In this demonstration you will create an basic blanket purchase agreement. Then you will transfer the document to the supplier to add lines.
Navigate to the Purchasing Overview page. In the Agreements region click the Create icon to launch the document creation flow.
Step 1Clicking create launches a window to collect essential information. Note the defaulted values.
Select Blanket Purchase Agreement to purchase goods and services commodities.
Step 2The procurement business unit is responsible for administering and managing this blanket purchase agreement.
Select Vision Operations as the procurement business unit.
Step 3Select the supplier CV Network Devices for this blanket purchase agreement.
Step 4The preliminary information needed to create a blanket purchase agreement has been entered.
Click Create.
Step 5A draft blanket purchase agreement is created.
Enter a start and end date of 01/20/2011 to 01/19/2012 that specifies the period that this document is active.
Step 6The agreement amount is used to track and control release activity.
We will use an agreement amount of 10,000 USD.
Step 7Notice that the document does not have lines. The supplier will add lines to the document.
Step 8Navigate to the Control tab. Observe the defaulted requisitioning business unit from the procurement business unit selected earlier.
You can add more business units whose requisitions for products and services would be sourced from this supplier using the terms of this document.
Step 9Uncheck Order Locally. If unchecked, the client requisitioning business unit outsources all of these business processes.
The order locally checkbox enables a scenario where the requisitioning business unit outsources only the business processes related to negotiating and administering the agreement with the supplier, but still owns the business processes related to creating and administering its own purchase orders for commodities it is buying off the agreement.
Step 10
For each requisitioning business unit using this blanket purchase agreement, you can specify the
supplier's purchasing site to which purchase orders will be sent.
Enter the purchasing site CV Santa Clara.
Step 11You can preview the final blanket purchase agreement including the contract terms before taking
any further action.
Click View PDF preview the blanket purchase agreement.
Step 12The document is now ready to be transfered to the supplier for catalog authoring.
Click Transfer to Supplier in the Actions menu.
Step 13This concludes the demonstation of creating a draft blanket purchase agreeement, setting some basic document controls, and transferring it to the supplier for adding commodities from the supplier's catalog.
The supplier will now be able to access and edit the document.