![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The following sections describe common Web Service use cases and examples:
Each use case provides step-by-step procedures for creating simple WebLogic Web Services and invoking an operation from a deployed Web Service. The examples include basic Java code and Ant build.xml
files that you can use in your own development environment to recreate the example, or by following the instructions to create and run the examples in an environment that is separate from your development environment.
The use cases do not go into detail about the processes and tools used in the examples; later chapters are referenced for more detail.
This section describes how to create a very simple Web Service that contains a single operation. The Java Web Service (JWS) file that implements the Web Service uses just the one required JWS annotation: @WebService
. A JWS file is a standard Java file that uses JWS metadata annotations to specify the shape of the Web Service. Metadata annotations were introduced with JDK 5.0, and the set of annotations used to annotate Web Service files are called JWS annotations. WebLogic Web Services use standard JWS annotations. For a complete list of JWS annotations that are supported, see
“Web Service Annotation Support” in WebLogic Web Services Reference.
The following example shows how to create a Web Service called HelloWorldService
that includes a single operation, sayHelloWorld
. For simplicity, the operation returns the inputted String value.
Open a command window and execute the setDomainEnv.cmd
(Windows) or setDomainEnv.sh
(UNIX) script, located in the bin
subdirectory of your domain directory. The default location of WebLogic Server domains is BEA_HOME
, where BEA_HOME
is the top-level installation directory of the Oracle products and domainName
is the name of your domain.
prompt> mkdir /myExamples/hello_world
directory under the project directory, as well as subdirectories that correspond to the package name of the JWS file (shown later in this procedure):prompt> cd /myExamples/hello_world
prompt> mkdir src/examples/webservices/hello_world
Open your favorite Java IDE or text editor and create a Java file called HelloWorldImpl.java
using the Java code specified in Sample HelloWorldImpl.java JWS File.
The sample JWS file shows a Java class called HelloWorldImpl
that contains a single public method, sayHelloWorld(String)
. The @WebService
annotation specifies that the Java class implements a Web Service called HelloWorldService
. By default, all public methods are exposed as operations.
file in the src/examples/webservices/hello_world
file in the project directory (myExamples/hello_world/src
) and add a taskdef
Ant task to specify the full Java classname of the jwsc
task:<project name="webservices-hello_world" default="all">
<taskdef name="jwsc"
classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.JwscTask" />
See Sample Ant Build File for HelloWorldImpl.java for a full sample build.xml
file that contains additional targets from those described in this procedure, such as clean
, undeploy
, client
, and run
. The full build.xml
file also uses properties, such as ${ear-dir}
, rather than always using the hard-coded name for the EAR directory.
Ant task to the build.xml
file, wrapped inside of the build-service
target:<target name="build-service">
<jws file="examples/webservices/hello_world/HelloWorldImpl.java"
The jwsc
WebLogic Web Service Ant task generates the supporting artifacts, compiles the user-created and generated Java code, and archives all the artifacts into an Enterprise Application EAR file that you later deploy to WebLogic Server.
Ant task by specifying the build-service
target at the command line:prompt> ant build-service
See the output/helloWorldEar
directory to view the files and artifacts generated by the jwsc
Ant task.
Ant task. In either case, you deploy the helloWorldEar
Enterprise application, located in the output
To use the wldeploy
Ant task, add the following target to the build.xml
<taskdef name="wldeploy"
<target name="deploy">
<wldeploy action="deploy"
name="helloWorldEar" source="output/helloWorldEar"
user="${wls.username}" password="${wls.password}"
targets="${wls.server.name}" />
Substitute the values for wls.username
, wls.password
, wls.hostname
, wls.port
, and wls.server.name
that correspond to your WebLogic Server instance.
Deploy the WAR file by executing the deploy
prompt> ant deploy
You construct the URL using the default values for the contextPath
and serviceUri
attributes. The default value for the contextPath
is the name of the Java class in the JWS file. The default value of the serviceURI
attribute is the serviceName
element of the @WebService
annotation if specified. Otherwise, the name of the JWS file, without its extension, followed by Service
. For example, if the serviceName
element of the @WebService
annotation is not specified and the name of the JWS file is HelloWorldImpl.java
, then the default value of its serviceUri
is HelloWorldImplService
These attributes will be set explicitly in the next example, Creating a Web Service With User-Defined Data Types. Use the hostname and port relevant to your WebLogic Server instance.
You can use the clean
, build-service
, undeploy
, and deploy
targets in the build.xml
file to iteratively update, rebuild, undeploy, and redeploy the Web Service as part of your development process.
