You already defined the catalog content which includes local items, punchout to supplier's web stores, informational web resources, smart forms, and public shopping lists.
In this demonstration, you will make the catalog content available to all workers who will create requisitions in the business unit Vision Operations.
Begin by navigating to the Manage Content Zones page.
Click the Manage Content Zones link.
Step 1Click the Create button.
Step 2In this demonstration, the Procurement BU, Content Zone and Description were entered for you.
The Usage will be Requisitioning since this content zone will apply to Self Service Procurement users when shopping.
Click the Requisitioning option.
Step 3Add local, punchout, and informational catalogs to this content zone.
Click the Select and Add button.
Step 4In this demonstration, HQ Local Catalog, and the informational catalog Travel Policies were added for you. Now, add the punchout catalog Office Supplies Inc. to the content zone.
Enter the desired information into the Catalog field. Enter
Click the Search button.
Step 6Click the Office Supplies, Inc. row header.
Step 7Click the Apply button.
Step 8Click the Done button.
Step 9Add a public shopping list to this content zone.
Click the Select and Add button.
Step 10Enter the desired information into the Public Shopping List field. Enter
Click the Search button.
Step 12Click the New Employee Office Kit row header.
Step 13Click the Apply button.
Step 14Click the Done button.
Step 15Add a smart form to this content zone.
Click the Select and Add button.
Step 16Enter the desired information into the Smart Form field. Enter
Click the Search button.
Step 18Click the US Business Cards row header.
Step 19Click the Apply button.
Step 20Click the Done button.
Step 21Make the content of the content zone accessible to all workers who will create requisitions in the business unit Vision Operations. Alternatively, you can secure the content zone by worker.
Click the Secured by requisitioning BU option.
Step 22Click the Select and Add button.
Step 23Click the Vision Operations row header.
Step 24Click the Apply button.
Step 25Click the Done button.
Step 26You created the content zone US Catalog Content that makes the following content available to all workers who create requisitions in the requisitioning BU Vision Operations:
- Local catalog: HQ Local Catalog
- Punchout catalog: Office Supplies Inc.
- Informational catalog: Travel Policies
- Public shopping list: New Hire Shopping List
- Smart form: US - CRD_01 (Business Cards)
Click the Save and Close button.
Step 27Click the OK button.
Step 28This concludes the demonstration for creating a content zone.