Oracle9i JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference Release 2 (9.2) Part Number A96654-01 |
This chapter covers the Oracle JDBC implementations of (1) data sources, a standard facility for specifying resources to use, including databases; (2) connection pooling, which is a framework for caches of database connections; and (3) connection caching, including documentation of a sample Oracle implementation. You will also find related discussion of Oracle JDBC support for the standard Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI).
The following topics, which apply to all Oracle JDBC drivers, are described in this chapter:
For further information on listed topics, refer to the Sun Microsystems specification for the JDBC 2.0 Standard Extension API. For information about additional connection pooling functionality specific to the OCI driver, see "OCI Driver Connection Pooling".
The JDBC 2.0 extension API introduced the concept of data sources, which are standard, general-use objects for specifying databases or other resources to use. Data sources can optionally be bound to Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) entities so that you can access databases by logical names, for convenience and portability.
This functionality is a more standard and versatile alternative to the connection functionality described under "Open a Connection to a Database". The data source facility provides a complete replacement for the previous JDBC DriverManager
You can use both facilities in the same application, but ultimately developers will be encouraged to use data sources for their connections, regardless of whether connection pooling or distributed transactions are required. Eventually, Sun Microsystems will probably deprecate DriverManager
and related classes and functionality.
For further introductory and general information about data sources and JNDI, refer to the Sun Microsystems specification for the JDBC 2.0 Optional Package.
The standard Java Naming and Directory Interface, or JNDI, provides a way for applications to find and access remote services and resources. These services can be any enterprise services, but for a JDBC application would include database connections and services.
JNDI allows an application to use logical names in accessing these services, removing vendor-specific syntax from application code. JNDI has the functionality to associate a logical name with a particular source for a desired service.
All Oracle JDBC data sources are JNDI-referenceable. The developer is not required to use this functionality, but accessing databases through JNDI logical names makes the code more portable.
"First Steps in JDBC" includes sections on how to use the JDBC DriverManager
class to register driver classes and open database connections. The problem with this model is that it requires your code to include vendor-specific class names, database URLs, and possibly other properties, such as machine names and port numbers.
With data source functionality, using JNDI, you do not need to register the vendor-specific JDBC driver class name, and you can use logical names for URLs and other properties. This allows your application code for opening database connections to be portable to other environments.
A JDBC data source is an instance of a class that implements the standard javax.sql.DataSource
public interface DataSource { Connection getConnection() throws SQLException; Connection getConnection(String username, String password) throws SQLException; ... }
Oracle implements this interface with the OracleDataSource
class in the oracle.jdbc.pool
package. The overloaded getConnection()
method returns an OracleConnection
instance, optionally taking a user name and password as input.
To use other values, you can set properties using appropriate setter methods discussed in the next section. For alternative user names and passwords, you can also use the getConnection()
signature that takes these as input--this would take priority over the property settings.
Note: The |
class, as with any class that implements the DataSource
interface, provides a set of properties that can be used to specify a database to connect to. These properties follow the JavaBeans design pattern.
Table 16-1 and Table 16-2 document OracleDataSource
properties. The properties in Table 16-1 are standard properties according to the Sun Microsystems specification. (Be aware, however, that Oracle does not implement the standard roleName
property.) The properties in Table 16-2 are Oracle extensions.
The OracleDataSource
class implements the following setter and getter methods for the standard properties:
public synchronized void setDatabaseName(String dbname)
public synchronized String getDatabaseName()
public synchronized void setDataSourceName(String dsname)
public synchronized String getDataSourceName()
public synchronized void setDescription(String desc)
public synchronized String getDescription()
public synchronized void setNetworkProtocol(String np)
public synchronized String getNetworkProtocol()
public synchronized void setPassword(String pwd)
public synchronized void setPortNumber(int pn)
public synchronized int getPortNumber()
public synchronized void setServerName(String sn)
public synchronized String getServerName()
public synchronized void setUser(String user)
public synchronized String getUser()
Note that there is no getPassword()
method, for security reasons.