To run the Web Service, you need to create a client that invokes it. See Invoking a Web Service from a Stand-alone Java Client for an example of creating a Java client application that invokes a Web Service.
package examples.webservices.hello_world;
// Import the @WebService annotation
import javax.jws.WebService;
@WebService(name="HelloWorldPortType", serviceName="HelloWorldService")
* This JWS file forms the basis of simple Java-class implemented WebLogic
* Web Service with a single operation: sayHelloWorld
public class HelloWorldImpl {
// By default, all public methods are exposed as Web Services operation
public String sayHelloWorld(String message) {
try {
System.out.println("sayHelloWorld:" + message);
} catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }
return "Here is the message: '" + message + "'";
The following build.xml
file uses properties to simplify the file.
<project name="webservices-hello_world" default="all">
<!-- set global properties for this build -->
<property name="wls.username" value="weblogic" />
<property name="wls.password" value="weblogic" />
<property name="wls.hostname" value="localhost" />
<property name="wls.port" value="7001" />
<property name="wls.server.name" value="myserver" />
<property name="ear.deployed.name" value="helloWorldEar" />
<property name="example-output" value="output" />
<property name="ear-dir" value="${example-output}/helloWorldEar" />
<property name="clientclass-dir" value="${example-output}/clientclasses" />
<path id="client.class.path">
<pathelement path="${clientclass-dir}"/>
<pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
<taskdef name="jwsc"
classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.JwscTask" />
<taskdef name="clientgen"
classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.ClientGenTask" />
<taskdef name="wldeploy"
<target name="all" depends="clean,build-service,deploy,client" />
<target name="clean" depends="undeploy">
<delete dir="${example-output}"/>
<target name="build-service">
<jws file="examples/webservices/hello_world/HelloWorldImpl.java"
<target name="deploy">
<wldeploy action="deploy" name="${ear.deployed.name}"
source="${ear-dir}" user="${wls.username}"
password="${wls.password}" verbose="true"
targets="${wls.server.name}" />
<target name="undeploy">
<wldeploy action="undeploy" name="${ear.deployed.name}"
user="${wls.username}" password="${wls.password}" verbose="true"
targets="${wls.server.name}" />
<target name="client">
srcdir="${clientclass-dir}" destdir="${clientclass-dir}"
srcdir="src" destdir="${clientclass-dir}"
<target name="run">
<java classname="examples.webservices.hello_world.client.Main"
fork="true" failonerror="true" >
<classpath refid="client.class.path"/>
line="http://${wls.hostname}:${wls.port}/HelloWorldImpl/HelloWorldService" />
</java> </target>
The preceding use case uses only a simple data type, String
, as the parameter and return value of the Web Service operation. This next example shows how to create a Web Service that uses a user-defined data type, in particular a JavaBean called BasicStruct
, as both a parameter and a return value of its operation.
There is actually very little a programmer has to do to use a user-defined data type in a Web Service, other than to create the Java source of the data type and use it correctly in the JWS file. The jwsc
Ant task, when it encounters a user-defined data type in the JWS file, automatically generates all the data binding artifacts needed to convert data between its XML representation (used in the SOAP messages) and its Java representation (used in WebLogic Server).The data binding artifacts include the XML Schema equivalent of the Java user-defined type.
The following procedure is very similar to the procedure in Creating a Simple HelloWorld Web Service. For this reason, although the procedure does show all the needed steps, it provides details only for those steps that differ from the simple HelloWorld example.
Open a command window and execute the setDomainEnv.cmd
(Windows) or setDomainEnv.sh
(UNIX) script, located in the bin
subdirectory of your domain directory. The default location of WebLogic Server domains is BEA_HOME
, where BEA_HOME
is the top-level installation directory of the Oracle products and domainName
is the name of your domain.
prompt> mkdir /myExamples/complex
directory under the project directory, as well as subdirectories that correspond to the package name of the JWS file (shown later in this procedure):prompt> cd /myExamples/complex
prompt> mkdir src/examples/webservices/complex
Open your favorite Java IDE or text editor and create a Java file called BasicStruct.java
, in the project directory, using the Java code specified in Sample BasicStruct JavaBean.
file in the src/examples/webservices/complex
subdirectory of the project directory.
The sample JWS file uses several JWS annotations: @WebMethod
to specify explicitly that a method should be exposed as a Web Service operation and to change its operation name from the default method name echoStruct
to echoComplexType
; @WebParam
and @WebResult
to configure the parameters and return values; and @SOAPBinding
to specify the type of Web Service. The ComplexImpl.java
JWS file also imports the examples.webservice.complex.BasicStruct
class and then uses the BasicStruct
user-defined data type as both a parameter and return value of the echoStruct()
For more in-depth information about creating a JWS file, see Programming the JWS File.
