administration Console to target the library to the server or cluster to which the application that is referencing the library is also targeted.
If you use the wldeploy
Ant task as part of your iterative development process, use the library
, libImplVer
, and libSpecVer
attributes to deploy a shared J2EE library. See wldeploy Ant Task Reference, for details and examples.
After registering a shared J2EE library, you can deploy applications and archives that depend on the library. Dependent applications can be deployed only if the target servers have registered all required libraries, and the registered deployments meet the version requirements of the application or archive. See Deploying Applications that Reference Libraries in Deploying Applications to WebLogic Server for more information.
In general, this topic discusses shared J2EE libraries that can be referenced only by Enterprise Applications. You can also create libraries that can be referenced only by another Web application. The functionality is very similar to application libraries, although the method of referencing them is slightly different.
Note: For simplicity, this section uses the term Web application library when referring to a shared J2EE library that is referenced only by another Web application.
file, Web applications reference Web application libraries by updating the weblogic.xml
deployment descriptor file. The elements are almost same as those described in Referencing Shared J2EE Libraries in an Enterprise Application; the only difference is that the <context-root>
child element of <library-ref>
is ignored in this case.weblogic.xml
deployment descriptor file of a Web Application. Other than these differences in how they are referenced, the way to create, package, and deploy a Web application library is the same as that of a standard shared J2EE library.
Each deployed shared J2EE library is represented by a LibraryRuntimeMBean
. You can use this MBean to obtain information about the library itself, such as its name or version. You can also obtain the ApplicationRuntimeMBean
s associated with deployed applications. ApplicationRuntimeMBean
provides two methods to access the libraries that the application is using:
returns the shared J2EE libraries referenced in the weblogic-application.xml
returns the optional packages referenced in the manifest file.For more information, see the WebLogic Server 9.0 API Reference.
When an Enterprise Application references one or more shared J2EE libraries, and the application is deployed to WebLogic Server, the server internally merges the information in the weblogic-application.xml
file of the referencing Enterprise Application with the information in the deployment descriptors of the referenced libraries. The order in which this happens is as follows:
deployment descriptor.As a result of the way the descriptor files are merged, the elements in the descriptors of the shared J2EE libraries referenced first in the weblogic-application.xml
file have precedence over the ones listed last. The elements of the Enterprise application's descriptor itself have precedence over all elements in the library descriptors.
For example, assume that an Enterprise application called myApp
references two shared J2EE libraries (themselves packaged as Enterprise applications): myLibA
and myLibB
, in that order. Both the myApp
and myLibA
applications include an EJB module called myEJB
, and both the myLibA
and myLibB
applications include an EJB module called myOtherEJB
Further assume that once the myApp
application is deployed, a client invokes, via the myApp
application, the myEJB
module. In this case, WebLogic Server actually invokes the EJB in the myApp
application (rather than the one in myLibA
) because modules in the referencing application have higher precedence over modules in the referenced applications. If a client invokes the myOtherEJB
EJB, then WebLogic Server invokes the one in myLibA
, because the library is referenced first in the weblogic-application.xml
file of myApp
, and thus has precedence over the EJB with the same name in the myLibB
Keep in mind these best practices when developing shared J2EE libraries and optional packages:
subdirectory rather than using shared J2EE libraries or optional packages. Classes in the /lib
subdirectory are added to the system classpath at server start-up time.Extension-Name
value for each shared J2EE library. If you do not specify an extension name, one is derived from the deployment name of the library. Default deployment names are different for archive and exploded archive deployments, and they can be set to arbitrary values in the deployment commandcontext-root
element in the EAR's weblogic-application.xml
deployment descriptor to override the library's context root.
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