You recently ordered a desktop computer and monitor. Your manager asked you to add an additional monitor and computer for a coworker, and request delivery to be earlier.
In this demonstration, you will submit a change order to increase the quantity and change the need-by date for the computer and monitor.
Begin by navigating to the Manage Requisitions page.
Click the Manage Requisitions link.
Step 1Create a change order for requisition 20011223 that is placed on order 2001482.
Click the Requisition 20011223 row header.
Step 2Click the Edit button.
Step 3Editing this requisition will result in a change order.
Click the Yes button.
Step 4Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter
Enter the desired information into the Quantity field. Enter
Change the quantity for Line 2.
Enter the desired information into the Quantity field. Enter
Change the need-by date for the requisition lines.
Click the scrollbar.
Step 8You can enter the date in the format shown, or you can also use the calendar.
Click the Select Date button.
Step 9Select October 17th.
Click the 17 object.
Step 10Now change the Need-by Date for Line 2.
Click the Select Date button.
Step 11Select October 17th.
Click the 17 object.
Step 12Click the Submit button.
Step 13The change order was submitted for approval.
Click the OK button.
Step 14Verify your change order is accurate.
Click the 2001482 link.
Step 15The quantity for lines 1 and 2 were changed to 2.
Step 16Click the scrollbar.
Step 17The need-by dates for lines 1 and 2 are changed to 10/17/11.
Step 18Click the Done button.
Step 19This concludes the demonstration for changing a purchase order.