Name | Type | Description |
This designates the Oracle JDBC driver type as either oci, thin, or kprb (server-side internal). |
This is the TNS entry name, relevant only for the OCI driver. It assumes an Oracle client installation with a TNS_ADMIN environment variable that is set appropriately. Enable this OracleXADataSource property when using the HeteroRM feature with the OCI driver, to access Oracle pre-8.1.6 databases and higher. The HeteroRM XA feature is described in "OCI HeteroRM XA". If the tnsEntry property is not set when using the HeteroRM XA feature, an SQLException with error code ORA-17207 is thrown. |
This is the URL of the database connect string. Provided as a convenience, it can help you migrate from an older Oracle database. You can use this property in place of the Oracle tnsEntry and driverType properties and the standard portNumber, networkProtocol, serverName, and databaseName properties. |
nativeXA |
boolean |
Enable this OracleXADataSource property when using the HeteroRM feature with the OCI driver, to access Oracle pre-8.1.6 databases and higher. The HeteroRM XA feature is described in "OCI HeteroRM XA". If the nativeXA property is enabled, be sure to set the tnsEntry property as well. This DataSource property defaults to false. |
The OracleDataSource
class implements the following setXXX()
and getXXX()
methods for the Oracle extended properties:
public synchronized void setDriverType(String dt)
public synchronized String getDriverType()
public synchronized void setURL(String url)
public synchronized String getURL()
public synchronized void setTNSEntryName(String tns)
public synchronized String getTNSEntryName()
public synchronized void setNativeXA(boolean nativeXA)
public synchronized boolean getNativeXA()
If you are using the server-side internal driver--driverType
property is set to kprb
--then any other property settings are ignored.
If you are using a Thin or OCI driver, note the following:
and password
, as in the following example, in which case this takes precedence over individual user
and password
property settings:
and password
are required, either directly, through the URL setting, or through the getConnection()
call. The user
and password
settings in a getConnection()
call take precedence over any property settings.url
property is set, then any tnsEntry
, driverType
, portNumber
, networkProtocol
, serverName
, and databaseName
property settings are ignored.tnsEntry
property is set (which presumes the url
property is not set), then any databaseName
, serverName
, portNumber
, and networkProtocol
settings are ignored.driverType
property is set to oci
) and the networkProtocol
is set to ipc
, then any other property settings are ignored.This section shows an example of the most basic use of a data source to connect to a database, without using JNDI functionality. Note that this requires vendor-specific, hard-coded property settings.
Create an OracleDataSource
instance, initialize its connection properties as appropriate, and get a connection instance as in the following example:
... OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource(); ods.setDriverType("oci"); ods.setServerName("dlsun999"); ods.setNetworkProtocol("tcp"); ods.setDatabaseName("816"); ods.setPortNumber(1521); ods.setUser("scott"); ods.setPassword("tiger"); Connection conn = ods.getConnection(); ...
Or optionally override the user name and password:
... Connection conn = ods.getConnection("bill", "lion"); ...
This section exhibits JNDI functionality in using data sources to connect to a database. Vendor-specific, hard-coded property settings are required only in the portion of code that binds a data source instance to a JNDI logical name. From that point onward, you can create portable code by using the logical name in creating data sources from which you will get your connection instances.
Note: Creating and registering data sources is typically handled by a JNDI administrator, not in a JDBC application. |
Create an OracleDataSource
instance, and then initialize its connection properties as appropriate, as in the following example:
... OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource(); ods.setDriverType("oci"); ods.setServerName("dlsun999"); ods.setNetworkProtocol("tcp"); ods.setDatabaseName("816"); ods.setPortNumber(1521); ods.setUser("scott"); ods.setPassword("tiger"); ...
Once you have initialized the connection properties of the OracleDataSource
instance ods
, as shown in the preceding example, you can register this data source instance with JNDI, as in the following example:
... Context ctx = new InitialContext(); ctx.bind("jdbc/sampledb", ods); ...
Calling the JNDI InitialContext()
constructor creates a Java object that references the initial JNDI naming context. System properties that are not shown instruct JNDI which service provider to use.
The ctx.bind()
call binds the OracleDataSource
instance to a logical JNDI name. This means that anytime after the ctx.bind()
call, you can use the logical name jdbc/sampledb
in opening a connection to the database described by the properties of the OracleDataSource
instance ods
. The logical name jdbc/sampledb
is logically bound to this database.