file in the src/examples/webservices/complex
subdirectory of the project directory.build.xml
file in the project directory and add a taskdef
Ant task to specify the fully Java classname of the jwsc
task:<project name="webservices-complex" default="all">
<taskdef name="jwsc"
classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.JwscTask" />
See Sample Ant Build File for ComplexImpl.java JWS File for a full sample build.xml
Ant task to the build.xml
file, wrapped inside of the build-service
target:<target name="build-service">
destdir="output/ComplexServiceEar" >
<jws file="examples/webservices/complex/ComplexImpl.java"
contextPath="complex" serviceUri="ComplexService"
attribute of the <jws>
element specifies the type of Web Service (JAX-WS or JAX-RPC). <WLHttpTransport>
child element of the <jws>
element of the jwsc
Ant task specifies the context path and service URI sections of the URL used to invoke the Web Service over the HTTP/S transport, as well as the name of the port in the generated WSDL. For more information about defining the context path, see
“Defining the Context Path of a WebLogic Web Service” in WebLogic Web Services Reference.jwsc
Ant task:prompt> ant build-service
See the output/ComplexServiceEar
directory to view the files and artifacts generated by the jwsc
Ant task.
Enterprise Application, to WebLogic Server, using either the Administration Console or the wldeploy
Ant task. For example:prompt> ant deploy
Ant task. In either case, you deploy the ComplexServiceEar
Enterprise application, located in the output
To use the wldeploy
Ant task, add the following target to the build.xml
<taskdef name="wldeploy"
<target name="deploy">
<wldeploy action="deploy"
name="ComplexServiceEar" source="output/ComplexServiceEar"
user="${wls.username}" password="${wls.password}"
targets="${wls.server.name}" />
Substitute the values for wls.username
, wls.password
, wls.hostname
, wls.port
, and wls.server.name
that correspond to your WebLogic Server instance.
Deploy the WAR file by executing the deploy
prompt> ant deploy
To run the Web Service, you need to create a client that invokes it. See Invoking a Web Service from a Stand-alone Java Client for an example of creating a Java client application that invokes a Web Service.
package examples.webservices.complex;
* Defines a simple JavaBean called BasicStruct that has integer, String,
* and String[] properties
public class BasicStruct {
// Properties
private int intValue;
private String stringValue;
private String[] stringArray;
// Getter and setter methods
public int getIntValue() {
return intValue;
public void setIntValue(int intValue) {
this.intValue = intValue;
public String getStringValue() {
return stringValue;
public void setStringValue(String stringValue) {
this.stringValue = stringValue;
public String[] getStringArray() {
return stringArray;
public void setStringArray(String[] stringArray) {
this.stringArray = stringArray;
public String toString() {
return "IntValue="+intValue+", StringValue="+stringValue;
package examples.webservices.complex;
// Import the standard JWS annotation interfaces
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebParam;
import javax.jws.WebResult;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding;
// Import the BasicStruct JavaBean
import examples.webservices.complex.BasicStruct;
// Standard JWS annotation that specifies that the portType name of the Web
// Service is "ComplexPortType", its public service name is "ComplexService",
// and the targetNamespace used in the generated WSDL is "http://example.org"
@WebService(serviceName="ComplexService", name="ComplexPortType",
// Standard JWS annotation that specifies this is a document-literal-wrapped
// Web Service
* This JWS file forms the basis of a WebLogic Web Service. The Web Services
* has two public operations:
* - echoInt(int)
* - echoComplexType(BasicStruct)
* The Web Service is defined as a "document-literal" service, which means
* that the SOAP messages have a single part referencing an XML Schema element
* that defines the entire body.
public class ComplexImpl {
// Standard JWS annotation that specifies that the method should be exposed
// as a public operation. Because the annotation does not include the
// member-value "operationName", the public name of the operation is the
// same as the method name: echoInt.
// The WebResult annotation specifies that the name of the result of the
// operation in the generated WSDL is "IntegerOutput", rather than the
// default name "return". The WebParam annotation specifies that the input
// parameter name in the WSDL file is "IntegerInput" rather than the Java
// name of the parameter, "input".
public int echoInt(
int input)
System.out.println("echoInt '" + input + "' to you too!");
return input;
// Standard JWS annotation to expose method "echoStruct" as a public operation
// called "echoComplexType"
// The WebResult annotation specifies that the name of the result of the
// operation in the generated WSDL is "EchoStructReturnMessage",
// rather than the default name "return".
public BasicStruct echoStruct(BasicStruct struct)
System.out.println("echoComplexType called");
return struct;
The following build.xml
file uses properties to simplify the file.
