Try It Glossary

ADF Page Templates and Declarative Components

Hands-On Practice II - ADF Declarative Components: Working with Methods


In this hands-on you use Oracle ADF declarative components to build a reusable toolbar that can be used throughout your application to ensure a consistent look and feel. The toolbar has navigation buttons that can be hooked up to the specific data set for which the toolbar is used..


When building an ADF application you will no doubt come across specific cases where a component and functionality could be reused throughout the application. For example, you might decide data pages should have a specific toolbar so that navigation through your data is presented and handled in a specific way. Obviously, each instance of the toolbar would be working on a different data set and so the goal is to create a reusable toolbar that can be parameterized so that it works with different data sets when it is used.

Prerequisite and Setup

  1. Have access to or have installed Oracle JDeveloper 11.1.2.x. You can download it from Oracle Technology Network. Install it into a directory of your choice

  2. Ensure you have a database installed and have the HR schema installed and the hr user unlocked


Time to Complete: 45 minutes

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