The JNDI name space has a hierarchy similar to that of a file system. In this example, the JNDI name specifies the subcontext jdbc
under the root naming context and specifies the logical name sampledb
within the jdbc
The Context
interface and InitialContext
class are in the standard javax.naming
Notes: The JDBC 2.0 Specification requires that all JDBC data sources be registered in the |
To perform a lookup and open a connection to the database logically bound to the JNDI name, use the logical JNDI name. Doing this requires casting the lookup result (which is otherwise simply a Java Object
) to a new OracleDataSource
instance and then using its getConnection()
method to open the connection.
Here is an example:
... OracleDataSource odsconn = (OracleDataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/sampledb"); Connection conn = odsconn.getConnection(); ...
The data source facility offers a way to register a character stream for JDBC to use as output for error logging and tracing information. This facility allows tracing specific to a particular data source instance. If you want all data source instances to use the same character stream, then you must register the stream with each data source instance individually.
The OracleDataSource
class implements the following standard data source methods for logging and tracing:
public synchronized void setLogWriter(PrintWriter pw)
public synchronized PrintWriter getLogWriter()
The PrintWriter
class is in the standard
Connection pooling in the JDBC 2.0 extension API is a framework for caching database connections. This allows reuse of physical connections and reduced overhead for your application. Connection pooling functionality minimizes expensive operations in the creation and closing of sessions.
The following are central concepts:
A logical connection instance is a simple connection instance (such as a standard Connection
instance or an OracleConnection
instance) returned by a pooled connection instance. Each logical connection instance acts as a temporary handle to the physical connection represented by the pooled connection instance.
For connection pooling information specific to OCI drivers, see "OCI Driver Connection Pooling". For further introductory and general information about connection pooling, refer to the Sun Microsystems specification for the JDBC 2.0 Optional Package.
If you do not use connection pooling, each connection instance (java.sql.Connection
or oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
instance) encapsulates its own physical database connection. When you call the close()
method of the connection instance, the physical connection itself is closed. This is true whether you obtain the connection instance through the JDBC 2.0 data source facility described under "Data Sources", or through the DriverManager
facility described under "Open a Connection to a Database".
With connection pooling, an additional step allows physical database connections to be reused by multiple logical connection instances, which are temporary handles to the physical connection. Use a connection pool data source to return a pooled connection, which is what encapsulates the physical database connection. Then use the pooled connection to return JDBC connection instances (one at a time) that each act as a temporary handle.
Closing a connection instance that was obtained from a pooled connection does not close the physical database connection. It does, however, free the resources of the connection instance, clear the state, close statement objects created from the connection instance, and restore the defaults for the next connection instance that will be created.
To actually close the physical connection, you must invoke the close()
method of the pooled connection. This would typically be performed in the middle tier.
The javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
interface outlines standard functionality of connection pool data sources, which are factories for pooled connections. The overloaded getPooledConnection()
method returns a pooled connection instance and optionally takes a user name and password as input:
public interface ConnectionPoolDataSource { PooledConnection getPooledConnection() throws SQLException; PooledConnection getPooledConnection(String user, String password) throws SQLException; ... }
Oracle JDBC implements the ConnectionPoolDataSource
interface with the oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
class. This class also extends the OracleDataSource
class, so it includes all the connection properties and getter and setter methods described in "Data Source Properties".
The OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
class getPooledConnection()
methods return the Oracle implementation of pooled connection instances, which are OraclePooledConnection
instances (as discussed in the next section).
Note: You can register connection pool data sources in JNDI using the same naming conventions as discussed for non-pooling data sources in "Register the Data Source". |
A pooled connection instance encapsulates a physical connection to a database. This database would be the one specified in the connection properties of the connection pool data source instance used to produce the pooled connection instance.
A pooled connection instance is an instance of a class that implements the standard javax.sql.PooledConnection
interface. The getConnection()
method specified by this interface returns a logical connection instance that acts as a temporary handle to the physical connection, as opposed to encapsulating the physical connection, as does a non-pooling connection instance:
public interface PooledConnection { Connection getConnection() throws SQLException; void close() throws SQLException; void addConnectionEventListener(ConnectionEventListener listener) ... ; void removeConnectionEventListener(ConnectionEventListener listener); void setStmtCacheSize(int size); void setStmtCacheSize(int size, boolean clearMetaData); int getStmtCacheSize(); }
(Event listeners are used in connection caching and are discussed in "Typical Steps in Using a Connection Cache".)
