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In this release of WebLogic Server, message-level security features are supported in both the JAX-RPC and JAX-WS stacks.
The following sections describe how to configure security for your Web Service:
Message-level security specifies whether the SOAP messages between a client application and the Web Service invoked by the client should be digitally signed or encrypted, or both. It also can specify a shared security context between the Web Service and client in the event that they exchange multiple SOAP messages. You can use message-level security to assure:
See Configuring Simple Message-Level Security: Main Steps for the basic steps you must perform to configure simple message-level security. This section discusses configuration of the Web Services runtime environment, as well as configuration of message-level security for a particular Web Service and how to code a client application to invoke the service.
You can also configure message-level security for a Web Service at runtime, after a Web Service has been deployed. See Associating Policy Files at Runtime Using the Administration Console for details.
Note: | You cannot digitally sign or encrypt a SOAP attachment. |
Note: | Standards Supported by WebLogic Web Services is the definitive source of Web Service standards supported in this release. |
WebLogic Web Services implement the following OASIS Standard 1.1 Web Services Security (WS-Security 1.1) specifications, dated February 1, 2006:
These specifications provide security token propagation, message integrity, and message confidentiality. These mechanisms can be used independently (such as passing a username token for user authentication) or together (such as digitally signing and encrypting a SOAP message and specifying that a user must use X.509 certificates for authentication).
Note: | WS-Trust and WS-SecureConversation are supported for JAX-RPC only. |
WebLogic Web Services implement the Web Services Trust (WS-Trust 1.3) and Web Services Secure Conversation (WS-SecureConversation 1.3) specifications, which together provide secure communication between Web Services and their clients (either other Web Services or standalone Java client applications).
The WS-Trust specification defines extensions that provide a framework for requesting and issuing security tokens, and to broker trust relationships.
The WS-SecureConversation specification defines mechanisms for establishing and sharing security contexts, and deriving keys from security contexts, to enable the exchange of multiple messages. Together, the security context and derived keys potentially increase the overall performance and security of the subsequent exchanges.
The WS-Policy specification defines a framework for allowing Web Services to express their constraints and requirements. Such constraints and requirements are expressed as policy assertions.
WS-SecurityPolicy defines a set of security policy assertions for use with the WS-Policy framework to describe how messages are to be secured in the context of WSS: SOAP Message Security, WS-Trust and WS-SecureConversation.
You configure message-level security for a Web Service by attaching one or more policy files that contain security policy statements, as specified by the WS-SecurityPolicy specification. See Using Policy Files for Message-Level Security Configuration for detailed information about how the Web Services runtime environment uses security policy files.
For information about the elements of the Web Services SecurityPolicy 1.2 that are not supported in this release of WebLogic Server, see Unsupported WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 Assertions.
The implementation of the Web Services Security: SOAP Message Security specification supports the following use cases:
You specify the details of message-level security for a WebLogic Web Service with one or more security policy files. The WS-SecurityPolicy specification provides a general purpose model and XML syntax to describe and communicate the security policies of a Web Service.
Note: | Previous releases of WebLogic Server, released before the formulation of the WS-SecurityPolicy specification, used security policy files written under the WS-Policy specification, using a proprietary schema for security policy. |
Note: | This release of WebLogic Server supports either security policy files that conform to the WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 specification or the Web Services security policy schema first included in WebLogic Server 9, but not both in the same Web Service. The formats are mutually incompatible. |
Note: | For information about the packaged WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 security policy files, see Using WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 Policy Files. |
The security policy files used for message-level security are XML files that describe whether and how the SOAP messages resulting from an invoke of an operation should be digitally signed or encrypted. They can also specify that a client application authenticate itself using a username, SAML, or X.509 token.
You use the @Policy
and @Policies
JWS annotations in your JWS file to associate policy files with your Web Service. You can associate any number of policy files with a Web Service, although it is up to you to ensure that the assertions do not contradict each other. You can specify a policy file at both the class- and method level of your JWS file.
For maximum portability, Oracle recommends that you use WS-Policy 1.2 and OASIS WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 with JAX-WS.
WebLogic Server supports WS-Policy 1.2 with the following namespace:
Note: | WebLogic Server also now supports WS-Policy 1.5 (now a W3C standard) with the following namespace: |
Note: | http://www.w3.org/ns/ws-policy |
In this release, the following OASIS WS-SX TC Web Services SecurityPolicy namespace is now supported:
In addition to this new version of the namespace, WebLogic Server continues to support the following Web Services SecurityPolicy namespace:
In most of the cases, the policy assertions are identical for either namespaces, with the following exceptions.
This version of WebLogic Server supports version-independent policy. You can combine protocol-specific policies such as WS-SecurityPolicy and WS-ReliableMessaging policy that are based on different versions of the WS-Policy specification. At runtime, the merged policy file then contains two or more different namespaces.
There are three versions of WS-SecurityPolicy in this release of WebLogic Server:
You can mix and match any version of WS-Policy with (1), (2), or a combination of (1) and (2). However, you cannot mix and match (3) with (1) or (2) and with different versions of WS-Policy.
The version match possibilities are shown in Table 2-1.
If the client program wants to know what version of the policy or security policy is used, use the versioning API to return the namespace and versioning information.
The following procedure describes how to configure simple message-level security for the Web Services security runtime, a particular WebLogic Web Service, and a client application that invokes an operation of the Web Service. In this document, simple message-level security is defined as follows:
WARNING: | If you plan to deploy the Web Service to a cluster in which different WebLogic Server instances are running on different computers, you must use a keystore and key pair other than the out-of-the-box ones, even for testing purposes. The reason is that the key pairs in the default WebLogic Server keystore, DemoIdentity.jks , are not guaranteed to be the same across WebLogic Servers running on different machines. If you were to use the default keystore, the WSDL of the deployed Web Service would specify the public key from one of these keystores, but the invoke of the service might actually be handled by a server running on a different computer, and in this case the server’s private key would not match the published public key and the invoke would fail. This problem only occurs if you use the default keystore and key pairs in a cluster, and is easily resolved by using your own keystore and key pairs. |
Later sections describe some of the preceding scenarios in more detail, as well as additional Web Services security uses cases that build on the simple message-level security use case.
It is assumed in the following procedure that you have already created a JWS file that implements a WebLogic Web Service and you want to update it so that the SOAP messages are digitally signed and encrypted. It is also assumed that you use Ant build scripts to iteratively develop your Web Service and that you have a working build.xml
file that you can update with new information. Finally, it is assumed that you have a client application that invokes the non-secured Web Service. If these assumptions are not true, see:
To configure simple message-level security for a WebLogic Web Service:
and @Policies
JWS annotations to specify the pre-packaged policy files that are attached to either the entire Web Service or to particular operations.See Updating the JWS File with @Policy and @Policies Annotations, which describes how to specify any policy file.
See Developing WebLogic Web Services in Getting Started With WebLogic Web Services Using JAX-WS and Developing WebLogic Web Services in Getting Started With WebLogic Web Services Using JAX-RPC.
You can use the Cert Gen utility or Sun Microsystem's keytool utility to perform this step. For development purposes, the keytool
utility is the easiest way to get started.
See Obtaining Private Keys, Digital Signatures, and Trusted Certificate Authorities” in Securing WebLogic Server.
Make sure that the certificate’s key usage allows both encryption and digital signatures. Also see Ensuring That WebLogic Server Can Validate the Client’s Certificate for information about how WebLogic Server ensures that the client’s certificate is valid.
WARNING: | Oracle requires a key length of 1024 bits or larger. |
You can use Sun Microsystem's keytool utility to perform this step.
See Obtaining Private Keys, Digital Signatures, and Trusted Certificate Authorities” in Securing WebLogic Server.
See “Users, Groups, and Security Roles” in Securing WebLogic Resources Using Roles and Policies.
See Using a Client-Side Security Policy File.
See “Invoking Web Services” in Getting Started With WebLogic Web Services Using JAX-WS and “Invoking Web Services” in Getting Started With WebLogic Web Services Using JAX-RPC for general information.
See the following sections for information about additional Web Service security uses cases that build on the basic message-level security use case:
See Using System Properties to Debug Message-Level Security for information on debugging problems with your message-secured Web Service.
You must ensure that WebLogic Server is able to validate the X.509 certificate that the client uses to digitally sign its SOAP request, and that WebLogic Server in turn uses to encrypt its SOAP responses to the client. Do one of the following:
For more information, see “SSL Certificate Validation” in Securing WebLogic Server.
Use the @Policy
and @Policies
annotations in your JWS file to specify that the Web Service has one or more policy files attached to it. You can use these annotations at either the class or method level.
See Loading a Policy From the CLASSPATH for an additional policy option.
The @Policies
annotation simply groups two or more @Policy
annotations together. Use the @Policies
annotation if you want to attach two or more policy files to the class or method. If you want to attach just one policy file, you can use @Policy
on its own.
The @Policy
annotation specifies a single policy file, where it is located, whether the policy applies to the request or response SOAP message (or both), and whether to attach the policy file to the public WSDL of the service.
WARNING: | As is true for all JWS annotations, the @Policy annotation cannot be overridden at runtime, which means that the policy file you specify at buildtime using the annotation will always be associated with the Web Service. This means, for example, that although you can view the associated policy file at runtime using the Administration Console, you cannot delete (unassociate) it. You can, however, associate additional policy files, as described in Associating Policy Files at Runtime Using the Administration Console. |
Use the uri
attribute to specify the location of the policy file, as described below:
prefix and the name of one of the policy files, as shown in the following example:@Policy(uri="policy:Wssp1.2-2007-Https-BasicAuth.xml")
If you use the pre-packaged policy files, you do not have to create one yourself or package it in an accessible location. For this reason, Oracle recommends that you use the pre-packaged policy files whenever you can.
See Using Policy Files for Message-Level Security Configuration for information on the various types of message-level security provided by the pre-packaged policy files.
In the example, the MyPolicy.xml
file is located in the policies
sibling directory of the one that contains the JWS file.
Note: | In this case, it is assumed that the policy file is in the META-INF/policies or WEB-INF/policies directory of the shared J2EE library. Be sure, when you package the library, that you put the policy file in this directory. |
To specify a policy file in a shared J2EE library, use the policy
prefix and then the name of the policy file, as shown in the following example:
See “Creating Shared J2EE Libraries and Optional Packages” in Developing Applications With WebLogic Server for information on creating shared libraries and setting up your environment so the Web Service can find the shared policy files.
You can also set the following attributes of the @Policy
—Specifies whether the policy file should be applied to the request (inbound) SOAP message, the response (outbound) SOAP message, or both. The default value if you do not specify this attribute is both. The direction
attribute accepts the following values:attachToWsdl
—Specifies whether the policy file should be attached to the WSDL file that describes the public contract of the Web Service. The default value of this attribute is false
The following example shows how to use the @Policy
and @Policies
JWS annotations, with the relevant sections shown in bold:
package wssp12.wss10;
import weblogic.jws.WLHttpTransport;import weblogic.jws.Policy;
import weblogic.jws.Policies;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.Oneway;
* This Web Service demonstrates how to use WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2
* to enable message-level security specified in WS-Security 1.0.
* The service authenticates the client with a username token.