<project name="webservices-complex" default="all">
<!-- set global properties for this build -->
<property name="wls.username" value="weblogic" />
<property name="wls.password" value="weblogic" />
<property name="wls.hostname" value="localhost" />
<property name="wls.port" value="7001" />
<property name="wls.server.name" value="myserver" />
<property name="ear.deployed.name" value="complexServiceEAR" />
<property name="example-output" value="output" />
<property name="ear-dir" value="${example-output}/complexServiceEar" />
<property name="clientclass-dir" value="${example-output}/clientclass" />
<path id="client.class.path">
<pathelement path="${clientclass-dir}"/>
<pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
<taskdef name="jwsc"
classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.JwscTask" />
<taskdef name="clientgen"
classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.ClientGenTask" />
<taskdef name="wldeploy"
<target name="all" depends="clean,build-service,deploy,client"/>
<target name="clean" depends="undeploy">
<delete dir="${example-output}"/>
<target name="build-service">
<jws file="examples/webservices/complex/ComplexImpl.java"
contextPath="complex" serviceUri="ComplexService"
<target name="deploy">
<wldeploy action="deploy"
source="${ear-dir}" user="${wls.username}"
password="${wls.password}" verbose="true"
<target name="undeploy">
<wldeploy action="undeploy" failonerror="false"
user="${wls.username}" password="${wls.password}" verbose="true"
<target name="client">
srcdir="${clientclass-dir}" destdir="${clientclass-dir}"
srcdir="src" destdir="${clientclass-dir}"
<target name="run" >
<java fork="true"
failonerror="true" >
<classpath refid="client.class.path"/>
<arg line="http://${wls.hostname}:${wls.port}/complex/ComplexService"
Another common use case of creating a Web Service is to start from an existing WSDL file, often referred to as the golden WSDL. A WSDL file is a public contract that specifies what the Web Service looks like, such as the list of supported operations, the signature and shape of each operation, the protocols and transports that can be used when invoking the operations, and the XML Schema data types that are used when transporting the data. Based on this WSDL file, you generate the artifacts that implement the Web Service so that it can be deployed to WebLogic Server. You use the wsdlc
Ant task to generate the following artifacts.
Note: | The only file generated by the wsdlc Ant task that you update is the JWS implementation file. You never need to update the JAR file that contains the JWS SEI and data binding artifacts. |
Typically, you run the wsdlc
Ant task one time to generate a JAR file that contains the generated JWS SEI file and data binding artifacts, then code the generated JWS file that implements the interface, adding the business logic of your Web Service. In particular, you add Java code to the methods that implement the Web Service operations so that the operations behave as needed and add additional JWS annotations.
After you have coded the JWS implementation file, you run the jwsc
Ant task to generate the deployable Web Service, using the same steps as described in the preceding sections. The only difference is that you use the compiledWsdl
attribute to specify the JAR file (containing the JWS SEI file and data binding artifacts) generated by the wsdlc
Ant task.
The following simple example shows how to create a Web Service from the WSDL file shown in Sample WSDL File. The Web Service has one operation, getTemp
, that returns a temperature when passed a zip code.
Open a command window and execute the setDomainEnv.cmd
(Windows) or setDomainEnv.sh
(UNIX) script, located in the bin
subdirectory of your domain directory. The default location of WebLogic Server domains is BEA_HOME
, where BEA_HOME
is the top-level installation directory of the Oracle products and domainName
is the name of your domain.
prompt> mkdir /myExamples/wsdlc
For the purposes of this example, it is assumed that your WSDL file is called TemperatureService.wsdl
and is located in the /myExamples/wsdlc/wsdl_files
directory. See Sample WSDL File for a full listing of the file.
file in the project directory and add a taskdef
Ant task to specify the full Java classname of the wsdlc
task:<project name="webservices-wsdlc" default="all">
<taskdef name="wsdlc"
See Sample Ant Build File for TemperatureService for a full sample build.xml
file that contains additional targets from those described in this procedure, such as clean
, undeploy
, client
, and run
. The full build.xml
file also uses properties, such as ${ear-dir}
, rather than always using the hard-coded name for the EAR directory.
Ant task to the build.xml
file, wrapped inside of the generate-from-wsdl
target:<target name="generate-from-wsdl">
packageName="examples.webservices.wsdlc" />
The wsdlc
task in the examples generates the JAR file that contains the JWS SEI and data binding artifacts into the output/compiledWsdl
directory under the current directory. It also generates a partial implementation file (TemperaturePortTypeImpl.java
) of the JWS SEI into the output/impl/examples/webservices/wsdlc
directory (which is a combination of the output directory specified by destImplDir
and the directory hierarchy specified by the package name). All generated JWS files will be packaged in the examples.webservices.wsdlc
Ant task by specifying the generate-from-wsdl
target at the command line:prompt> ant generate-from-wsdl
See the output
directory if you want to examine the artifacts and files generated by the wsdlc
Ant task.
JWS implementation file using your favorite Java IDE or text editor to add Java code to the methods so that they behave as you want.
See Sample TemperaturePortType Java Implementation File for an example; the added Java code is in bold. The generated JWS implementation file automatically includes values for the @WebService
JWS annotation that corresponds to the value in the original WSDL file.
