In this demo, you will create a purchase document for a negotiation.
The negotiation has been published, suppliers have responded, and you have finished entering award decisions, so you now choose to generate the purchase documents for the suppliers to whom you have awarded business.
Once you have finished entering your award decisions, you click the Complete button to complete the award.
Step 1On the Complete Award popup window, you have several options for finalizing the award.
Once you complete the award, your award decisions cannot be changed. You can choose whether to create a purchase document at this time. Also, you can choose to notify suppliers of your award decisions.
In this example, you choose to create a purchase document and notify your suppliers.
Click the OK button.
Step 2On the Create Purchasing Documents page, you can see the details of the purchasing documents that will be created.
Note that the negotiation status is now Award Completed.
Also note that for each supplier, the Awarded Lines region shows information on the lines awarded to that supplier.
Step 3Click the Submit button to create the purchasing documents.
Step 4The Purchasing Documents page displays the purchase document number for each document that was created.
You can view the detailed information on the document by clicking the purchase document number link.
When you are finished viewing the document information, click the Done button.
Step 5