* Both the request and response messages are signed and encrypted with X509
*/@WebService(name="Simple", targetNamespace="http://example.org")
public class UsernameTokenPlainX509SignAndEncrypt {
public String echo(String s) {
return s;
public String echoWithWsa(String s) {
return s;
public void echoOneway(String s) {
System.out.println("s = " + s);
public void echoOnewayX509(String s) {
System.out.println("X509SignEncrypt.echoOneway: " + s);
The following section of the example is the binding policy for the Web Service, specifying the policy:
@WebService(name="Simple", targetNamespace="http://example.org")
In the example, security policy files are attached to the Web Service at the method level. The specified policy files are those pre-packaged with WebLogic Server, which means that the developers do not need to create their own files or package them in the corresponding archive.
The Wssp1.2-2007-SignBody.xml
policy file specifies that the body and WebLogic system headers of both the request and response SOAP message be digitally signed. The Wssp1.2-2007-EncryptBody.xml
policy file specifies that the body of both the request and response SOAP messages be encrypted.
This release of WebLogic Server includes a 'load policy as resource from CLASSPATH' feature. This feature allows you to copy a policy file to the root directory of your Web application and then reference it directly by its name (for example, mypolicy.xml') from an @POLICY annotation in your JWS file.
To enable this feature, start WebLogic Server with
If you enable this feature, be aware of the following caveat: If you were to then move the policy file to the WEB-INF/policies directory, the same 'mypolicy.xml' reference in the @POLICY annotation will no longer work. You would need to add the policy prefix to the @POLICY annotation; for example, 'policy:mypolicy.xml'.
In the simple message-level configuration procedure, documented in Configuring Simple Message-Level Security: Main Steps, it is assumed that the Web Services runtime uses the private key and X.509 certificate pair that is provided out-of-the-box with WebLogic Server; this same key pair is also used by the core security subsystem for SSL and is provided mostly for demonstration and testing purposes. In production environments, the Web Services runtime typically uses its own two private key and digital certificate pairs, one for signing and one for encrypting SOAP messages.
The following procedure describes the additional steps you must take to enable this use case.
Although not required, Oracle recommends that you obtain two pairs that will be used only by WebLogic Web Services. You must also ensure that both of the certificate’s key usage matches what you are configuring them to do. For example, if you are specifying that a certificate be used for encryption, be sure that the certificate’s key usage is specified as for encryption or is undefined. Otherwise, the Web Services security runtime will reject the certificate.
WARNING: | Oracle requires that the key length be 1024 bits or larger. |
You can use the Cert Gen utility or Sun Microsystem's keytool utility to perform this step. For development purposes, the keytool
utility is the easiest way to get started.
See Obtaining Private Keys, Digital Signatures, and Trusted Certificate Authorities” in Securing WebLogic Server.
If you have already configured WebLogic Server for SSL, then you have already created an identity keystore which you can also use in this step.
You can use WebLogic’s ImportPrivateKey
utility and Sun Microsystem’s keytool utility to perform this step. For development purposes, the keytool
utility is the easiest way to get started.
See “Creating a Keystore and Loading Private Keys and Trusted Certificate Authorities Into the Keystore” in Securing WebLogic Server.
See “Configuring Keystores for Production” in Securing WebLogic Server.
. The default Web Service security configuration is used by all Web Services in the domain unless they have been explicitly programmed to use a different configuration.See “Create a Web Service security configuration” in the Administration Console Online Help.
“Specify the key pair used to sign SOAP messages” in Administration Console Online Help. In the procedure, when you create the properties used to identify the keystore and key pair, enter the exact value for the Name of each property (such as IntegrityKeyStore
, IntegrityKeyStorePassword
, and so on), but enter the value that identifies your own previously-created keystore and key pair in the Value fields.
“Specify the key pair used to encrypt SOAP messages” in Administration Console Online Help. In the procedure, when you create the properties used to identify the keystore and key pair, enter the exact value for the Name of each property (such as ConfidentialityKeyStore
. ConfidentialityKeyStorePassword
, and so on), but enter the value that identifies your own previously-created keystore and key pair in the Value fields.
When you update your Java code to invoke a message-secured Web Service, you must load a private key and digital certificate pair from the client’s keystore and pass this information, along with a username and password for user authentication if so required by the security policy, to the secure WebLogic Web Service being invoked.
If the security policy file of the Web Service specifies that the SOAP request must be encrypted, then the Web Services client runtime automatically gets the server’s certificate from the policy file that is attached to the WSDL of the service, and uses it for the encryption. If, however, the policy file is not attached to the WSDL, or the entire WSDL itself is not available, then the client application must use a client-side copy of the policy file; for details, see Using a Client-Side Security Policy File.
Listing 2-2 shows a Java client application that invokes the message-secured WebLogic Web Service described by the JWS file in Updating the JWS File With the Security-Related Annotations. The client application takes five arguments:
The security-specific code in the sample client application is shown in bold (and described after the example):
package examples.webservices.security_jws.client;
import weblogic.security.SSL.TrustManager;
import weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.provider.CredentialProvider;
import weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.WSSecurityContext;
import weblogic.wsee.security.bst.ClientBSTCredentialProvider;
import weblogic.wsee.security.unt.ClientUNTCredentialProvider;
import javax.xml.rpc.Stub;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
*Copyright © 1996, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* All rights reserved.
public class SecureHelloWorldClient {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
//username or password for the UsernameToken
String username = args[0];
String password = args[1];
//client private key file
String keyFile = args[2];
//client certificate
String clientCertFile = args[3];
String wsdl = args[4];
SecureHelloWorldService service = new SecureHelloWorldService_Impl(wsdl + "?WSDL" );
SecureHelloWorldPortType port = service.getSecureHelloWorldServicePort();
//create credential provider and set it to the Stub
List credProviders = new ArrayList();
//client side BinarySecurityToken credential provider -- x509
CredentialProvider cp = new ClientBSTCredentialProvider(clientCertFile, keyFile);
//client side UsernameToken credential provider
cp = new ClientUNTCredentialProvider(username, password);
Stub stub = (Stub)port;
stub._setProperty(WSSecurityContext.CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_LIST, credProviders);
new TrustManager(){
public boolean certificateCallback(X509Certificate[] chain, int validateErr){
return true;
} );
String response = port.sayHello("World");
System.out.println("response = " + response);
The main points to note about the preceding code are:
API:import weblogic.security.SSL.TrustManager;
import weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.provider.CredentialProvider;
import weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.WSSecurityContext;
import weblogic.wsee.security.bst.ClientBSTCredentialProvider;
import weblogic.wsee.security.unt.ClientUNTCredentialProvider;
WebLogic API to create a binary security token credential provider from the client’s certificate and private key:CredentialProvider cp =
new ClientBSTCredentialProvider(clientCertFile, keyFile);
WebLogic API to create a username token from the client’s username and password, which are also known by WebLogic Server:cp = new ClientUNTCredentialProvider(username, password);
property to pass a List
object that contains the binary security and username tokens to the JAX-RPC Stub:stub._setProperty(WSSecurityContext.CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_LIST, credProviders)
For JAX-WS, you might code this as follows:
import javax.xml.ws.BindingProvider;
Map<String, Object> rc = ((BindingProvider) port).getRequestContext();
rc.put(WSSecurityContext.CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_LIST, credProviders);
WebLogic security API to verify that the certificate used to encrypt the SOAP request is valid. The Web Services client runtime gets this certificate from the deployed WSDL of the Web Service, which in production situations is not automatically trusted, so the client application must ensure that it is okay before it uses it to encrypt the SOAP request:stub._setProperty(WSSecurityContext.TRUST_MANAGER,
new TrustManager(){
public boolean certificateCallback(X509Certificate[] chain, int validateErr){
return true;
} );
This example shows the TrustManager API on the client side. The Web Service application must implement proper verification code to ensure security.
In the simple Web Services configuration procedure, described in Configuring Simple Message-Level Security: Main Steps, it is assumed that a stand-alone client application invokes the message-secured Web Service. Sometimes, however, the client is itself running in a WebLogic Server instance, as part of an EJB, a servlet, or another Web Service. In this case, you can use the core WebLogic Server security framework to configure the credential providers and trust manager so that your EJB, servlet, or JWS code contains only the simple invoke of the secured operation and no other security-related API usage.
The following procedure describes the high level steps you must perform to make use of the core WebLogic Server security framework in this use case.
object that contains username or X.509 tokens, and do not use the TrustManager
core security API to validate the certificate from the WebLogic Server hosting the secure Web Service. The reason you should not use these APIs in your client code is that the Web Services runtime will perform this work for you.Note: | WebLogic Server includes a credential mapping provider for username/passwords and X.509. However, only username/password is configured by default. |
You are not required to configure the core WebLogic Server security framework, as described in this procedure, if your client application does not want to use the out-of-the-box credential provider and trust manager. Rather, you can override all of this configuration by using the same APIs in your EJB, servlet, and JWS code as in the stand-alone Java code described in Using a Client-Side Security Policy File. However, using the core security framework standardizes the WebLogic Server configuration and simplifies the Java code of the client application that invokes the Web Service.
Although WebLogic Server includes a number of pre-packaged Web Services security policy files that typically satisfy the security needs of most programmers, you can also create and use your own WS-SecurityPolicy file if you need additional configuration. See Using Policy Files for Message-Level Security Configuration for general information about security policy files and how they are used for message-level security configuration.
Note: | Use of element-level security always requires one or more custom policy files to specify the particular element path and name to be secured. |
When you create a custom policy file, you can separate out the three main security categories (authentication, encryption, and signing) into three separate policy files, as do the pre-packaged files, or create a single policy file that contains all three categories. You can also create a custom policy file that changes just one category (such as authentication) and use the pre-packaged files for the other categories (Wssp1.2-2007-SignBody.xml, Wssp1.2-SignBody.xml
and Wssp1.2-2007-EncryptBody, Wssp1.2-EncryptBody
). In other words, you can mix and match the number and content of the policy files that you associate with a Web Service. In this case, however, you must always ensure yourself that the multiple files do not contradict each other.
Your custom policy file needs to comply with the standard format and assertions defined in WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2. Note, however, that this release of WebLogic Server does not completely implement WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2. For more information, see Unsupported WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 Assertions . The root element of your WS-SecurityPolicy file must be <Policy>
and include the following namespace declarations:
You can also use the pre-packaged WS-SecurityPolicy files as templates to create your own custom files. See Using WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 Policy Files.
Note: | In this release, WS-Trust is supported under JAX-RPC only. |
WebLogic Server implements a WS-Trust client that retrieves security tokens from a Security Token Service (STS) for use in Web Services Security. This WS-Trust client is used internally by the client side WebLogic Server Web Service runtime.
You can configure the WS-Trust client as follows:
In prior releases of WebLogic Server, the WS-Trust client could use only security tokens from an STS that was co-located with a Web Service and hosted by WebLogic Server. However, in this release, the STS need only be accessible to the WS-Trust client; it does not need to be co-located.
The WS-Trust client in prior releases supported only WS-SecureConversation tokens. It now also supports SAML tokens.
Web Service Secure Conversation Language (WS-SecureConversation) and SAML tokens are supported. The tokens have the following namespace and URI:
Supported confirmation method is sender-vouches.
Supported confirmation methods are sender-vouches and bearer.
You set some of the configuration properties specifically for the WS-Trust client; others are determined through configuration information generally present for a Web Service client. For example, the type of token retrieved is determined by the security policy of the Web Service that the Web Service client is invoking.