Note: | There are restrictions on the JWS annotations that you can add to the JWS implementation file in the “starting from WSDL” use case. See “wsdlc” in the WebLogic Web Services Reference for details. |
For simplicity, the sample getTemp()
method in TemperaturePortTypeImpl.java
returns a hard-coded number. In real life, the implementation of this method would actually look up the current temperature at the given zip code.
file into a permanent directory, such as a src
directory under the project directory; remember to create child directories that correspond to the package name:prompt> cd /examples/wsdlc
prompt> mkdir src/examples/webservices/wsdlc
prompt> cpoutput/impl/examples/webservices/wsdlc/TemperaturePortTypeImpl.java
target to the build.xml
file that executes the jwsc
Ant task against the updated JWS implementation class. Use the compiledWsdl
attribute of jwsc
to specify the name of the JAR file generated by the wsdlc
Ant task:<taskdef name="jwsc"
classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.JwscTask" />
<target name="build-service">
<jws file="examples/webservices/wsdlc/TemperaturePortTypeImpl.java"
contextPath="temp" serviceUri="TemperatureService"
attribute of the <jws>
element specifies the type of Web Services (JAX-WS or JAX-RPC). <WLHttpTransport>
child element of the <jws>
element of the jwsc
Ant task specifies the context path and service URI sections of the URL used to invoke the Web Service over the HTTP/S transport, as well as the name of the port in the generated WSDL. build-service
target to generate a deployable Web Service:prompt> ant build-service
You can re-run this target if you want to update and then re-build the JWS file.
Ant task. In either case, you deploy the wsdlcEar
Enterprise application, located in the output
To use the wldeploy
Ant task, add the following target to the build.xml
<taskdef name="wldeploy"
<target name="deploy">
<wldeploy action="deploy" name="wsdlcEar"
source="output/wsdlcEar" user="${wls.username}"
password="${wls.password}" verbose="true"
targets="${wls.server.name}" />
Substitute the values for wls.username
, wls.password
, wls.hostname
, wls.port
, and wls.server.name
that correspond to your WebLogic Server instance.
Deploy the WAR file by executing the deploy
prompt> ant deploy
The context path and service URI section of the preceding URL are specified by the original golden WSDL. Use the hostname and port relevant to your WebLogic Server instance. Note that the deployed and original WSDL files are the same, except for the host and port of the endpoint address.
You can use the clean
, build-service
, undeploy
, and deploy
targets in the build.xml
file to iteratively update, rebuild, undeploy, and redeploy the Web Service as part of your development process.
To run the Web Service, you need to create a client that invokes it. See Invoking a Web Service from a Stand-alone Java Client for an example of creating a Java client application that invokes a Web Service.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" >
<message name="getTempRequest">
<part name="zip" type="xsd:string"/>
<message name="getTempResponse">
<part name="return" type="xsd:float"/>
<portType name="TemperaturePortType">
<operation name="getTemp">
<input message="tns:getTempRequest"/>
<output message="tns:getTempResponse"/>
<binding name="TemperatureBinding" type="tns:TemperaturePortType">
<soap:binding style="document"
<operation name="getTemp">
<soap:operation soapAction=""/>
<soap:body use="literal"
namespace="http://www.bea.com/wls103" />
<soap:body use="literal"
namespace="http://www.bea.com/wls103" />
<service name="TemperatureService">
Returns current temperature in a given U.S. zipcode
<port name="TemperaturePort" binding="tns:TemperatureBinding">
package examples.webservices.wsdlc;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.xml.ws.BindingType;
* examples.webservices.wsdlc.TemperatureServiceImpl class implements web
* service endpoint interface
* examples.webservices.wsdlc.TemperaturePortType */
public class TemperaturePortTypeImpl implements examples.webservices.wsdlc.TemperaturePortType {
public TemperaturePortTypeImpl() { }
public float getTemp(java.lang.String zip) {
return 1.234f;
The following build.xml
file uses properties to simplify the file.
