This demo shows you how to create a collaboration team, assign members and member tasks.
You create the collaboration team using the Collaboration Team tab.
Step 1Click the Collaboration Team tab.
Step 2Note that you and your manager are automatcally added to the team. You are also given full access by default, but your manager's access level can be changed if appropriate.
You add additional members to the team by adding rows and identifying the persons for the team, any tasks assigned to them, and a completion date if necessary.
Step 3Click the Add Rows button.
Step 4Click the Team Member link.
Step 5The first team member you will add is Catherine Baker. She is a senior buyer, so you will give her full access (the default).
You can use the search fields to locate her. Enter "baker," in the name field, and enter "b" in the job field to restrict the search to employees with the buyer role.
Step 6Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter
Enter the desired information into the Job field. Enter
Click the Search button.
Step 9Click an entry in the Baker, Catherine row.
Step 10Click the OK button.
Step 11Click the Add Row button.
Step 12The second team member is Hans Frans. Hans is a new employee, so you will restrict his access to view-only. You will also assign him the task of monitoring the negotiation. This task's completion date is the same as the close date for the negotiation.
Step 13Click the Team Member link.
Step 14Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter
Enter the desired information into the Job field. Enter
Click the Search button.
Step 17Click an entry in the Frans, Hans row.
Step 18Click the OK button.
Step 19You can now change Hans' access to view-only.
Step 20Click the Access list.
Step 21Click the View only list item.
Step 22You will now assign Hans a task with a completion date.
Step 23Enter the desired information into the Task field. Enter
Click the Select Date link.
Step 25Click the 31 object.
Step 26Finally, you click your own entry to enable the Send Notification button. You can use the Send Notification button to generate emails to the team members, notifying them of their membership on the team.
Step 27Click the Dapolito,Cody object.
Step 28Click the Send Notification button.
Step 29The demo has shown you how to create a collaboration team, add members, assign tasks, and send notifications.