The properties that you can explicitly set and the token type they apply to are as follows. Subsequent sections show how to set these properties.
There are three sources from which the WS-Trust client can obtain the URI of the secure token service (STS). The order of precedence is as follows:
The following code example demonstrates setting the STS URI on a client stub. The example assumes that the location of the STS URI is already known to the client.
String wsdl = "http://myserver/wsscsecuredservice?wsdl";
WsscSecuredService service = new WsscSecuredService_Impl(wsdl);
WsscSecured port = service.getWsscSecuredSoapPort();
Stub stub = (Stub) port;
String sts = "https://stsserver/standaloneSTS/wssc13/STS";
stub._setProperty("weblogic.wsee.wst.sts_endpoint_uri", sts);
Listing 2-3 demonstrates using the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) to create a credential provider for the WS-Trust client and then configuring the STS URI, as indicated by bold text.
The provider class name can be one of the following:
userName = sys.argv[1]
passWord = sys.argv[2]
host = sys.argv[3]+":"+sys.argv[4]
sslhost = sys.argv[3]+":"+sys.argv[5]
url="t3://"+ host connect(userName, passWord, url)
defaultWss = cmo.lookupWebserviceSecurity('default_wss')
#Create credential provider for SCT Trust Clientwtm = defaultWss.createWebserviceCredentialProvider('trust_client_sct_cp') wtm.setClassName('weblogic.wsee.security.wssc.v13.sct.ClientSCCredentialProvider')
wtm.setTokenType('sct_trust')cpm = wtm.createConfigurationProperty('StsUri')
cpm.setValue("https://" + sslhost + "/standaloneSTS/wssc13/STS")
Configuring the STS URI through the WebLogic Server Administration Console allows the decision about which URI to use to be made at runtime, and not during the Web Service development cycle.
Follow these steps to configure the STS URI through the Console:
The Default Credential Provider STS URL is the default STS endpoint URL for all WS-Trust enabled credential providers of this Web Service security configuration.
The following code example demonstrates setting the STS security policy on a client stub, as indicated in bold.
String wsdl = "http://myserver/samlsecuredservice?wsdl";
SamlSecuredService service = new SamlSecuredService_Impl(wsdl);
SamlSecured port = service.getSamlSecuredSoapPort();
Stub stub = (Stub) port;
InputStream policy = loadPolicy();
stub._setProperty("weblogic.wsee.security.wst_bootstrap_policy", policy);
Listing 2-4 demonstrates using WLST to create a credential provider for the default Web Services security configuration, and then configuring the STS security policy, as indicated by bold text. The value for the StsPolicy
property must be either a policy included in WebLogic Server (see Using WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 Policy Files) or a custom policy file in a J2EE library (see Creating and Using a Custom Policy File).
userName = sys.argv[1]
passWord = sys.argv[2]
host = sys.argv[3]+":"+sys.argv[4]
sslhost = sys.argv[3]+":"+sys.argv[5]
samlstsurl = sys.argv[6]
url="t3://"+ host
print "Connect to the running adminSever"
connect(userName, passWord, url)
defaultWss = cmo.lookupWebserviceSecurity('default_wss')
#Create credential provider for SAML Trust Client
wtm = defaultWss.createWebserviceCredentialProvider('trust_client_saml_cp')
cpm = wtm.createConfigurationProperty('StsUri')
cpm = wtm.createConfigurationProperty('StsPolicy')
Perform the following steps to configure the STS security policy using the console:
For a SAML STS, you need to configure the WS-Trust version only if it is not the default (WS-Trust 1.3). The supported values for WSEESecurityConstants.TRUST_VERSION
are as follows:
You also need to configure the SOAP version if it is different from the SOAP version of the target Web Service for which you generated the standalone client. (See
Interface SOAPConstants for the definitions of the constants.) The supported values for WSEESecurityConstants.TRUST_SOAP_VERSION
are as follows:
Listing 2-5 shows an example of setting the WS-Trust and SOAP versions.
// set WS-Trust version
stub._setProperty(WSEESecurityConstants.TRUST_VERSION, "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512");
// set SOAP version
stub._setProperty(WSEESecurityConstants.TRUST_SOAP_VERSION, SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_1_1_ENVELOPE);
Note: | In this release, SecureConversation is supported under JAX-RPC only. |
Oracle provides the following pre-packaged WS-SecurityPolicy files to configure security contexts and derived keys:
It is recommended that you use the pre-packaged files if you want to configure security contexts, because these security policy files provide most of the required functionality and typical default values. See WS-SecureConversation Policies for more information about these files.
WARNING: | If you are deploying a Web Service that uses shared security contexts to a cluster, then you are required to also configure cross-cluster session state replication. For details, see “Failover and Replication in a Cluster” in Using WebLogic Server Clusters. |
Code or configure your application to use the policy through policy annotations, policy attached to the application’s WSDL, or runtime policy configuration.
WebLogic Web Services implement the Web Services Trust (WS-Trust 1.3) and Web Services Secure Conversation (WS-SecureConversation 1.3) specifications. Take note of the following differences from the WS-SecureConversation version of 02/2005:
This differs from the previous version of the specification, in which wst:RequestSecurityTokenResponse was returned by the token service.
The token service can return wst:RequestSecurityTokenResponse if the service policy specifies the SC10SecurityContextToken, as described in the next bullet item.
<sp:SC10SecurityContextToken />
<sp:SC13SecurityContextToken />
sp:SC10SecurityContextToken continues to be supported only when used with the WS-SecureConversation version of 02/2005.
WS-SecureConversation is pinned to a particular WebLogic Server instance in the cluster. If a SecureConversation request lands in the wrong server, it is automatically rerouted to the correct server. If the server instance hosting the WS-SecureConversation fails, the SecureConversation will not be available until the server instance is brought up again.
A client application that negotiates security contexts when invoking a Web Service is similar to a standard client application that invokes a message-secured Web Service, as described in Using a Client-Side Security Policy File. The only real difference is that you can use the weblogic.wsee.security.wssc.utils.WSSCClientUtil API to explicitly cancel the secure context token.
Note: | WebLogic Server provides the WSSCCLientUtil API for your convenience only; the Web Services runtime automatically cancels the secure context token when the configured timeout is reached. Use the API only if you want to have more control over when the token is cancelled. |
Listing 2-6 shows a simple example of a client application invoking a Web Service that is associated with a pre-packaged security policy file that enables secure conversations; the sections in bold which are relevant to security contexts are discussed after the example:
package examples.webservices.wssc.client;
import weblogic.security.SSL.TrustManager;
import weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.provider.CredentialProvider;
import weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.WSSecurityContext;
import weblogic.wsee.security.bst.ClientBSTCredentialProvider;
import weblogic.wsee.security.bst.StubPropertyBSTCredProv;import weblogic.wsee.security.wssc.utils.WSSCClientUtil;
import weblogic.wsee.security.util.CertUtils;
import javax.xml.rpc.Stub;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
*Copyright © 1996, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* All rights reserved.
public class WSSecureConvClient {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
String clientKeyStore = args[0];
String clientKeyStorePass = args[1];
String clientKeyAlias = args[2];
String clientKeyPass = args[3];
String serverCert = args[4];
String wsdl = args[5];
WSSecureConvService service = new WSSecureConvService_Impl(wsdl);
WSSecureConvPortType port = service.getWSSecureConvServicePort();
//create credential provider and set it to the Stub
List credProviders = new ArrayList();
//use x509 to secure wssc handshake
credProviders.add(new ClientBSTCredentialProvider(clientKeyStore, clientKeyStorePass, clientKeyAlias, clientKeyPass));
Stub stub = (Stub)port;
stub._setProperty(WSSecurityContext.CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_LIST, credProviders);stub._setProperty(StubPropertyBSTCredProv.SERVER_ENCRYPT_CERT, CertUtils.getCertificate(serverCert));
new TrustManager(){
public boolean certificateCallback(X509Certificate[] chain, int validateErr){
//need to validate if the server cert can be trusted
return true;
System.out.println (port.sayHelloWithWSSC("Hello World, once"));
System.out.println (port.sayHelloWithWSSC("Hello World, twice"));
System.out.println (port.sayHelloWithWSSC("Hello World, thrice"));
//cancel SecureContextToken after done with invocationWSSCClientUtil.terminateWssc(stub);
System.out.println("WSSC terminated!");
The points to notice in the preceding example are:
import weblogic.wsee.security.wssc.utils.WSSCClientUtil;
stub._setProperty(StubPropertyBSTCredProv.SERVER_ENCRYPT_CERT, CertUtils.getCertificate(serverCert));
method of the WSSClientUtil
class to terminate the secure context token:WSSCClientUtil.terminateWssc(stub);
The simple message-level configuration procedure, documented in Configuring Simple Message-Level Security: Main Steps, describes how to use the @Policy
and @Policies
JWS annotations in the JWS file that implements your Web Service to specify one or more policy files that are associated with your service. This of course implies that you must already know, at the time you program your Web Service, which policy files you want to associate with your Web Service and its operations. This might not always be possible, which is why you can also associate policy files at runtime, after the Web Service has been deployed, using the Administration Console.
You can use no @Policy
or @Policies
JWS annotations at all in your JWS file and associate policy files only at runtime using the Administration Console, or you can specify some policy files using the annotations and then associate additional ones at runtime. However, once you associate a policy file using the JWS annotations, you cannot change this association at runtime using the Administration Console.
At runtime, the Administration Console allows you to associate as many policy files as you want with a Web Service and its operations, even if the policy assertions in the files contradict each other or contradict the assertions in policy files associated with the JWS annotations. It is up to you to ensure that multiple associated policy files work together. If any contradictions do exist, WebLogic Server returns a runtime error when a client application invokes the Web Service operation.
To use the Console to associate one or more WS-Policy files to a Web Service, the WS-Policy XML files must be located in either the META-INF/policies or WEB-INF/policies directory of the EJB JAR file (for EJB implemented Web Services) or WAR file (for Java class implemented Web Services), respectively.
See “Associate a WS-Policy file with a Web Service” in the Administration Console Online Help for detailed instructions on using the Administration Console to associate a policy file at runtime.
The SAML Token Profile 1.1 is part of the core set of WS-Security standards, and specifies how SAML assertions can be used for Web Services security. WebLogic Server 10.3 supports SAML Token Profile 1.1, including support for SAML 2.0 and SAML 1.1 assertions. SAML Token Profile 1.1 is backwards compatible with SAML Token Profile 1.0.
Note: | SAML Token Profile 1.1 is supported only through WS-SecurityPolicy. |
Note: | Previous releases of WebLogic Server, released before the formulation of the WS-SecurityPolicy specification, used security policy files written under the WS-Policy specification, using a proprietary schema for security policy. These earlier security policy files support SAML Token Profile 1.0 and SAML 1.1 only. |
In the simple Web Services configuration procedure, described in Configuring Simple Message-Level Security: Main Steps, it is assumed that users use username tokens to authenticate themselves. Because WebLogic Server implements the SAML Token Profile 1.1 of the Web Services Security specification, users can also use SAML tokens in the SOAP messages to authenticate themselves when invoking a Web Service operation, as described in this section.
Use of SAML tokens works server-to-server. This means that the client application is running inside of a WebLogic Server instance and then invokes a Web Service running in another WebLogic Server instance using SAML for identity. Because the client application is itself a Web Service, the Web Services security runtime takes care of all the SAML processing.