<project default="all">
<!-- set global properties for this build -->
<property name="wls.username" value="weblogic" />
<property name="wls.password" value="weblogic" />
<property name="wls.hostname" value="localhost" />
<property name="wls.port" value="7001" />
<property name="wls.server.name" value="myserver" />
<property name="ear.deployed.name" value="wsdlcEar" />
<property name="example-output" value="output" />
<property name="compiledWsdl-dir" value="${example-output}/compiledWsdl" />
<property name="impl-dir" value="${example-output}/impl" />
<property name="ear-dir" value="${example-output}/wsdlcEar" />
<property name="clientclass-dir" value="${example-output}/clientclasses" />
<path id="client.class.path">
<pathelement path="${clientclass-dir}"/>
<pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
<taskdef name="wsdlc"
<taskdef name="jwsc"
classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.JwscTask" />
<taskdef name="clientgen"
classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.ClientGenTask" />
<taskdef name="wldeploy"
<target name="all"
depends="clean,generate-from-wsdl,build-service,deploy,client" />
<target name="clean" depends="undeploy">
<delete dir="${example-output}"/>
<target name="generate-from-wsdl">
packageName="examples.webservices.wsdlc" />
<target name="build-service">
<jws file="examples/webservices/wsdlc/TemperaturePortTypeImpl.java"
contextPath="temp" serviceUri="TemperatureService"
<target name="deploy">
<wldeploy action="deploy" name="${ear.deployed.name}"
source="${ear-dir}" user="${wls.username}"
password="${wls.password}" verbose="true"
targets="${wls.server.name}" />
<target name="undeploy">
<wldeploy action="undeploy" name="${ear.deployed.name}"
user="${wls.username}" password="${wls.password}" verbose="true"
targets="${wls.server.name}" />
<target name="client">
srcdir="${clientclass-dir}" destdir="${clientclass-dir}"
srcdir="src" destdir="${clientclass-dir}"
<target name="run">
<java classname="examples.webservices.wsdlc.client.TemperatureClient"
fork="true" failonerror="true" >
<classpath refid="client.class.path"/>
line="http://${wls.hostname}:${wls.port}/temp/TemperatureService" />
When you invoke an operation of a deployed Web Service from a client application, the Web Service could be deployed to WebLogic Server or to any other application server, such as .NET. All you need to know is the URL to its public contract file, or WSDL.
In addition to writing the Java client application, you must also run the clientgen
WebLogic Web Service Ant task to generate the artifacts that your client application needs to invoke the Web Service operation. These artifacts include:
The following example shows how to create a Java client application that invokes the echoComplexType
operation of the ComplexService
WebLogic Web Service described in Creating a Web Service With User-Defined Data Types. The echoComplexType
operation takes as both a parameter and return type the BasicStruct
user-defined data type.
Note: | It is assumed in this procedure that you have created and deployed the ComplexService Web Service. |
Open a command window and execute the setDomainEnv.cmd
(Windows) or setDomainEnv.sh
(UNIX) script, located in the bin
subdirectory of your domain directory. The default location of WebLogic Server domains is BEA_HOME
, where BEA_HOME
is the top-level installation directory of the Oracle products and domainName
is the name of your domain.
prompt> mkdir /myExamples/simple_client
directory under the project directory, as well as subdirectories that correspond to the package name of the Java client application (shown later on in this procedure):prompt> cd /myExamples/simple_client
prompt> mkdir src/examples/webservices/simple_client
file in the project directory and add a taskdef
Ant task to specify the full Java classname of the clientgen
task:<project name="webservices-simple_client" default="all">
<taskdef name="clientgen"
classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.ClientGenTask" />
See Sample Ant Build File For Building Stand-alone Client Application for a full sample build.xml
file. The full build.xml
file uses properties, such as ${clientclass-dir}
, rather than always using the hard-coded name output directory for client classes.
and javac
Ant tasks to the build.xml
file, wrapped inside of the build-client
target:<target name="build-client">
srcdir="output/clientclass" destdir="output/clientclass"
srcdir="src" destdir="output/clientclass"
The clientgen
Ant task uses the WSDL of the deployed ComplexService
Web Service to generate the necessary artifacts and puts them into the output/clientclass
directory, using the specified package name. Replace the variables with the actual hostname and port of your WebLogic Server instance that is hosting the Web Service.
In this example, the package name is set to the same package name as the client application, examples.webservices.simple_client
. If you set the package name to one that is different from the client application, you would need to import the appropriate class files. For example, if you defined the package name as examples.webservices.complex
, you would need to import the following class files in the client application:
import examples.webservices.complex.BasicStruct;
import examples.webservices.complex.ComplexPortType;
import examples.webservices.complex.ComplexService;
The clientgen
Ant task also automatically generates the examples.webservices.simple_client.BasicStruct
JavaBean class, which is the Java representation of the user-defined data type specified in the WSDL.
The build-client
target also specifies the standard javac
Ant task, in addition to clientgen
, to compile all the Java code, including the stand-alone Java program described in the next step, into class files.
The clientgen
Ant task also provides the destFile
attribute if you want the Ant task to automatically compile the generated Java code and package all artifacts into a JAR file. For details and an example, see
“clientgen” in the WebLogic Web Services Reference.
Open your favorite Java IDE or text editor and create a Java file called Main.java
using the code specified in Sample Java Client Application.
