You need to delete the category Legal from the catalog category hierarchy. When you try to delete it, you receive a message that you cannot delete it because it is referenced in other catalogs. In this demonstration, you will remove the references to the category Legal so you can delete it.
Begin by navigating to the Manage Catalog Category Hierarchy page.
Click the Manage Catalog Category Hierarchy link.
Step 1Click the Legal row header.
Step 2Click the Delete button.
Step 3You cannot delete this category because it is referenced in other catalogs.
Click the OK button.
Step 4Click the Done button.
Step 5Check category assignment to see what objects are assigned to the category Legal.
Click the Actions menu.
Step 6Click the View Category Assignments menu.
Step 7The category Legal is assigned to two informational catalogs. It cannot be deleted until the association is removed. You must update the catalogs to remove any references to this category.
Step 8Click the Done button.
Step 9Click the Manage Catalogs link.
Step 10Enter the desired information into the Catalog field. Enter
Click the Search button.
Step 12Click the Patent and Trademark Policies row header.
Step 13Click the Delete button.
Step 14Now you will delete the catalog Immigration.
Enter the desired information into the Catalog field. Enter
Click the Search button.
Step 16Click the Immigration Services Policies row header.
Step 17You can assign the Immigration Services Policies catalog to another category for browsing, otherwise, it will only be available through a search when the search criteria matches any of the keywords in the Keywords field. In this demonstration you will not reassign the catalog.
Click the Delete button.
Step 18Click the Manage Catalog Category Hierarchy link.
Step 19Now that all catalog associations are deleted from the category Legal, you will now delete the category Legal.
Click the Legal row header.
Step 20Click the Delete button.
Step 21Click the Yes button.
Step 22This concludes the demonstration for deleting a category.