In addition to this server-to-server usage, you can also use SAML tokens from a standalone client via WS-Trust, as described in Configuring the WS-Trust Client.
Note: | It is assumed in this section that you understand the basics of SAML and how it relates to core security in WebLogic Server. For general information, see “Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)” in Understanding WebLogic Security. |
Note: | It is also assumed in the following procedure that you have followed the steps in Configuring Simple Message-Level Security: Main Steps and now want to enable the additional use case of using SAML tokens, rather than usename tokens, for identity. |
Note: | You will need to configure both SAML 1.1 and SAML 2.0 security providers if you want to enable both versions of SAML for use with the SAML Token Profile. |
Note: | When configuring SAML 2.0 partner entries, you must use the endpoint URL of the target Web Service as the name of the partner for both WSSIdPPartner and WSSSPPartner entries. Specify the URL as HTTPS if SSL will be used. |
Note: | These keys and certificates are not used to create or verify signatures on the assertions themselves. Creating and verifying signatures on assertions is done using keys and certificates configured on the SAML security providers. |
Note: | If you are using SAML Bearer policies, protection is provided by SSL and the PKI Credential Mapping provider is not needed. |
Note: | If you are using SAML tokens from a standalone client via WS-TRUST, the tokens are passed in via the Web Service client stub, not via the PKI Credential Mapping provider. |
creates a keypair mapping between the principalName
, resourceid
and credential action and the keystore alias and the corresponding password. pkiCM.setKeypairCredential(
type=<remote>, protocol=http,
remoteHost=hostname, remotePort=portnumber, path=/ContextPath/ServicePath,
username, Boolean('true'), None,
alias, passphrase)
The first (String) parameter is used to construct a Resource object that represents the endpoint of the target Web Service. The userName
parameter is the user on whose behalf the signed Web Service message will be generated. The alias
and passphrase
parameters are the alias and passphrase used to retrieve the key/certificate from the keystore configured for the PKI Credential Mapping provider. The actual key and certificate should be loaded into the keystore before creating the KeypairCredential
reg.registerCertificate(certalias, certfile)
The WS-SecurityPolicy implies, but does not explicitly specify, the confirmation method for SAML assertions. Consider the following general guidelines:
or <sp:SymerticBinding>
, then the Holder of Key confirmation method is used. See Table 2-8 for examples of policies that use Holder of Key confirmation.
then the Sender Vouches confirmation method is used. See Table 2-8 for examples of policies that use Sender Vouches confirmation.
then the Bearer confirmation method is used. Use transport-level security as described in Configuring Transport-Level Security in this case. See Table 2-8 for examples of policies that use Bearer confirmation.
This section describes how to specify the SAML confirmation method in a policy file that uses the proprietary schema for security policy.
Note: | SAML V1.1 and V2.0 assertions use <saml:SubjectConfirmation> and <saml2:SubjectConfimation> elements, respectively, to specify the confirmation method; the confirmation method is not directly specified in the policy file. |
When you configure a Web Service to require SAML tokens for identity, you can specify one of the following confirmation methods:
See SAML Token Profile Support in WebLogic Web Services, as well as the Web Services Security: SAML Token Profile specification itself, for details about these confirmation methods.
). To specify the sender-vouches confirmation method:
child element of the <Identity><SupportedTokens>
elements and set the TokenType
attribute to a value that indicates SAML token usage.<Claims><Confirmationmethod>
child element of <SecurityToken>
and specify sender-vouches
.<?xml version="1.0"?>
To specify the holder-of-key confirmation method:
child element of the <Integrity><SupportedTokens>
elements and set the TokenType
attribute to a value that indicates SAML token usage.
The reason you put the SAML token in the <Integrity>
assertion for the holder-of-key
confirmation method is that the Web Service runtime must prove the integrity of the message, which is not required by sender-vouches
child element of <SecurityToken>
and specify holder-of-key
.<?xml version="1.0"?>
URI="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1" />
assertion of any associated WS-Policy file. To disable this validation when using SAML holder-of-key assertions, you must configure the Web Service security configuration associated with the Web service by setting a property on the SAML token handler. See
“Disable X.509 certificate validation when using SAML holder_of_key assertions” in Administration Console Online Help for information on how to do this using the Administration Console.See Creating and Using a Custom Policy File for additional information about creating your own security policy file. See “Web Services Security Policy Assertion Reference” in WebLogic Web Services Reference for reference information about the assertions.
annotations in the JWS file that implements the Web Service to point to the security policy file from the preceding step. For example, if you want invokes of all the operations of a Web Service to SAML for identity, specify the @Policy
annotation at the class-level. You can mix and match the policy files that you associate with a Web Service, as long as they do not contradict each other and as long as you do not combine OASIS WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 files with security policy files written under Oracle’s security policy schema.
For example, you can create a simple MyAuth.xml
file that contains only the <Identity>
security assertion to specify use of SAML for identity and then associate it with the Web Service together with the pre-packaged Wssp1.2-2007-EncryptBody.xml
and Wssp1.2-2007-SignBody.xml
files. It is, however, up to you to ensure that multiple associated policy files do not contradict each other; if they do, you will either receive a runtime error or the Web Service might not behave as you expect.
See “Developing WebLogic Web Services” in Getting Started With WebLogic Web Services Using JAX-RPC.
Many use cases previously discussed require you to use the Administration Console to create the default Web Service security configuration called default_wss
. After you create this configuration, it is applied to all Web Services that either do not use the @weblogic.jws.security.WssConfiguration
JWS annotation or specify the annotation with no attribute.
There are some cases, however, in which you might want to associate a Web Service with a security configuration other than the default; such use cases include specifying different timestamp values for different services.
To associate a Web Service with a security configuration other than the default:
annotation to specify the name of this security configuration. See
“weblogic.jws.security.WssConfiguration” in the WebLogic Web Services Reference for additional information and an example.WARNING: | If you are going to package additional Web Services in the same Web application, and these Web Services also use the @WssConfiguration annotation, then you must specify the same security configuration for each Web Service. See
“weblogic.jws.security.WssConfiguration” in the WebLogic Web Services Reference for more details. |
See “Invoking Web Services” in Getting Started With WebLogic Web Services Using JAX-WS and “DevelopingWebLogic Web Services” in Getting Started With WebLogic Web Services Using JAX-RPC.
WARNING: | All Web Services security configurations are required to specify the same password digest use. Inconsistent password digest use in different Web Service security configurations will result in a runtime error. |
When you create a security configuration, you need to supply the class name of the credential provider for this configuration. The valid class names and token types you can use are as follows:
. The token type is x509.
. The token type is ut.
. The
token type is sct.
. The
token type is sct.
. The token type is saml.
The following table lists the system properties you can set to debug problems with your message-secured Web Service.
The section Using Policy Files for Message-Level Security Configuration describes how a WebLogic Web Service can be associated with one or more security policy files that describe the message-level security of the Web Service. These policy files are XML files that describe how a SOAP message should be digitally signed or encrypted and what sort of user authentication is required from a client that invokes the Web Service. Typically, the policy file associated with a Web Service is attached to its WSDL, which the Web Services client runtime reads to determine whether and how to digitally sign and encrypt the SOAP message request from an operation invoke from the client application.
Sometimes, however, a Web Service might not attach the policy file to its deployed WSDL or the Web Service might be configured to not expose its WSDL at all. In these cases, the Web Services client runtime cannot determine from the service itself the security that must be enabled for the SOAP message request. Rather, it must load a client-side copy of the policy file. This section describes how to update a client application to load a local copy of a policy file.
The client-side policy file is typically exactly the same as the one associated with a deployed Web Service. If the two files are different, and there is a conflict in the security assertions contained in the files, then the invoke of the Web Service operation returns an error.
You can specify that the client-side policy file be associated with the SOAP message request, response, or both. Additionally, you can specify that the policy file be associated with the entire Web Service, or just one of its operations.
The following procedure describes the high-level steps to associate a security policy file with the client application that invokes a Web Service operation.
It is assumed that you have created the client application that invokes a deployed Web Service, and that you want to update it by associating a client-side policy file. It is also assumed that you have set up an Ant-based development environment and that you have a working build.xml
file that includes a target for running the clientgen
Ant task.
See “Invoking Web Services” in Getting Started With WebLogic Web Services Using JAX-WS and “Invoking a Web Service from a Stand-alone Client: Main Steps” in Getting Started With WebLogic Web Services Using JAX-RPC.
See Creating and Using a Custom Policy File for information about creating security policy files.
file that builds your client application by specifying to the clientgen
Ant task that it should generate additional get
methods in the JAX-RPC stub, where XXX
refers to the name of the Web Service. These methods are later used by the client application to load the client-side policy files. See Updating clientgen to Generate Methods That Load Policy Files.
methods that the clientgen
Ant task generates.See Updating a Client Application To Load Policy Files (JAX-RPC Only).
prompt> ant build-client
When you next run the client application, it will load local copies of the policy files that the Web Service client runtime uses to enable security for the SOAP request message.
Note: | If you have a Web Services operation that already have a security policy (for example, one that was set in the WSDL file that was stored when generating the client from the server policy), then when you use this procedure to programmatically set the client-side security policy, all previously-existing policies will be removed. |
For JAX-RPC, set the generatePolicyMethods
attribute of the clientgen
Ant task to true
to specify that the Ant task should generate additional getXXX()
methods in the implementation of the JAX-RPC Service
interface for loading client-side copies of policy files when you get a port, as shown in the following example:
See Updating a Client Application To Load Policy Files (JAX-RPC Only) for a description of the additional methods that are generated and how to use them in a client application.
For JAX-WS, you use the weblogic.jws.jaxws.ClientPolicyFeature
class to override the effective policy defined for a service. weblogic.jws.jaxws.ClientPolicyFeature
extends javax.xml.ws.WebServiceFeature
When you set generatePolicyMethods="true"
for clientgen
, the Ant task generates additional methods in the implementation of the JAX-RPC Service
interface that you can use to load policy files, where XXX
refers to the name of the Web Service.
You can use either an Array or Set of policy files to associate multiple files to a Web Service. If you want to associate just a single policy file, create a single-member Array or Set.
Port(String operationName, java.util.Set<java.io.InputStream> inbound, java.util.Set<java.io.InputStream> outbound)
Loads two different sets of client-side policy files from InputStreams and associates the first set to the SOAP request and the second set to the SOAP response. Applies to a specific operation, as specified by the first parameter.
Port(String operationName, java.io.InputStream[] inbound, java.io.InputStream[] outbound)
Loads two different arrays of client-side policy files from InputStreams and associates the first array to the SOAP request and the second array to the SOAP response. Applies to a specific operation, as specified by the first parameter.
Port(java.util.Set<java.io.InputStream> inbound, java.util.Set<java.io.InputStream> outbound)
Loads two different sets of client-side policy files from InputStreams and associates the first set to the SOAP request and the second set to the SOAP response. Applies to all operations of the Web Service.
Port(java.io.InputStream[] inbound, java.io.InputStream[] outbound)
Loads two different arrays of client-side policy files from InputStreams and associates the first array to the SOAP request and the second array to the SOAP response. Applies to all operations of the Web Service.