Oracle JDBC implements the PooledConnection
interface with the oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
class. The getConnection()
method returns an OracleConnection
A pooled connection instance will typically be asked to produce a series of connection instances during its existence, but only one of these connection instances can be open at any particular time.
Each time a pooled connection instance getConnection()
method is called, it returns a new connection instance that exhibits the default behavior, and it closes any previous connection instance that still exists and has been returned by the same pooled connection instance. You should explicitly close any previous connection instance before opening a new one, however.
Calling the close()
method of a pooled connection instance closes the physical connection to the database. The middle-tier layer typically performs this.
The OraclePooledConnection
class includes methods to enable statement caching for a pooled connection. The cache for statements is maintained for the pooled connection as a whole, and all logical connections obtained from the pooled connection share it. Therefore, when statement caching is enabled, a statement you create on one logical connection can be re-used on another logical connection. For the same reason, you cannot enable or disable statement caching on individual logical connections. This function applies to both implicit and explicit statement caching.
The following are OraclePooledConnection
method definitions for statement caching:
public void setStmtCacheSize (int size) throws SQLException public void setStmtCacheSize (int size, boolean clearMetaData) throws SQLException public int getStmtCacheSize()
See Chapter 14, "Statement Caching", for more details on statement caching.
This section contains an example of the most basic use of a connection pool data source to connect to a database without using JNDI functionality. You could optionally use JNDI, binding the connection pool data source instance to a JNDI logical name, in the same way that you would for a generic data source instance (as "Register the Data Source" illustrates).
You must import the following for Oracle connection pooling functionality:
import oracle.jdbc.pool.*;
This package contains the OracleDataSource
, OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
, and OraclePooledConnection
classes, in addition to classes for connection caching and event-handling, which "Connection Caching" discusses.
This example first creates an OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
instance, next initializes its connection properties, then gets a pooled connection instance from the connection pool data source instance, and finally gets a connection instance from the pooled connection instance. (The getPooledConnection()
method actually returns an OraclePooledConnection
instance, but in this case only generic PooledConnection
functionality is required.)
... OracleConnectionPoolDataSource ocpds = new OracleConnectionPoolDataSource(); ocpds.setDriverType("oci"); ocpds.setServerName("dlsun999"); ocpds.setNetworkProtocol("tcp"); ocpds.setDatabaseName("816"); ocpds.setPortNumber(1521); ocpds.setUser("scott"); ocpds.setPassword("tiger"); PooledConnection pc = ocpds.getPooledConnection(); Connection conn = pc.getConnection(); ...
Connection caching, generally implemented in a middle tier, is a means of keeping and using caches of physical database connections.
Connection caching uses the connection pooling framework--such as connection pool data sources and pooled connections--in much of its operations. "Connection Pooling", starting, describes this framework.
The JDBC 2.0 specification does not mandate a connection caching implementation, but Oracle provides a simple implementation to serve at least as an example.
This section is divided into the following topics:
Each connection cache is represented by an instance of a connection cache class and has an associated group of pooled connection instances. For a single connection cache instance, the associated pooled connection instances must all represent physical connections to the same database and schema. Pooled connection instances are created as needed, which is whenever a connection is requested and the connection cache does not have any free pooled connection instances. A "free" pooled connection instance is one that currently has no logical connection instance associated with it; in other words, a pooled connection instance whose physical connection is not being used.
The middle tier, in setting up a connection cache, will create an instance of a connection cache class and set its data source connection properties as appropriate--for example, serverName
, databaseName
, or URL
. Recall that a connection cache class extends a data source class. For information about data source properties, see "Data Source Properties".
An example of a connection cache class is OracleConnectionCacheImpl
. How to instantiate this class and set its connection properties is described in "Instantiating OracleConnectionCacheImpl and Setting Properties". This class extends the OracleDataSource
class and so includes the setter methods to set connection properties to specify the database to connect to. All the pooled connection instances in the cache would represent physical connections to this same database, and in fact to the same schema.
