The Supplier Administrator Workcenter page provides a dashboard view of supplier information requiring attention such as:
- Suppliers with no addresses
- Suppliers with no contacts
- Suppliers with expiring and expired business classifications
- Suppliers created from recently approved registrations which need to be reviewed
The supplier administrator is responsible for maintaining supplier profile data such as identifiers and classifications, addresses, contacts, sites and site assignments, tax information, and transaction controls.
As the Supplier Administrator, in this demonstration you will review supplier records that require action, and update specific suppliers.
Business classifications are used to identify and track certification information for small or disadvantaged suppliers.
The Supplier Business Classifications region on the Overview page, provides information about suppliers whose diversity certificates are expired or are about to expire.
Step 1First, you will update the supplier Global Technologies by adding diversity certification details, and then changing their payment terms because they now qualify for special payment terms.
Click the Global Technologies link.
Step 2The supplier record opens in a new tab. Tabs allow you to open multiple supplier records at once.
In the Business Classifications sub-tab, update the diversity certification information and save the changes.
In this example the diversity certification information was entered for you.
Click the Save button.
Step 3Since the supplier is now an eligible small business, they qualify for special payment terms.
You will navigate to Sites to edit the Pay Site.
Payment Terms are found under the Invoicing tab in the site record.
Click the HQ link.
Step 4Update the payment terms.
Click the Payment Terms list.
Step 5Select the new payment term.
Click the 10 Net (terms date + 10) list item.
Step 6Click the Save and Close button.
Step 7Supplier registration can be configured to mark all supplier records created from approved registrations. This provides visibility to the supplier administrator to complete any profile setup on these records that might be required per company policy.
Step 8Now, you will complete the review of a newly created supplier, from an approved supplier registration.
Click the Evergreen Solutions link.
Step 9It is common to update controls, and other attributes relating to how transactions will be executed, with a specific supplier. Most of these attributes are maintained on the supplier site.
Click the Sites tab.
Step 10Review the transaction controls for the Headquarters site.
Click the Headquarters link.
Step 11You know the supplier prefers to receive their purchasing documents through e-mail. You will set the Communication Method to E-Mail.
Click the E-Mail list item.
Step 12Enter the desired information into the E-Mail field. Enter
Click the Save and Close button.
Step 14After the review is complete, update the Review Type from Registration to None, indicating the supplier record is ready to transact.
This action will remove the supplier record from the Suppliers Pending Review region in the Supplier Administrator Workcenter.
Click the None list item.
Step 15Click the Save and Close button.
Step 16The Contact Change Requests Pending Approval region provides you with visibility to outstanding profile changes requested by suppliers.
Step 17You will now view the details of a pending contact change request submitted by CV_SuppC01.
Click the 869 link.
Step 18Review the Change Request details.
Click the Done button.
Step 19This concludes the demonstration for monitoring and updating supplier information.