The application follows standard JAX-WS guidelines to invoke an operation of the Web Service using the Web Service-specific implementation of the Service
interface generated by clientgen
. For details, see Invoking Web Services.
file in the src/examples/webservices/simple_client
subdirectory of the main project directory.clientgen
and javac
Ant tasks by specifying the build-client
target at the command line:prompt> ant build-client
See the output/clientclass
directory to view the files and artifacts generated by the clientgen
Ant task.
file, used to execute the Main
application:<path id="client.class.path">
<pathelement path="output/clientclass"/>
<pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
<target name="run" >
<java fork="true"
failonerror="true" >
<classpath refid="client.class.path"/>
The run
target invokes the Main
application, passing it the WSDL URL of the deployed Web Service as its single argument. The classpath
element adds the clientclass
directory to the CLASSPATH, using the reference created with the <path>
target to invoke the echoComplexType
operation:prompt> ant run
If the invoke was successful, you should see the following final output:
[java] echoComplexType called. Result: 999, Hello Struct
You can use the build-client
and run
targets in the build.xml
file to iteratively update, rebuild, and run the Java client application as part of your development process.
The following provides a simple Java client application that invokes the echoComplexType
operation. Because the <clientgen>
attribute was set to the same package name as the client application, we are not required to import the <clientgen>
-generated files.
package examples.webservices.simple_client;
* This is a simple stand-alone client application that invokes the
* echoComplexType operation of the ComplexService Web service.
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ComplexService test = new ComplexService();
ComplexPortType port = test.getComplexPortTypePort();
BasicStruct in = new BasicStruct();
in.setStringValue("Hello Struct");
BasicStruct result = port.echoComplexType(in);
System.out.println("echoComplexType called. Result: " + result.getIntValue() + ", " + result.getStringValue());
The following build.xml
file defines tasks to build the stand-alone client application. The example uses properties to simplify the file.
<project name="webservices-simple_client" default="all">
<!-- set global properties for this build -->
<property name="wls.hostname" value="localhost" />
<property name="wls.port" value="7001" />
<property name="example-output" value="output" />
<property name="clientclass-dir" value="${example-output}/clientclass" />
<path id="client.class.path">
<pathelement path="${clientclass-dir}"/>
<pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
<taskdef name="clientgen"
classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.ClientGenTask" />
<target name="clean" >
<delete dir="${clientclass-dir}"/>
<target name="all" depends="clean,build-client,run" />
<target name="build-client">
srcdir="${clientclass-dir}" destdir="${clientclass-dir}"
srcdir="src" destdir="${clientclass-dir}"
<target name="run" >
<java fork="true"
failonerror="true" >
<classpath refid="client.class.path"/>
You can also invoke a Web Service (WebLogic, .NET, and so on) from within a deployed WebLogic Web Service, rather than from a stand-alone client.
The procedure is similar to that described in Invoking a Web Service from a Stand-alone Java Client except that instead of running the clientgen
Ant task to generate the client stubs, you use the <clientgen>
child element of <jws>
, inside of the jwsc
Ant task. The jwsc
Ant task automatically packages the generated client stubs in the invoking Web Service WAR file so that the Web Service has immediate access to them. You then follow standard JAX-WS programming guidelines in the JWS file that implements the Web Service that invokes the other Web Service.
The following example shows how to write a JWS file that invokes the echoComplexType
operation of the ComplexService
Web Service described in Creating a Web Service With User-Defined Data Types.
Note: | It is assumed that you have successfully deployed the ComplexService Web Service. |
Open a command window and execute the setDomainEnv.cmd
(Windows) or setDomainEnv.sh
(UNIX) script, located in the bin
subdirectory of your domain directory. The default location of WebLogic Server domains is BEA_HOME
, where BEA_HOME
is the top-level installation directory of the Oracle products and domainName
is the name of your domain.
prompt> mkdir /myExamples/service_to_service
directory under the project directory, as well as subdirectories that correspond to the package name of the JWS and client application files (shown later on in this procedure):prompt> cd /myExamples/service_to_service
prompt> mkdir src/examples/webservices/service_to_service
Web Service.
Open your favorite Java IDE or text editor and create a Java file called ClientServiceImpl.java
using the Java code specified in Sample ClientServiceImpl.java JWS File.
The sample JWS file shows a Java class called ClientServiceImpl
that contains a single public method, callComplexService()
. The Java class imports the JAX-WS stubs, generated later on by the jwsc
Ant task, as well as the BasicStruct
JavaBean (also generated by clientgen
), which is the data type of the parameter and return value of the echoComplexType
operation of the ComplexService
Web Service.
The ClientServiceImpl
Java class defines one method, callComplexService()
, which takes one parameter: a BasicStruct
which is passed on to the echoComplexType
operation of the ComplexService
Web Service. The method then uses the standard JAX-WS APIs to get the Service
and PortType
of the ComplexService
, using the stubs generated by jwsc
, and then invokes the echoComplexType
file in the src/examples/webservices/service_to_service
file in the project directory and add the following task:<project name="webservices-service_to_service" default="all">
<taskdef name="jwsc"
classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.JwscTask" />
The taskdef
task defines the full classname of the jwsc
Ant task.