Use these methods, rather than the normal getXXXPort()
method with no parameters, for getting a Web Service port and specifying at the same time that invokes of all, or the specified, operation using that port have an associated policy file or files.
Note: | The following methods from a previous release of WebLogic Server have been deprecated; if you want to associate a single client-side policy file, specify a single-member Array or Set and use the corresponding method described above. |
Port(java.io.InputStream policyInputStream);
Loads a single client-side policy file from an InputStream and applies it to both the SOAP request (inbound) and response (outbound) messages.
Port(java.io.InputStream policyInputStream, boolean inbound, boolean outbound);
Loads a single client-side policy file from an InputStream
and applies it to either the SOAP request or response messages, depending on the Boolean value of the second and third parameters.
Listing 2-7 shows an example of using these policy methods in a simple client application; the code in bold is described after the example.
package examples.webservices.client_policy.client;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;
import javax.xml.rpc.Stub;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
* This is a simple standalone client application that invokes the
* the <code>sayHello</code> operation of the ClientPolicyService Web service.
* @authorCopyright © 1996, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* All rights reserved.
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws ServiceException, RemoteException, IOException {
FileInputStream [] inbound_policy_array = new FileInputStream[2];
inbound_policy_array[0] = new FileInputStream(args[1]);
inbound_policy_array[1] = new FileInputStream(args[2]);
FileInputStream [] outbound_policy_array = new FileInputStream[2];
outbound_policy_array[0] = new FileInputStream(args[1]);
outbound_policy_array[1] = new FileInputStream(args[2]);
ClientPolicyService service = new ClientPolicyService_Impl(args[0] + "?WSDL");
// standard way to get the Web Service portClientPolicyPortType normal_port = service.getClientPolicyPort();
// specify an array of policy files for the request and response
// of a particular operationClientPolicyPortType array_of_policy_port = service.getClientPolicyPort("sayHello", inbound_policy_array, outbound_policy_array);
try {
String result = null;result = normal_port.sayHello("Hi there!");
System.out.println( "Got result: " + result );
result = array_of_policy_port.sayHello("Hi there!");
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw e;
The second and third argument to the client application are the two policy files from which the application makes an array of FileInputStreams
and outbound_policy_array
). The normal_port
uses the standard parameterless method for getting a port; the array_of_policy_port
, however, uses one of the policy methods to specify that an invoke of the sayHello
operation using the port has multiple policy files (specified with an Array of FileInputStream
) associated with both the inbound and outbound SOAP request and response:
ClientPolicyPortType array_of_policy_port = service.getClientPolicyPort("sayHello", inbound_policy_array, outbound_policy_array);
WebLogic Server includes a number of WS-SecurityPolicy files you can use in most Web Services applications. The policy files are located in BEA_HOME/WL_HOME/server/lib/weblogic.jar
. Within weblogic.jar
, the policy files are located in /weblogic/wsee/policy/runtime
There are two sets of these policies. In most of the cases, they perform identical functions, but the policy uses different namespace.
The first set is new in this release and has a prefix of “Wssp1.2-2007-”. These security policy files conform to the OASIS WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 specification and have the following namespace:
The second set carries over from WebLogic Server version 10.0 and has the prefix “Wssp1.2-”:
Oracle recommends that you use the new policy namespace, as those are official namespaces from OASIS standards and they will perform better when interoperating with other vendors. The old policies having the prefix of “Wssp1.2-” are mainly for users who want to interoperate with existing applications that already use this version of the policies.
The following sections describe the available WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 policy files:
In addition, see Choosing a Policy and Configuring Smart Policy Selection for information about how to choose the best security policy approach for your Web Services implementation and for information about WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 elements that are not supported in this release of WebLogic Server.
These policies require use of the https
protocol to access WSDL and invoke Web Services operations:
Protection assertions are used to identify what is being protected and the level of protection provided. Protection assertion policies cannot be used alone; they should be used only in combination with X.509 Token Policies. For example, you might use Wssp1.2-2007-Wss1.1-X509-Basic256.xml
together with Wssp1.2-2007-SignBody.xml
. The following policy files provide for the protection of message parts by signing or encryption:
The following policies support the Username Token or X.509 Token specifications of WS-Security 1.0:
The following policies support the Username Token or X.509 Token specifications of WS-Security 1.1:
The following policies implement WS-SecureConversation 1.3 and WS-SecureConversation 2005/2:
The policies shown in Table 2-8 implement WS-Security SAML Token Profile 1.0 and 1.1.
WebLogic Server's implementation of WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 makes a wide variety of security policy alternatives available to you. When choosing a security policy for your Web Service, you should consider your requirements in these areas:
Whenever possible, Oracle recommends that you:
) only where message-level security is not required.
The WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 assertions in Table 2-9 are not supported in this release of WebLogic Server.
WebLogic Server 10.3 supports the Optional
WS-Policy assertion. Consider the use of Optional
in the following example:
sp:IncludeToken="…/IncludeToken/AlwaysToRecipient" wsp:Optional="true" >
In the example, specifying the Username Token for authorization is optional. The client can continue if it cannot generate the Username Token because the user is anonymous or when there is no security context.
During the Security Policy enforcement process, the message is not rejected if the missing element has the Policy assertion with the attribute of wsp:Optional="true"
The following security policy assertions are now supported by the Optional
policy assertion:
WebLogic Server supports the element-level assertions defined in WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2. These assertions allow you to apply a signature or encryption to selected elements within the SOAP request or response message, enabling you to target only the specific data in the message that requires security and thereby reduce the computational requirements.
In addition, the assertion RequiredElements
allows you to ensure that the message contains a specific header element.
The following element-level assertions are available:
In order to specify an element-level assertion, you must identify the particular request element or response element to which it applies.
You use XPath expressions in policy files to identify these elements, via either XPath Version 1.0 ( http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath) or XPath Filter Version 2.0 ( http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-filter2/) syntax. The examples in this section use the default syntax, XPath Version 1.0.
Because each of these assertions identifies one or more particular elements in Web Service message, you must use custom security policy files for all element-level security assertions. These custom policy files are typically combined with pre-packaged security policy files, with the pre-packaged files defining the way that signing or encryption is performed, and the custom policy files identifying the particular elements that are to be signed or encrypted.
The first step is to determine the XPath expression that identifies the target element. To do this, you need to understand the format of the SOAP messages used by your web service, either through direct inspection or via analysis of the service’s WSDL and XML Schema.
How you determine the format of the SOAP message, and therefore the required XPath expression, is heavily dependent on the tools you have available and is outside the scope of this document. For example, you might do the following:
Or, you might have a software tool that allows you to produce a sample SOAP request for a given WSDL, and then use it to generate the XPath expression.
Consider the example of a Web Service that has a “submitOrderRequest” operation that will receive a SOAP request of the form shown in Listing 2-8.
The sections in bold will be later used to construct the custom element-level policy.
Assume that you require that the <ns1:creditCard>
element and its child elements be encrypted. To do this, you use the information obtained from the bold sections of Listing 2-8 to create a custom security policy file, perhaps called EncryptCreditCard.xml
Consider the example shown in Listing 2-9.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<sp:EncryptedElements xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/”>
<sp:XPath xmlns:myns="http://www.bea.com/OrderService”>
As described in the
1.2 Specification, the /sp:EncryptedElements/sp:XPath
element contains a string specifying an XPath expression that identifies the nodes to be confidentiality protected. The XPath expression is evaluated against the S:Envelope element node of the message. Multiple instances of this element may appear within this assertion and should be treated as separate references.
) mapping to the full WS-Policy namespace.EncryptedElements
) must also be namespace-qualified with the full WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 namespace, as indicated by the “sp” prefix.creditCard
element in the SOAP message is namespace-qualified (via the ns1
prefix), and has parent elements: OrderRequest
, submitOrderRequest
, Body
, and Envelope
. Each of these elements is namespace-qualified.
The XPath query (beginning with /soapenv:Envelope
…) matches the location of the creditCard
After you have created your custom policy, add a Policy annotation to your JWS file so that the ElementEncryption
policy is used for submitOrder
web service requests, as shown in Listing 2-10.
public String submitOrderRequest (OrderRequest orderRequest) {
return orderService.processOrder(orderRequest);
Because the creditCard
element is present in the SOAP request, but not the response, the code fragment configures the EncryptedElements
custom policy only in the “inbound” direction.
Keep the following considerations in mind when implementing element-level security:
assertion causes the identified element and all of its children to be encrypted. ContentEncryptedElements
assertion does not encrypt the identified element, but does encrypt all of its children.RequiredElements
assertion may be used to test for the presence of a top-level element in the SOAP header. If the element is not found, a SOAP Fault will be raised.
assertions cannot be used to test for elements in the SOAP Body.
Multiple policy alternatives for any given Web Service are supported, which provides the service with significant flexibility.
Consider that a Web Service might support any of the following:
The Web Services client can also handle multiple policy alternatives. The same client can interoperate with different services that have different policy or policy alternatives.
For example, the same client can talk to one service that requires SAML 1.1 Token Profile 1.0 for authentication, while another service requires SAML 2.0 Token Profile 1.1 for authentication.
Listing 2-11 shows an example of a security policy that supports both WS-Security 1.0 and WS-Security 1.1.
Note: | Within the <wsp:ExactlyOne> element, each policy alternative is encapsulated within a <wsp:All> element. |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wsp:Policy xmlns:wsp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/policy"
You can configure multiple policy alternatives for a single Web Service by creating a custom policy, as shown in Listing 2-11. You then configure the Web Service client to make a policy selection preference.
In this release of WebLogic Server, you can configure the policy selection preferences for the Web Service client by using the WebLogic Server Administration Console, and via stub properties.
The following preferences are supported:
The Web Services runtime uses your policy selection preference to examine the policy alternatives and select the best choice.
If there are multiple policy choices, the system uses the configured preference list, the availability of the credential, and setting of the optional function to determine the best selection policy.
If multiple policy alternatives exist for a client, the following selection rules are used:
For the optional policy assertions, the following selection rules are used:
Perform the following steps to configure smart policy selection in the Console:
In smart policy selection scenarios, whether or not the Body will be encrypted (for example, <sp:EncryptedParts> <sp:Body /></sp:EncryptedParts>)
depends on the following policy selection preference rules:
Consider the following two examples. In Listing 2-12, the encrypted body assertion is in the first policy alternative. Therefore, in the default preference case the body is encrypted. For policy selection preferences other than the default, the other preference rules apply.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
By contrast, in Listing 2-13, the encrypted body assertion is not in the first policy alternative. Therefore, in the default preference case the body is not encrypted. For policy selection preferences other than the default, the other preference rules apply.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
You can set the policy selection preference via the stub property.
The following example sets the stub property for security, compatibility, and performance preferences:
If the policy selection preference is not set, then the default preference (None) is used.
If there are multiple available transport-level assertions in your security policies, WebLogic Server uses the policy that requires https. If more than one policy alternative requires https, WebLogic Server randomly picks one of them. You should therefore avoid using multiple policy alternatives that contain mixed transport-level policy assertions.
As described in
Optimizing Binary Data Transmission Using MTOM/XOP, SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism/XML-binary Optimized Packaging (MTOM/XOP) defines a method for optimizing the transmission of XML data of type xs:base64Binary
or xs:hexBinary
in SOAP messages.
