WARNING:: [APPLET: Account Address Mvg Applet (NB)] MVG Applet is Inactive. Ignoring Applet. |
This applet is inactive. Action: No action required. |
WARNING:: [APPLET: Primary Employee Mvg Applet] [Applet Web Template: Base] Applet Web Template is Inactive. Ignoring Applet Web Template. |
The applet Web template is inactive. Action: No action required. |
WARNING:: [APPLET: FINS Application Contact Mvg Applet - ACAPS] [CONTROL METHOD INVOKED: ExecuteQuery] Has a Non Standard Control Type. |
The utility is trying to map an existing Go (ExecuteQuery) button to the Edit List mode to enable Popup Inline Query. However, the Go button does not have the correct attributes. Action: Revise the control definition and map it to the Edit List mode. |
WARNING:: [APPLET: State Model - State Mvg Applet] [CONTROL METHOD INVOKED: UndoQuery] Has a Non Standard Control Type. |
The utility is trying to map an existing Cancel (UndoQuery) button to the Edit List mode to enable Popup Inline Query. However, the Cancel button defined does not have the correct attributes. Action: Revise the control's definition and map it to the Edit List mode. |
WARNING:: [APPLET: LOY Account Address Assoc Applet] [CONTROL: CancelQuery] Control is Inactive. Please inspect and Reactivate. |
The utility is trying to map an existing Cancel (UndoQuery) button to the Edit List mode to enable Popup Inline Query. However, the Cancel button defined is inactive. Action: Redefine a Cancel button and map it to the Edit List mode. |
WARNING:: [APPLET: LOY Account Address Assoc Applet] [CONTROL: ExecuteQuery] Control is Inactive. Please inspect and Reactivate. |
The utility is trying to map an existing Go (ExecuteQuery) button to the Edit List mode to enable Popup Inline Query. However, the Go button defined is inactive. Action: Redefine a Go button and map it to the Edit List mode. |
WARNING:: [APPLET: Account Address Mvg Applet] [Applet Web Template: Edit List] [Applet Web Template Item: ExecuteQuery] Applet Web Template Item is Inactive. Please inspect and Reactivate. |
The utility is trying to map an existing Go/Cancel button to the Edit List mode to enable Popup Inline Query. However, the mapping already exists, but is marked inactive. Action: Activate the mapping (Applet Web Template Item) in the Edit List mode and test. |
WARNING:: [APPLET: Account Address Mvg Applet] [CONTROL: UndoQuery] Applet Web Template Item occupying Item Id 108. Cannot Map Control UndoQuery |
The utilities tried to map a Cancel button to the default location 108 in Edit List mode. However, another control is already mapped to this location. Action: Move the control at location 108 to another location, and then map the Go button to location 108. |
WARNING:: [APPLET: Assoc Data Type Applet] Association List Applet contains both Base and Edit List. Manual review needed. |
An MVG applet definition specifies both a base and edit-list Web template. At Release 7.7, the UI standard is that when MVGs first display, they are editable. Action: For MVGs that users can edit, verify that the Web template specified for base mode and edit-list mode are the same. If not, change the base mode Web template so that it is the same as the edit-list template. |
WARNING:: [APPLET: Activity Order Mvg Applet] [CONTROL: ExecuteQuery] Control is at an unexpected location. Expected Location is 107 |
The utilities tried to map a Go button to the default location 107 in Edit List mode. This is part of enabling Popup Inline Query. However, another control is already mapped to this location. Action: Move the control at location 107 to another location, and then map the Go button to location 107. |