See Sample Ant Build File For Building ClientService for a full sample build.xml
file that contains additional targets from those described in this procedure, such as clean
, deploy
, undeploy
, client
, and run
. The full build.xml
file also uses properties, such as ${ear-dir}
, rather than always using the hard-coded name for the EAR directory.
Ant task to the build.xml
file, wrapped inside of the build-service
target:<target name="build-service">
destdir="output/ClientServiceEar" >
contextPath="ClientService" serviceUri="ClientService"
packageName="examples.webservices.complex" />
In the preceding example, the <clientgen>
child element of the <jws>
element of the jwsc
Ant task specifies that, in addition to compiling the JWS file, jwsc
should also generate and compile the client artifacts needed to invoke the Web Service described by the WSDL file.
In this example, the package name is set to examples.webservices.complex
, which is different from the client application package name, examples.webservices.simple_client
. As a result, you need to import the appropriate class files in the client application:
import examples.webservices.complex.BasicStruct;
import examples.webservices.complex.ComplexPortType;
import examples.webservices.complex.ComplexService;
If the package name is set to the same package name as the client application, the import calls would be optional.
Ant task by specifying the build-service
target at the command line:prompt> ant build-service
Ant task. In either case, you deploy the ClientServiceEar
Enterprise application, located in the output
To use the wldeploy
Ant task, add the following target to the build.xml
<taskdef name="wldeploy"
<target name="deploy">
<wldeploy action="deploy" name="ClientServiceEar"
source="ClientServiceEar" user="${wls.username}"
password="${wls.password}" verbose="true"
targets="${wls.server.name}" />
Substitute the values for wls.username
, wls.password
, wls.hostname
, wls.port
, and wls.server.name
that correspond to your WebLogic Server instance.
Deploy the WAR file by executing the deploy
prompt> ant deploy
See Invoking a Web Service from a Stand-alone Java Client for an example of creating a Java client application that invokes a Web Service.
The following provides a simple Web Service client application that invokes the echoComplexType
package examples.webservices.service_to_service;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
// Import the BasicStruct data type, generated by clientgen and used
// by the ComplexService Web Service
import examples.webservices.complex.BasicStruct;
// Import the JAX-WS Stubs for invoking the ComplexService Web Service.
// Stubs generated by clientgen
import examples.webservices.complex.ComplexPortType;
import examples.webservices.complex.ComplexService;
@WebService(name="ClientPortType", serviceName="ClientService",
public class ClientServiceImpl {
public String callComplexService(BasicStruct input)
ComplexService test = new ComplexService();
ComplexPortType port = test.getComplexPortTypePort();
// Invoke the echoComplexType operation of ComplexService
BasicStruct result = port.echoComplexType(input);
System.out.println("Invoked ComplexPortType.echoComplexType." );
return "Invoke went okay! Here's the result: '" + result.getIntValue() + ", " + result.getStringValue() + "'";
The following build.xml
file defines tasks to build the client application. The example uses properties to simplify the file.
The following build.xml
file uses properties to simplify the file.
<project name="webservices-service_to_service" default="all">
<!-- set global properties for this build -->
<property name="wls.username" value="weblogic" />
<property name="wls.password" value="weblogic" />
<property name="wls.hostname" value="localhost" />
<property name="wls.port" value="7001" />
<property name="wls.server.name" value="myserver" />
<property name="ear.deployed.name" value="ClientServiceEar" />
<property name="example-output" value="output" />
<property name="ear-dir" value="${example-output}/ClientServiceEar" />
<property name="clientclass-dir" value="${example-output}/clientclasses" />
<path id="client.class.path">
<pathelement path="${clientclass-dir}"/>
<pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
<taskdef name="jwsc"
classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.JwscTask" />
<taskdef name="clientgen"
classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.ClientGenTask" />
<taskdef name="wldeploy"
<target name="all" depends="clean,build-service,deploy,client" />
<target name="clean" depends="undeploy">
<delete dir="${example-output}"/>
<target name="build-service">
destdir="${ear-dir}" >
contextPath="ClientService" serviceUri="ClientService"
packageName="examples.webservices.complex" />
<target name="deploy">
<wldeploy action="deploy" name="${ear.deployed.name}"
source="${ear-dir}" user="${wls.username}"
password="${wls.password}" verbose="true"
targets="${wls.server.name}" />
<target name="undeploy">
<wldeploy action="undeploy" name="${ear.deployed.name}"
password="${wls.password}" verbose="true"
targets="${wls.server.name}" />
<target name="client">
srcdir="${clientclass-dir}" destdir="${clientclass-dir}"
srcdir="src" destdir="${clientclass-dir}"
<target name="run">
<java classname="examples.webservices.service_to_service.client.Main"
failonerror="true" >
<classpath refid="client.class.path"/>
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