This section describes a combination of two examples that are already included with WebLogic Server :
These existing examples include functional code and extensive instructions.html
files that describes their use and function, how to build them, and so forth This section does not repeat that information, but instead concentrates on the changes made to these examples, and the reasons for the changes.
The example uses the files shown in Table 2-10. The contents of the source files are shown in subsequent sections.:
The SecurityMtomService.java
JWS file is the same as that in WL_HOME
, with the additional Policy annotations shown in bold.
package examples.webservices.security_mtom;
import weblogic.jws.Binding;
import weblogic.jws.Policy;
import weblogic.jws.Policies;
import weblogic.jws.Context;
import weblogic.jws.WLDeployment;
import weblogic.wsee.jws.JwsContext;
import weblogic.wsee.mtom.api.MtomPolicyInfo;
import weblogic.wsee.mtom.api.MtomPolicyInfoFactory;
import weblogic.wsee.policy.framework.PolicyException;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
* Sample to MTOM with JAX-RPC
* @author Copyright © 1996, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* All rights reserved.
//enable WSS + MTOM for this web service by adding the following canned policy files
@Policy(uri = "policy:Mtom.xml"),
@Policy(uri = "policy:Wssp1.2-2007-SignBody.xml"),
@Policy(uri = "policy:Wssp1.2-2007-EncryptBody.xml"),
@Policy(uri = "policy:Wssp1.2-Wss1.1-EncryptedKey.xml")
public class SecurityMtomService {
public SecurityMtomService() {
* Input is sent as XOP'ed binary octet stream
* @param bytes input bytes
* @return A simple String
public String echoBinaryAsString(byte[] bytes) {
return new String(bytes);
* Output is sent as as XOP'ed binary octet stream
* @param s a simple String
* @return byte[]
public byte[] echoStringAsBinary(String s) {
return s.getBytes();
* input byte[] is sent as as XOP'ed binary octet stream
* @param array input byte[] array
* @return String[]
public String[] echoBinaryArrayAsStringArray(byte[] array) {
String[] strings = new String[1];
strings[0] = new String(array);
return strings;
You can specify the @Policy annotation at both the class- and method- level. In this example, the annotation is used at the class-level to specify the pre-packaged WS-Policy files, which means all public operations of the Web Service are associated with the specified WS-Policy files.
You use the @Policies annotation to group together multiple @Policy annotations. You can specify this annotation at both the class- and method-level. In this example, the annotation is used at the class-level to group the four @Policy annotations that specify the pre-packaged WS-Policy files:
enables MTOM encoding. Wssp1.2-2007-SignBody.xml
policy file specifies that the body and WebLogic system headers of both the request and response SOAP message be digitally signed. Wssp1.2-2007-EncryptBody.xml
policy file specifies that the body of both the request and response SOAP messages be encrypted. Wssp1
symmetric binding policy uses the WS-Security 1.1 Encrypted Key feature. The client application invoking the Web Service must use the encrypted key to encrypt and sign, and the server must send Signature Confirmation.
is a standalone client application that invokes the SecurityMtomService Web Service. It uses the JAX-RPC stubs generated by clientgen, based on the WSDL of the Web Service. The MtomClient code is shown in Listing 2-15.
package examples.webservices.security_mtom.client;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.rpc.Stub;
import weblogic.security.SSL.TrustManager;
// Import classes to create the Binary and Username tokens
import weblogic.wsee.security.bst.ClientBSTCredentialProvider;
import weblogic.wsee.security.unt.ClientUNTCredentialProvider;
// Import classes for creating the client-side credential provider
import weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.WSSecurityContext;
import weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.provider.CredentialProvider;
import weblogic.wsee.security.util.CertUtils;
* @author Copyright © 1996, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* All rights reserved.
public class MtomClient {
private static final String FOO = "FOO";
private static SecurityMtomService port;
public MtomClient(String args[]) throws Exception {
//client keystore file
String clientKeyStore = args[0];
String clientKeyStorePass = args[1];
String clientKeyAlias = args[2];
String clientKeyPass = args[3];
//server certificate
String serverCertFile = args[4];
String wsdl = args[5];
SecurityMtomServiceService service = new SecurityMtomServiceService_Impl(wsdl);
port = service.getSecurityMtomServiceSoapPort();
X509Certificate serverCert = (X509Certificate) CertUtils.getCertificate(serverCertFile);
//create emtpy list of credential providers
List credProviders = new ArrayList();
//Create client-side BinarySecurityToken credential provider that uses
// X.509 for identity, based on certificate and keys parameters
CredentialProvider cp = new ClientBSTCredentialProvider(clientKeyStore, clientKeyStorePass, clientKeyAlias, clientKeyPass, "JKS", serverCert);
Stub stub = (Stub) port;
// Set stub property to point to list of credential providers
stub._setProperty(WSSecurityContext.CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_LIST, credProviders);
// setup the TrustManager.
new TrustManager() {
public boolean certificateCallback(X509Certificate[] chain, int validateErr) {
//Typically in a real-life application, Java code that actually
//verifies the certificate goes here; for sake of simplicity, this
//example assumes the certificate is valid and simply returns true.
return true;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
MtomClient client = new MtomClient(args);
public void invokeEchoBinaryArrayAsStringArray() throws RemoteException {
System.out.println("sending a String '" + FOO + "' as a byte array.");
String result = port.echoBinaryArrayAsStringArray(FOO.getBytes()).getJavaLangstring()[0];
System.out.println("echoing '" + result + "' as a String array.");
public void invokeEchoStringAsBinary() throws RemoteException {
System.out.println("sending a String '" + FOO + "'");
String result = new String(port.echoStringAsBinary(FOO));
System.out.println("echoing '" + result + "' as a byte array.");
public void invokeEchoBinaryAsString() throws RemoteException {
System.out.println("sending a String '" + FOO + "' as a byte array.");
String result = port.echoBinaryAsString(FOO.getBytes());
System.out.println("echoing '" + result + "' as a String.");
The client application takes six arguments:
The client application uses the following WebLogic Web Services security APIs to create the needed client-side credential providers, as specified by the WS-Policy files that are associated with the Web Service:
When you write this client application, you need to consult the WS-Policy files associated with a Web Service to determine the types and number of credential providers that must be set in the JAX-RPC stub. Typically, if the WS-Policy file specifies that SOAP messages must be signed or encrypted, using X.509 for identity, then you must create a ClientBSTCredentialProvider. (If it specifies that the user provides a username token for identity, then the application must create a ClientUNTCredentialProvider.)
The example creates a
client BST credential provider for the indicated keystore, certificate alias, and server certificate. The certificate passed for the parameter serverCert
is used to encrypt the message body contents and to verify the received signature. Any KeyInfo received as part of the in-bound signature (for example, certificate thumbprint) must correctly identify the same server certificate.
The Web Services client runtime also consults this WSDL so it can correctly create the security headers in the SOAP request when an operation is invoked.
Finally, the client application must use the weblogic.security.SSL.TrustManager WebLogic security API to verify that the certificate used to encrypt the SOAP request is valid. The client runtime gets this certificate (serverCert in the example) from the deployed WSDL of the Web Service, which in real-life situations is not automatically trusted, so the client application must ensure that it is okay before it uses it to encrypt the SOAP request.
Note: | The client-side certificate and private key used in this example have been created for simple testing purposes, and therefore are always trusted by WebLogic Server. For this reason, there is no additional server-side security configuration needed to run this example. In real life, however, the client application would use a certificate from a real certificate authority, such as Verisign. In this case, administrators would need to use the WebLogic Administration Console to add this certificate to the list that is trusted by WebLogic Server. |
The SecurityMtomService Web Service does not explicitly invoke any WebLogic Server API to handle the requirements imposed by any associated policy files, nor does this Web Service have to understand which, if any, security providers, tokens, or other such mechanisms are involved.
The script file configWss.py
uses WLST to create and configure the default Web Service security configuration, default_wss
, for the active security realm. (The default Web Service security configuration is used by all Web Services in the domain unless they have been explicitly programmed to use a different configuration.) Further, this script makes sure that x509 tokens are supported, creates the needed security providers, and so forth.
Listing 2-16 shows the configWss.py
file. The build.xml
file provides the command input. Sections of particular interest are shown in bold.
userName = sys.argv[1]
passWord = sys.argv[2]
print "Connect to the running adminSever"
connect(userName, passWord, url)
#Enable assert x509 in SecurityConfiguration
rlm = cmo.getSecurityConfiguration().getDefaultRealm()
ia = rlm.lookupAuthenticationProvider("DefaultIdentityAsserter")
activeTypesValue = list(ia.getActiveTypes())
existed = "X.509" in activeTypesValue
if existed == 1:
print 'assert x509 is aleady enabled'
#Create default WebServcieSecurity
if defaultWss == None:
print 'creating new webservice security bean for: ' + securityName
defaultWss = cmo.createWebserviceSecurity(securityName)
print 'found exsiting bean for: ' + securityName
#Create credential provider for DK
if wtm == None:
wtm = defaultWss.createWebserviceCredentialProvider(cpName)
cpm = wtm.createConfigurationProperty('Label')
cpm = wtm.createConfigurationProperty('Length')
print 'found exsiting bean for: DK ' + cpName
#Create credential provider for x.509
if wtm == None:
wtm = defaultWss.createWebserviceCredentialProvider(cpName)
print 'found exsiting bean for: x.509 ' + cpName
#Custom keystore for xml encryption
if cpm == None:
cpm = wtm.createConfigurationProperty(cpName)
if cpm == None:
cpm = wtm.createConfigurationProperty(cpName)
if cpm == None:
cpm = wtm.createConfigurationProperty(cpName)
if cpm == None:
cpm = wtm.createConfigurationProperty('ConfidentialityKeyPassword')
#Custom keystore for xml digital signature
if cpm == None:
cpm = wtm.createConfigurationProperty(cpName)
if cpm == None:
cpm = wtm.createConfigurationProperty(cpName)
if cpm == None:
cpm = wtm.createConfigurationProperty(cpName)
if cpm == None:
cpm = wtm.createConfigurationProperty(cpName)
#Create token handler for x509 token
if th == None:
th = defaultWss.createWebserviceTokenHandler(cpName)
cpm = th.createConfigurationProperty('UseX509ForIdentity')
The build.xml file has the targets shown in Table 2-11.