Once the middle tier has created a connection cache instance, it can optionally bind this instance to JNDI as with any data source instance, which is described in "Register the Data Source".
A JDBC application must retrieve a connection cache instance to use the cache. This is typically accomplished through the middle tier, often using a JNDI lookup. In a connection caching scenario, a JNDI lookup would return a connection cache instance instead of a generic data source instance. Because a connection cache class extends a data source class, connection cache instances include data source functionality.
Executing a JNDI lookup is described in "Open a Connection".
If JNDI is not used, the middle tier will typically have some vendor-specific API through which a connection cache instance is retrieved for the application.
A connection cache class, as with a pooled connection class, has a getConnection()
method. The getConnection()
method of a connection cache instance returns a logical connection to the database and schema associated with the cache. This association is through the connection properties of the connection cache instance, as typically set by the middle tier.
Whenever a JDBC application wants a connection to a database in a connection caching scenario, it will call the getConnection()
method of the connection cache instance associated with the database.
This getConnection()
method checks if there are any free pooled connection instances in the cache. If not, one is created. Then a logical connection instance will be retrieved from a previously existing or newly created pooled connection instance, and this logical connection instance will be supplied to the application.
JDBC uses JavaBeans-style events to keep track of when a physical connection (pooled connection instance) can be returned to the cache or when it should be closed due to a fatal error. When a JDBC application calls the close()
method of a logical connection instance, an event is triggered and communicated to the event listener or listeners associated with the pooled connection instance that produced the logical connection instance. This triggers a connection-closed event and informs the pooled connection instance that its physical connection can be reused. Essentially, this puts the pooled connection instance and its physical connection back into the cache.
The point at which a connection event listener is created and registered with a pooled connection instance is implementation-specific. This could happen, for example, when the pooled connection instance is first created or each time the logical connection associated with it is closed.
It is also possible for the cache class to implement the connection event listener class. In this case, the connection event listener is part of the connection cache instance. (This is not the case in the Oracle sample implementation.) Even in this case, however, an explicit association must be made between the connection event listener and each pooled connection instance.
Some application developers prefer to have connections released automatically after a certain timespan has passed. This prevents slow resource leaks when an application fails to close connections.
An application can specify any of the following timeout periods for a connection:
only) -- the maximum period that a connection will wait for a physical connection to be returned to the cache. This wait occurs only when all connections are in use and a new connection is requested. When the timeout expires, a timeout exception, EOJ_FIXED_WAIT_TIMEOUT
, is thrown.To set or unset a timeout, you use the OracleConnectionCacheImpl
properties CacheInactivityTimeout
, CacheFixedWaitTimeout
, and CacheTimeToLiveTimeout
, each of which has public get and set methods.
Middle-tier developers have the option of implementing their own connection cache class and connection event listener class.
For convenience, however, Oracle provides the following, all in the oracle.jdbc.pool
The OracleConnectionCacheImpl
class is a simple connection cache class implementation that Oracle supplies as an example, providing sufficient but minimal functionality. It implements the OracleConnectionCache
interface and uses instances of the OracleConnectionEventListener
class for connection events.
If you want more functionality than OracleConnectionCacheImpl
has to offer but still want to use OracleConnectionEventListener
for connection events, then you can create your own class that implements OracleConnectionCache
Or you can create your own connection cache class and connection event listener class from scratch.
This section lists the general steps in how a JDBC application and middle-tier will use a connection cache in opening and closing a logical connection.
Presume the following has already been accomplished:
Once the JDBC application has access to the connection cache instance, the application and middle tier perform the following steps to produce a logical connection instance for use by the application:
method of the connection cache instance. No input is necessary, because a connection cache instance is already associated with a particular database and schema.
Note: Exactly what happens in a situation where no pooled connection instances are available depends on the implementation schemes and whether the cache is limited to a maximum number of pooled connections. For the Oracle sample implementation, this is discussed in "Schemes for Creating New Pooled Connections in the Oracle Implementation". |
method specified by the PooledConnection
interface. This method takes the connection event listener instance as input. If the connection cache class implements the connection event listener class, then the argument to the addConnectionEventListener()
method would be the this
In some implementations, the creation and association of the connection event listener can occur only when the pooled connection instance is first created. In the Oracle sample implementation, this also occurs each time a pooled connection instance is reused.