The complete build.xml
file is shown in Listing 2-17.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<project name="webservices.security_mtom" default="all" basedir=".">
<!-- set global properties for this build -->
<property file="../../../examples.properties"/>
<property name="client.dir" value="${client.classes.dir}/webservicesSecurityMtom_Client" />
<property name="package.dir" value="examples/webservices/security_mtom"/>
<property name="package" value="examples.webservices.security_mtom"/>
<property name="ws.file" value="SecurityMtomService" />
<property name="ear.dir" value="${examples.build.dir}/webservicesSecurityMtomEar" />
<property name="cert.dir" value="${basedir}/certs" />
<property name="certs.dir" value="${basedir}/certs" />
<!--client keystore-->
<property name="client-keystore-name" value="clientKeyStore.jks"/>
<property name="client-keystore-pass" value="keystorepw"/>
<property name="client-cert" value="ClientCert"/>
<property name="client-key" value="ClientKey"/>
<property name="client-key-pass" value="ClientKeyPass"/>
<property name="client-cert-alias" value="testClientCert"/>
<!--server keystore-->
<property name="server-keystore-name" value="serverKeyStore.jks"/>
<property name="server-keystore-pass" value="keystorepw"/>
<property name="server-cert" value="ServerCert"/>
<property name="server-key" value="ServerKey"/>
<property name="server-key-pass" value="ServerKeyPass"/>
<property name="server-cert-alias" value="testServerCert"/>
<path id="client.class.path">
<pathelement path="${client.dir}"/>
<pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
<!-- Web Service WLS Ant task definitions -->
<taskdef name="jwsc"
classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.JwscTask" />
<taskdef name="clientgen"
classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.ClientGenTask" />
<target name="all" depends="build, deploy"/>
<target name="build" depends="clean,server,client"/>
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="${ear.dir}"/>
<delete dir="${client.dir}"/>
<!-- Target that builds the MTOM Web Service -->
<target name="server" description="Target that builds the MTOM Web Service">
<jws file="SecurityMtomService.java" explode="true"/>
<!-- Target that builds the MTOM Web Service client -->
<target name="client" description="Target that builds the source Web Service">
<mkdir dir="${client.dir}/${package.dir}/client/"/>
<copy file="MtomClient.java" todir="${client.dir}/${package.dir}/client/"/>
srcdir="${client.dir}" destdir="${client.dir}"
<!-- Target that deploys the MTOM Web Service -->
<target name="deploy" description="Target that deploys the reliable destination Web Service">
<!-- Target that runs the MTOM Web Service client -->
<target name="run" >
<java fork="true"
failonerror="true" >
<jvmarg line="-Dweblogic.wsee.verbose=*"/>
<classpath refid="client.class.path"/>
<arg line= "
http://${wls.hostname}:${wls.port}/SecurityMtomService/SecurityMtomService?WSDL" />
<!-- Target the configure the web service security -->
<target name="config.server.security" description="Target the configure the web service security">
<copy todir="${examples.domain.dir}" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${certs.dir}" includes="${server-keystore-name}"/>
<java classname="weblogic.WLST" fork="true" failonerror="true">
<arg line="configWss.py ${wls.username} ${wls.password} ${wls.hostname} ${wls.port}
${server-keystore-name} ${server-keystore-pass} ${server-cert-alias} ${server-key-pass}" />
Follow these steps to build and run the example:
instructions file.BEA_HOME\WL_HOME
directory and create a new subdirectory called security_mtom
, configWss.py
, MtomClient.java
, and SecurityMtomService.java
sections to files with the same names in the BEA_HOME\WL_HOME
, serverKeyStore.jks
, and testServerCertTempCert.der
prompt> ant config.server.security
The deployed WSDL for the SecurityMtomService Web Service is available at the following URL:
The complete WSDL is shown in Listing 2-18.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <s1:definitions name="SecurityMtomServiceServiceDefinitions" targetNamespace="http://examples/webservices/security_mtom" xmlns="" xmlns:s0="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd" xmlns:s1="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:s2="http://examples/webservices/security_mtom" xmlns:s3="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/" xmlns:wsp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/policy">
<wsp:UsingPolicy s1:Required="true" />
- <wsp:Policy s0:Id="Mtom.xml">
<wsoma:OptimizedMimeSerialization xmlns:wsoma="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/policy/optimizedmimeserialization" />
- <wsp:Policy s0:Id="Wssp1.2-Wss1.1-EncryptedKey.xml">
- <sp:SymmetricBinding xmlns:sp="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-securitypolicy/200512">
- <wsp:Policy>
- <sp:ProtectionToken>
- <wsp:Policy>
- <sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-securitypolicy/200512/IncludeToken/Never">
- <wsp:Policy>
<sp:RequireThumbprintReference />
<sp:WssX509V3Token11 />
- <sp:AlgorithmSuite>
- <wsp:Policy>
<sp:Basic256 />
- <sp:Layout>
- <wsp:Policy>
<sp:Lax />
<sp:IncludeTimestamp />
<sp:OnlySignEntireHeadersAndBody />
- <sp:Wss11 xmlns:sp="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-securitypolicy/200512">
- <wsp:Policy>
<sp:MustSupportRefKeyIdentifier />
<sp:MustSupportRefIssuerSerial />
<sp:MustSupportRefThumbprint />
<sp:MustSupportRefEncryptedKey />
<sp:RequireSignatureConfirmation />
- <wsp:Policy s0:Id="Wssp1.2-2007-EncryptBody.xml">
- <sp:EncryptedParts xmlns:sp="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-securitypolicy/200702">
<sp:Body />
- <wsp:Policy s0:Id="Wssp1.2-2007-SignBody.xml">
- <sp:SignedParts xmlns:sp="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-securitypolicy/200702">
<sp:Body />
- <s1:types>
- <xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="java:examples.webservices.security_mtom" xmlns:s0="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:s1="http://examples/webservices/security_mtom" xmlns:s2="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/" xmlns:wsp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/policy" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
- <xs:complexType name="ArrayOfJavaLangstring_literal">
- <xs:sequence>
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="JavaLangstring" nillable="true" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="ArrayOfJavaLangstring_literal" type="java:ArrayOfJavaLangstring_literal" xmlns:java="java:examples.webservices.security_mtom" />
<xs:element name="base64Binary_literal" type="xs:base64Binary" />
- <xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://examples/webservices/security_mtom" xmlns:s0="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:s1="http://examples/webservices/security_mtom" xmlns:s2="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/" xmlns:wsp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/policy" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:import namespace="java:examples.webservices.security_mtom" />
- <xs:element name="echoBinaryAsString">
- <xs:complexType>
- <xs:sequence>
<xs:element name="bytes" type="xs:base64Binary" />
- <xs:element name="echoBinaryAsStringResponse">
- <xs:complexType>
- <xs:sequence>
<xs:element name="return" type="xs:string" />
- <xs:element name="echoBinaryArrayAsStringArray">
- <xs:complexType>
- <xs:sequence>
<xs:element name="array" type="xs:base64Binary" />
- <xs:element name="echoBinaryArrayAsStringArrayResponse">
- <xs:complexType>
- <xs:sequence>
<xs:element name="return" type="java:ArrayOfJavaLangstring_literal" xmlns:java="java:examples.webservices.security_mtom" />
- <xs:element name="echoStringAsBinary">
- <xs:complexType>
- <xs:sequence>
<xs:element name="s" type="xs:string" />
- <xs:element name="echoStringAsBinaryResponse">
- <xs:complexType>
- <xs:sequence>
<xs:element name="return" type="xs:base64Binary" />
- <s1:message name="echoBinaryAsString">
<s1:part element="s2:echoBinaryAsString" name="parameters" />
- <s1:message name="echoBinaryAsStringResponse">
<s1:part element="s2:echoBinaryAsStringResponse" name="parameters" />
- <s1:message name="echoBinaryArrayAsStringArray">
<s1:part element="s2:echoBinaryArrayAsStringArray" name="parameters" />
- <s1:message name="echoBinaryArrayAsStringArrayResponse">
<s1:part element="s2:echoBinaryArrayAsStringArrayResponse" name="parameters" />
- <s1:message name="echoStringAsBinary">
<s1:part element="s2:echoStringAsBinary" name="parameters" />
- <s1:message name="echoStringAsBinaryResponse">
<s1:part element="s2:echoStringAsBinaryResponse" name="parameters" />
- <s1:portType name="SecurityMtomService" wsp:PolicyURIs="#Wssp1.2-2007-SignBody.xml #Wssp1.2-2007-EncryptBody.xml #Wssp1.2-Wss1.1-EncryptedKey.xml">
- <s1:operation name="echoBinaryAsString" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s1:input message="s2:echoBinaryAsString" />
<s1:output message="s2:echoBinaryAsStringResponse" />
- <s1:operation name="echoBinaryArrayAsStringArray" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s1:input message="s2:echoBinaryArrayAsStringArray" />
<s1:output message="s2:echoBinaryArrayAsStringArrayResponse" />
- <s1:operation name="echoStringAsBinary" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s1:input message="s2:echoStringAsBinary" />
<s1:output message="s2:echoStringAsBinaryResponse" />
- <s1:binding name="SecurityMtomServiceServiceSoapBinding" type="s2:SecurityMtomService">
<s3:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" />
- <wsp:Policy>
<wsp:PolicyReference URI="#Mtom.xml" />
- <s1:operation name="echoBinaryAsString">
<s3:operation style="document" />
- <s1:input>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal" />
- <s1:output>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal" />
- <s1:operation name="echoBinaryArrayAsStringArray">
<s3:operation style="document" />
- <s1:input>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal" />
- <s1:output>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal" />
- <s1:operation name="echoStringAsBinary">
<s3:operation style="document" />
- <s1:input>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal" />
- <s1:output>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal" />
- <s1:service name="SecurityMtomServiceService">
- <s1:port binding="s2:SecurityMtomServiceServiceSoapBinding" name="SecurityMtomServiceSoapPort">
<s3:address location="http://localhost:7001/SecurityMtomService/SecurityMtomService" />
This section describes an update to an example that is already included with WebLogic Server:
This section shows how to update the example to use the most recent version of the policy file. Oracle recommends that you use the new policy namespace, as shown in the revised example, as those are official namespaces from OASIS standards and they will perform better when interoperating with other vendors.
Reliable SOAP messaging is a framework whereby an application running in one WebLogic Server instance can reliably invoke a Web Service running on another WebLogic Server instance. Reliable is defined as the ability to guarantee message delivery between the two Web Services.
WebLogic Web Services conform to the WS-ReliableMessaging 1.1 specification, which describes how two Web Services running on different WebLogic Server application servers can communicate reliably in the presence of failures in software components, systems, or networks. In particular, the specification describes an interoperable protocol in which a message sent from a source endpoint (client Web Service) to a destination endpoint (Web Service whose operations can be invoked reliably) is guaranteed either to be delivered, according to one or more delivery assurances, or to raise an error. The WS-ReliableMessaging specification defines an interoperable way to provide security by composing WS-ReliableMessaging with WS-SecureConversation and associating a reliable sequence with a secure session. At sequence creation time, the sending side needs to present a Security Token Reference to point to a Security Context Token that will be used to identify the owner of the sequence. All subsequent sequence messages and protocol messages in both directions will need to demonstrate proof-of-possession of the referenced key.
WebLogic reliable SOAP messaging works only between two Web Services. This means that you can invoke a WebLogic Web Service reliably only from another Web Service, and not from a standalone client application. This example shows how to create both types of Web Services (source and destination). The WsrmSecurityClient.java
class is a standalone Java application that then invokes the source Web Service.
The existing example shows how to provide security functionality on top of reliability for Web Services messaging by creating two WebLogic Web Services:
Web Service has two operations that can be invoked reliably and in a secure way: echo
and echoOneway
Web Service has one operation for invoking the echo
and echoOneway
operations of the ReliableEchoService
Web Service reliably and in a secure way within one conversation: echo
The existing example includes functional code and an extensive instructions.html
file that describes its use and function, how to build it, and so forth This section does not repeat that information, but instead concentrates on the changes made to the example, and the reasons for the changes.
The configWSS.py
WLST script sets up security for the WebLogic Server instance that hosts the source and destination Web Service. The security requirements are dictated by the WS-SecurityPolicy files associated with the destination Web Service.