Note that in being associated with both the connection cache instance and a pooled connection instance, the connection event listener becomes the bridge between the two.
No input is necessary to getConnection()
, because a pooled connection instance is already associated with a particular database and schema.
The JDBC application uses this logical connection instance as it would any other connection instance.
Once the JDBC application has finished using the logical connection instance, its associated pooled connection instance can be returned to the connection cache (or closed, as appropriate, if a fatal error occurred). The application and middle tier perform the following steps to accomplish this:
method on the logical connection instance (as it would with any connection instance).addConnectionEventListener()
The connection event listener will typically perform these steps by calling methods of the connection cache instance, which is implementation-specific. For the Oracle sample implementation, these functions are performed by methods specified in the OracleConnectionCache
interface, as discussed in"Oracle Connection Cache Specification: OracleConnectionCache Interface".
method specified by the PooledConnection
In some implementations, this step can be performed only when a pooled connection instance is closed, either because of a fatal error or because the application is finished with the physical connection. In the Oracle sample implementation, however, the connection event listener is disassociated with the pooled connection instance each time the pooled connection is returned to the available cache (because in the Oracle implementation, a connection event listener is associated with the pooled connection instance whenever it is reused).
Middle-tier developers are free to implement their own connection caching scheme as desired, but Oracle offers the OracleConnectionCache
interface, which you can implement in a connection cache class and which uses instances of the OracleConnectionEventListener
class for its listener functionality.
In addition, Oracle offers a class that implements this interface, OracleConnectionCacheImpl
, which can be used as is. This class also extends the OracleDataSource
class and, therefore, includes a getConnection()
method. For more information about this class, see "Oracle Connection Cache Implementation: OracleConnectionCacheImpl Class".
These Oracle classes and interfaces are all in the oracle.jdbc.pool
The OracleConnectionCache
interface specifies the following methods (in addition to data source methods that it inherits), to be implemented in a connection cache class:
: Takes a pooled connection instance as input and returns it to the cache of available pooled connections (essentially, the available physical connections).
This method would be invoked by a connection event listener after a JDBC application has finished using the logical connection instance provided by the pooled connection instance (through previous use of the pooled connection getConnection()
: Takes a pooled connection instance as input and closes it.
A connection event listener would invoke this method after a fatal error has occurred through the logical connection instance provided by the pooled connection instance. The listener would call closePooledConnection()
, for example, if it notices a server crash.
: Closes the connection cache instance, after the application has finished using connection caching with the associated database.The functionality of the reusePooledConnection()
and closePooledConnection()
methods is an implementation of some of the steps described generally in "General Steps in Closing a Connection".
Oracle offers a sample implementation of connection caching and connection event listeners, providing the OracleConnectionCacheImpl
class. This class implements the OracleConnectionCache
interface (which you can optionally implement yourself in some other connection cache class) and uses instances of the OracleConnectionEventListener
class for listener functionality.
These Oracle classes and interfaces are all in the oracle.jdbc.pool
If you use the OracleConnectionCacheImpl
class for your connection caching functionality, you should be familiar with the following topics, discussed immediately below:
A middle tier that uses the Oracle implementation of connection caching can construct an OracleConnectionCacheImpl
instance and set its connection properties in one of three ways:
constructor that takes an existing connection pool data source as input. This is convenient if the middle tier has already created a connection pool data source instance and set its connection properties. For example, where cpds
is a connection pool data source instance:
OracleConnectionCacheImpl ocacheimpl = new OracleConnectionCacheImpl(cpds);
constructor (which takes no input) and then the setConnectionPoolDataSource()
method, which takes an existing connection pool data source instance as input. Again, this is convenient if the middle tier already has a connection pool data source instance with its connection properties set. For example, where cpds
is a connection pool data source instance:
OracleConnectionCacheImpl ocacheimpl = new OracleConnectionCacheImpl(); ocacheimpl.setConnectionPoolDataSource(cpds);
constructor and then set the properties individually, using setter methods. For example:
OracleConnectionCacheImpl ocacheimpl = new OracleConnectionCacheImpl(); ocacheimpl.setDriverType("oci"); ocacheimpl.setServerName("dlsun999"); ocacheimpl.setNetworkProtocol("tcp"); ocacheimpl.setDatabaseName("816"); ocacheimpl.setPortNumber(1521); ocacheimpl.setUser("scott"); ocacheimpl.setPassword("tiger");
This is equivalent to setting properties in any generic data source or connection pool data source, as discussed in "Initialize Connection Properties".