The Wssp1.2-2007-Wssc1.3-Bootstrap-Wss1.0.xml
policy imposes the following requirements:
In response, the configWSS.py
WLST script performs the following functions:
In addition, the configWSSRuntime.py
WLST script also performs the following functions:
The example uses the files shown in Table 2-12. The contents of revised source files are shown in subsequent sections.:
The ReliableEchoServiceImpl.java
JWS file is the same as that in WL_HOME
, with the revised Policy annotation shown in bold.
@WebService(name = "ReliableEchoPort",
serviceName = "ReliableEchoService")
@WLHttpTransport(contextPath = "WsrmSecurity", serviceUri = "ReliableEchoService")
You can specify the @Policy annotation at both the class- and method- level. In this example, the annotation is used at the class-level to specify the pre-packaged WS-Policy files, which means all public operations of the Web Service are associated with the specified WS-Policy files.
The ReliableEchoServiceImpl Web Service does not explicitly invoke any WebLogic Server API to handle the requirements imposed by any associated policy files, nor does this Web Service have to understand which, if any, security providers, tokens, or other such mechanisms are involved.
The script file configWss.py
uses WLST to create and configure the default Web Service security configuration, default_wss
, for the active security realm. (The default Web Service security configuration is used by all Web Services in the domain unless they have been explicitly programmed to use a different configuration.) Further, this script makes sure that x509 tokens are supported, creates the needed security providers, and so forth.
The configWss.py
file is the same as that in WL_HOME\samples\server\examples\src\examples\webservices\wsrm_security\configWss.py
, with the changes shown in bold. The build.xml
file provides the command input.
#Create credential provider for SCT
if wtm == None:
print 'creating new webservice credential provider : ' + cpName
wtm = defaultWss.createWebserviceCredentialProvider(cpName)
cpm = wtm.createConfigurationProperty('TokenLifeTime')
print 'found exsiting bean for: ' + cpName
#Create credential provider for DK
if wtm == None:
wtm = defaultWss.createWebserviceCredentialProvider(cpName)
cpm = wtm.createConfigurationProperty('Label')
cpm = wtm.createConfigurationProperty('Length')
print 'found exsiting bean for: DK ' + cpName
The configWss_Service.py
script is similar to configWss.py
, but it is used only when the source and destination Web Service are hosted in two servers.
The configWss_Service.py
file is the same as that in WL_HOME\samples\server\examples\src\examples\webservices\wsrm_security\configWss_Service.py
, with the changes shown in bold. The build.xml
file provides the command input.
#Create credential provider for SCT
if wtm == None:
print 'creating new webservice credential provider : ' + cpName
wtm = defaultWss.createWebserviceCredentialProvider(cpName)
cpm = wtm.createConfigurationProperty('TokenLifeTime')
print 'found exsiting bean for: ' + cpName
#Create credential provider for DK
if wtm == None:
wtm = defaultWss.createWebserviceCredentialProvider(cpName)
cpm = wtm.createConfigurationProperty('Label')
cpm = wtm.createConfigurationProperty('Length')
print 'found existing bean for: DK ' + cpName
After you have changed the example to use the new policy namespace, follow the steps in the WL_HOME\samples\server\examples\src\examples\webservices\wsrm_security\instructions.html
file to build and run the example.
There are no changes needed to these steps.
Previous releases of WebLogic Server, released before the formulation of the WS-SecurityPolicy specification, used security policy files written under the WS-Policy specification, using a proprietary schema for security policy.
Notes: | The security policy files written under the Web Services security policy schema are deprecated in this release. |
Note: | WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 policy files and proprietary Web Services security policy schema files are not mutually compatible; you cannot define both types of policy file in the same Web Service. If you want to use WS-Security 1.1 features, you must use the WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 policy file format. |
This section describes the set of pre-packaged Web Services security policy schema files included in WebLogic Server. These policy files are all abstract; see Abstract and Concrete Policy Files for details.
The policy assertions used in these security policy files to configure message-level security for a WebLogic Web Service are based on the assertions described in the December 18, 2002 version of the Web Services Security Policy Language (WS-SecurityPolicy) specification. This means that although the exact syntax and usage of the assertions in WebLogic Server are different, they are similar in meaning to those described in the specification. The assertions are not based on later updates of the specification.
The pre-packaged Web Services security policy files are:
and Encrypt.xml
and Encrypt.xml
and Sign.xml
.Note: | This pre-packaged policy file is meant to be used on its own and not together with Auth.xml , Sign.xml , Encrypt.xml , or Wssc-sct.xml . Also, Oracle recommends that you use this policy file, rather than Wssc-sct.xml, if you want the client and service to share a security context, due to its higher level of security. |
Note: | This pre-packaged policy file is meant to be used on its own and not together with Auth.xml , Sign.xml , Encrypt.xml , or Wssc-dk.xml . Also, Oracle provides this policy file to support the various use cases of the WS-SecureConversation specification; however, Oracle recommends that you use the Wssc-dk.xml policy file, rather than Wssc-sct.xml, if you want the client and service to share a security context, due to its higher level of security. |
The WebLogic Web Services runtime environment recognizes two slightly different types of security policy files: abstract and concrete.
Abstract policy files do not explicitly specify the security tokens that are used for authentication, encryption, and digital signatures, but rather, the Web Services runtime environment determines the security tokens when the Web Service is deployed. Specifically, this means the <Identity>
and <Integrity>
elements (or assertions) of the policy files do not contain a <SupportedTokens><SecurityToken>
child element, and the <Confidentiality>
element policy file does not contain a <KeyInfo><SecurityToken>
child element.
If your Web Service is associated with only the pre-packaged policy files, then client authentication requires username tokens. Web Services support only one type of token for encryption and digital signatures (X.509
), which means that in the case of the <Integrity>
and <Confidentiality>
elements, concrete and abstract policy files end up being essentially the same.
If your Web Service is associated with an abstract policy file and it is published as an attachment to the WSDL (which is the default behavior), the static WSDL file packaged in the Web Service archive file (JAR or WAR) will be slightly different than the dynamic WSDL of the deployed Web Service. This is because the static WSDL, being abstract, does not include specific <SecurityToken>
elements, but the dynamic WSDL does include these elements because the Web Services runtime has automatically filled them in when it deployed the service. For this reason, in the code that creates the JAX-RPC stub in your client application, ensure that you specify the dynamic WSDL or you will get a runtime error when you try to invoke an operation:
HelloService service = new HelloService(Dynamic_WSDL);
You can specify either the static or dynamic WSDL to the clientgen
Ant task in this case. See
“Browsing to the WSDL of the Web Service” in Getting Started With WebLogic Web Services Using JAX-RPC for information on viewing the dynamic WSDL of a deployed Web Service.
Concrete policy files explicitly specify the details of the security tokens at the time the Web Service is programmed. Programmers create concrete security policy files when they know, at the time they are programming the service, the details of the type of authentication (such as using x509
tokens); whether multiple private key and certificate pairs from the keystore are going to be used for encryption and digital signatures; and so on.
The WebLogic Server Auth.xml
file, shown below, specifies that the client application invoking the Web Service must authenticate itself with one of the tokens (username or X.509) that support authentication.
Because the pre-packaged Web Services security policy schema files are abstract, there is no specific username or X.509 token assertions in the Auth.xml
file at development-time. Depending on how you have configured security for WebLogic Server, either a username token, an X.509 token, or both will appear in the actual runtime-version of the Auth.xml
policy file associated with your Web Service. Additionally, if the runtime-version of the policy file includes an X.509 token and it is applied to a client invoke, then the entire body of the SOAP message is signed.
If you want to specify that only X.509, and never username tokens, be used for identity, or want to specify that, when using X.509 for identity, only certain parts of the SOAP message be signed, then you must create a custom security policy file.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
The WebLogic Server Sign.xml
file specifies that the body and WebLogic-specific system headers of the SOAP message be digitally signed. It also specifies that the SOAP message include a Timestamp, which is digitally signed, and that the token used for signing is also digitally signed. The token used for signing is included in the SOAP message.
The following headers are signed when using the Sign.xml
security policy file:
The WebLogic Server Sign.xml
file is shown below:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wssp:SignatureAlgorithm URI="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"/>
<wssp:DigestAlgorithm URI="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1" />
<wssp:DigestAlgorithm URI="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1" />
<wssp:DigestAlgorithm URI="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1" />
The WebLogic Server Encrypt.xml
file specifies that the entire body of the SOAP message be encrypted. By default, the encryption token is not included in the SOAP message.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wssp:KeyWrappingAlgorithm URI="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#rsa-1_5"/>
Specifies that the client and Web Service share a security context, as described by the WS-SecureConversation specification, and that a derived key token is used. This ensures the highest form of security.
This policy file provides the following configuration:
If you need to change the default security context and derived key behavior, you will have to create a custom security policy file, described in later sections.
WARNING: | If you specify this pre-packaged security policy file, you should not also specify any other pre-packaged security policy file. |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wssp:Integrity SupportTrust10="true">
<wssp:SignatureAlgorithm URI="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#hmac-sha1"/>
<wssp:CanonicalizationAlgorithm URI="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/>
<wssp:DigestAlgorithm URI="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"/>
<wssp:MessageParts Dialect="http://www.bea.com/wls90/security/policy/wsee#part">
<wssp:DigestAlgorithm URI="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"/>
<wssp:MessageParts Dialect="http://www.bea.com/wls90/security/policy/wsee#part">
<wssp:DigestAlgorithm URI="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"/>
<wssp:MessageParts Dialect="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/2002/12/wsse#part">
<wssp:SecurityToken IncludeInMessage="true"
<wssp:Confidentiality SupportTrust10="true">
<wssp:EncryptionAlgorithm URI="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#aes128-cbc"/>
<wssp:MessageParts Dialect="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/2002/12/wsse#part">
<wssp:SecurityToken IncludeInMessage="true"
Specifies that the client and Web Service share a security context, as described by the WS-SecureConversation specification. In this case, security context tokens are used to encrypt and sign the SOAP messages, which differs from Wssc-dk.xml in which derived key tokens are used. The Wssc-sct.xml
policy file is provided to support all the use cases of the specification; for utmost security, however, Oracle recommends you always use Wssc-dk.xml when specifying shared security contexts due to its higher level of security.
This security policy file provides the following configuration:
If you need to change the default security context and derived key behavior, you will have to create a custom security policy file, described in later sections.
WARNING: | If you specify this pre-packaged security policy file, you should not also specify any other pre-packaged security policy file. |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wssp:Integrity SupportTrust10="true">
<wssp:SignatureAlgorithm URI="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#hmac-sha1"/>
<wssp:CanonicalizationAlgorithm URI="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/>
<wssp:DigestAlgorithm URI="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"/> <wssp:MessageParts Dialect="http://www.bea.com/wls90/security/policy/wsee#part">
<wssp:DigestAlgorithm URI="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"/>
<wssp:MessageParts Dialect="http://www.bea.com/wls90/security/policy/wsee#part">
<wssp:DigestAlgorithm URI="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"/>
<wssp:MessageParts Dialect="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/2002/12/wsse#part">
<wssp:SecurityToken IncludeInMessage="true"
<wssp:Confidentiality SupportTrust10="true">
<wssp:EncryptionAlgorithm URI="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#aes128-cbc"/>
<wssp:MessageParts Dialect="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/2002/12/wsse#part">
<wssp:SecurityToken IncludeInMessage="true"
<wssp:MessageAge />
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