In any connection caching implementation, the middle-tier developer must decide whether there should be a maximum number of pooled connections in the cache, and how to handle situations where no pooled connections are available and the maximum number has been reached.
The OracleConnectionCacheImpl
class includes a maximum cache size that you can set using the setMaxLimit()
method (taking an int
as input). The default value is 1.
The following is an example that presumes ocacheimpl
is an OracleConnectionCacheImpl
This example limits the cache to a maximum size of ten pooled-connection instances.
Just as the middle-tier developer can set the maximum number of pooled connections, you can also determine if there should be a minimum number of pre-spawned pooled connections in the cache. The minimum number is passed as an argument to the setMinLimit()
method. If the cache doesn't have the specified number of pooled connections instances, the cache will create the new spooled-connection instances, not exceeding the specified minimum limit. The cache always keeps the minimum number of pooled connections open whether the connections are active or idle.
The following is an example that presumes ocacheimpl
is an OracleConnectionCacheImpl
The cache, in this example, always has a minimum of three pooled-connection instances.
The OracleConnectionCacheImpl
class supports three connection cache schemes. Use these schemes in situations where (1) the application has requested a connection, (2) all existing pooled connections are in use, and (3) the maximum number of pooled connections in the cache have been reached.
In this default scheme, you can create new pooled connections above and beyond the maximum limit, but each one is automatically closed and freed as soon as the logical connection instance that it provided is no longer in use. (As opposed to the normal scenario when a pooled connection instance is finished being used, where it is returned to the available cache.)
In this scheme, the maximum limit cannot be exceeded. Requests for connections when the maximum has already been reached will return null
Same as the "fixed with no wait" scheme except that a request for a new connection will wait if the limit for the number of connections has been reached. In this case, the connection request waits until another client releases a connection.
Set the cache scheme by invoking the setCacheScheme()
method of the OracleConnectionCacheImpl
There are two versions of setCacheScheme()
, one that takes a string and one that takes an integer.
", "fixed_return_null_scheme", or "fixed_wait_scheme" .DYNAMIC_SCHEME
For example, if ocacheimpl
is an OracleConnectionCacheImpl
instance, you could set the cached scheme to fixed with no wait using either the integer version of setCacheScheme()
or the string version:
In addition to the key methods already discussed in "Oracle Connection Cache Specification: OracleConnectionCache Interface", the following OracleConnectionCacheImpl
methods may be useful:
: Returns the number of currently active pooled connections in the cache (pooled connection instances with an associated logical connection instance being used by the JDBC application).getCacheSize()
: Returns the total number of pooled connections in the cache, both active and inactive.This section discusses OracleConnectionEventListener
functionality by summarizing its constructors and methods.
In the Oracle implementation of connection caching, an OracleConnectionCacheImpl
instance constructs an Oracle connection event listener, specifying the connection cache instance itself (its this
instance) as the constructor argument. This instance associates the connection event listener with the connection cache instance.
In general, however, the OracleConnectionEventListener
constructor can take any data source instance as input. For example, where ds
is a generic data source:
OracleConnectionEventListener ocel = new OracleConnectionEventListener(ds);
There is also a default constructor that takes no input and can be used in conjunction with the OracleConnectionEventListener
class setDataSource()
OracleConnectionEventListener ocel = new OracleConnectionEventListener(); ... ocel.setDataSource(ds);
The input can be any kind of data source, including an OracleConnectionCacheImpl
instance (because that class extends OracleDataSource
This section summarizes the methods of the OracleConnectionEventListener
(previously discussed): Used to input a data source to the connection event listener, in case one was not provided when constructing the listener. This can take any type of data source as input.connectionClosed()
: Invoked when the JDBC application calls close()
on its representation of the connection.connectionErrorOccurred()
: Invoked when a fatal connection error occurs, just before a SQLException
is issued to the application.
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